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Not Sure About Tha Girl


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like i said this was my first time to thailand and just wanted some advice off of people who have had more experience in thailand and know what its all about like i said i have offered to send her money but she has refused i know eventually she will ask for money but hey whats 100 pound a month if it makes her life a little easier so be it, as for calling them hoares thats a bit strong alot of them are their for families and to survive maybe im a bit nieve about this but i like to treat people how im treated if she scams me so what i lose a bit of money,the ex wife took more than she could in a lifetime and,no i dont talk thai when i spoke to her mum,dad,sister,cousin or who ever they where) it wasnt a full blow conversation it was hello and how are u im under no illusions what she does for a job and where i met her,she has gone home until january to be with family and work on cousins farm ( maybe not )then she is going back to work in pattaya i appreciate most of the comments on here and will think about this before i do anything stupid just for the record im 36 and work fulltime not a 50 year old alcoholic as someone pointed out or sad, just a normal person ( what ever u call normal ) cheers martin. o and came someone tell me what a troll is please :D

Someone who doesnt post photos of said woman and family :)

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The chances of any Thai woman falling in love with a farang are slim! Obviously it happens, but it is unusual (to say the least) for people from different cultures to fall in love - the differences in language and outlook/culture are too great. Just look at your home country - even when there is a large immigrant community, it is unusual to see mixed marriages.

Having said that, it doesn't mean all (obviously I'm not including those that are based on love between young, financially equal partners - only those based on money) farang/Thai relationships are doomed to failure. If the woman is desperate enough (too old/unattractive to be able to attract farang men anymore), then she may have enough sense to realise that this is her last chance, and do anything to please/convince her partner that she loves him. At least she stands some chance of a far better life than she could possibly have otherwise.

As long as an old farang believes she loves him (whereas he knows that he stands no chance with an equal, Western partner), then all is fine and the relationship could work. Both partners win.

I would just point out two things.  First, I am from the USA, and specifically California, and there are many, many mixed marriages there.  With four main groups being white, black, Hispanic, and Asian, all four mix and match regularly. So in my home country, at least, it does happen.

Second, as many people have posted here, there are quite a few happy, successful farang-Thai marriages just among the TV members.  And that includes where one partner was once in the "profession."  I posted above that I have known two women who were or are in that line of work.  One woman used to work at the high-end massage parlors and is now happily married to an Aussie and living with him in Australia with their two children.

I don't have a clue as to the percentage of successful Thai-farang marriages, but there are enough around to make this not so rare an occurrence. 

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If they were born rich, you lot wouldn't be here in the first place.

You seem to be forgetting maigo6, that alot of us here are here for other reasons, irregardless of these lovely lasses you speak of, I would still be here, my family (or at least half of it) has lived here most of my life, thailand if you like has been my second home for as long as my memory recalls.

Im only one poster here, why do you make such broad statements as the one above, perhaps your thinking of your first trip to LOS and those dodgy little 707's that use to drag ur hairy backside accross here?

Edited by neverdie
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like i said this was my first time to thailand and just wanted some advice off of people who have had more experience in thailand and know what its all about like i said i have offered to send her money but she has refused i know eventually she will ask for money but hey whats 100 pound a month if it makes her life a little easier so be it, as for calling them hoares thats a bit strong alot of them are their for families and to survive maybe im a bit nieve about this but i like to treat people how im treated if she scams me so what i lose a bit of money,the ex wife took more than she could in a lifetime and,no i dont talk thai when i spoke to her mum,dad,sister,cousin or who ever they where) it wasnt a full blow conversation it was hello and how are u im under no illusions what she does for a job and where i met her,she has gone home until january to be with family and work on cousins farm ( maybe not )then she is going back to work in pattaya i appreciate most of the comments on here and will think about this before i do anything stupid just for the record im 36 and work fulltime not a 50 year old alcoholic as someone pointed out or sad, just a normal person ( what ever u call normal ) cheers martin. o and came someone tell me what a troll is please :)

As my arthritic grandfather said me on his death bed - 'Son, Never believe a whore that says she don't want money. What she wants is more money. Much more.'

Seems like she is playing you for the long con. That, or she actually likes you. It is possible.

I know of perhaps 30 ex-bargirl / farang relationships. I can honestly say that there is only one that I think is the real deal. They are both the same age and really nice people.

I think in these situations the best idea is to listen to you friends. They know you and understand if you are making a mistake.

Oh, and a troll is someone that starts a post that is remotely interesting.

Edited by Geekfreaklover
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Ok , now I'm being intimidated.......... :):D

Of course, this is only in internet life, in real life, things may be somewhat different.

I still stick by my principles, and I don't think all Thais are out to get me.

Funny thing is, my stand is being challenged in an obvious troll post................... :D

Many here are married to Thai women, yet I see very few defend their honour against the continual onslaught of abuse on this forum. :D

No wonder they turn to Thai men, you lot are sheep !

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If they were born rich, you lot wouldn't be here in the first place.

You seem to be forgetting maigo6, that alot of us here are here for other reasons, irregardless of these lovely lasses you speak of, I would still be here, my family (or at least half of it) has lived here most of my life, thailand if you like has been my second home for as long as my memory recalls.

Im only one poster here, why do you make such broad statements as the one above, perhaps your thinking of your first trip to LOS and those dodgy little 707's that use to drag ur hairy backside accross here?


I certainly don't think the long term guys are here for the lovely lasses, I know I'm not.

Hairy ass, I'll have a contest with you, I wax every 10 days darling !! :) 1000 baht per hair is the bet ? :D

Seriously mate, I am totally sick and tired of Farangs knocking Thai people, they won't do it to Thai peoples faces, they will tell all their friends in Farangland what a wonderful time they have in Thailand, yet on this forum they have never a good word to say.

So, you know what I'm gonna say don't you ?

If you are not happy in Thailand why dont you .... ... and I could understand it if you did, cos if I was unhappy I would be gone before you could say " Miserable farang ', but maybe that's just me.

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like i said this was my first time to thailand and just wanted some advice off of people who have had more experience in thailand and know what its all about like i said i have offered to send her money but she has refused i know eventually she will ask for money but hey whats 100 pound a month if it makes her life a little easier so be it, as for calling them hoares thats a bit strong alot of them are their for families and to survive maybe im a bit nieve about this but i like to treat people how im treated if she scams me so what i lose a bit of money,the ex wife took more than she could in a lifetime and,no i dont talk thai when i spoke to her mum,dad,sister,cousin or who ever they where) it wasnt a full blow conversation it was hello and how are u im under no illusions what she does for a job and where i met her,she has gone home until january to be with family and work on cousins farm ( maybe not )then she is going back to work in pattaya i appreciate most of the comments on here and will think about this before i do anything stupid just for the record im 36 and work fulltime not a 50 year old alcoholic as someone pointed out or sad, just a normal person ( what ever u call normal ) cheers martin. o and came someone tell me what a troll is please :)

The word is "whore" and is it a bit strong? I don't think so. Is bargirl some sort of sweeter fantasy? Either way a prostitue (service for payment) probably describes best whether east or west.

So why even settle for that option and the no illusions bit when there are tens of thousands of them who would never work johns in a bar that would love a sincere western guy. You say whats 100 quid a month? For you each year its the greater expense of a trip to Thailand to get out into the country and meet the ones who don't do bars.

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God luck martin it may all be true.If this a genuine query what would you feel had you met a .

"bar girl in UK"Say Goldiggers disco in Chippenham of some of Union Street's finest (the cream of Devon aloi makmak)

However the good news you'v located probaby the only Anglophone family in the NEast

i have spoken to most of her family on the phone they are really genuine and nice people (dad,mum,sister,brother,cousins)

Cousins too real gold the odds on this are astronomical

You can always start a school for foreign tongues if this big op doesn't suit.

Even more remarkable

We are about to launch a Siamese version of the Archers called Esan Bullshit "the everyday story of angling for Anglos"

It's all fiction of course pretty lasses set off to big city dreaming to meet a balding geezer and find true love in running a Thai restaurant-cum-Hotel on Torquay Riviera a sort of Flowery <deleted>!

Let me know @BuffaloCheckBill.co.ck

Edited by RubbaJohnny
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Personally, I have no pity for any ST that gets fleeced, I have seen enough Thai women get exploited and abused by Farangs, yet these stories are not acceptable by many, again, it's the them and us thing, them being the evil Thai women, us being the honourable Farangs..

I am curious as to how so many Thai women get exploited and abused by farangs?  I am not saying it can't happen, but the mechanism for that just does not seem to be in place for this to be a major problem.  While the mechanism for the fleecing to go the other way is in place.  I am not saying it can't happen, and I may be really out-of-touch, but I just don't see it.  

And even if women do get abused, which is horrible, no question about that, how does that make it fine with you if a man is fleeced?  How are the two connected?


I don't know how much Thailand experience you have, but I have lived here since 1990, I have taken care of Bars and have had a place in Pattaya for 19 years, so you could say I've been in the thick of things.

As to the exploitation issue, the simple reason being, that so many Farangs would never engage in such activities in their own countries, the simple reason being they couldn't afford it, and even if they could the social stigma maybe a little too much for them, what would Family and friends think?

So travelling to poor SE Asian countries is an option open to many people, and it is taken by many people too, if the Thai entertainment scene was as expensive as Japans, would hoardes of ST's travel here ?

The mechanism is not in place for hoardes of farangs to travel to poor countries to exploit the financially vulnerable people ? They are called Aircraft. Why are laws in place from western countries to prosecute their own citizens for sex abuse in SE Asian countries ?

Sex tourism is not a problem in Switzerland, or Monaco, can you tell me why ? Cos hoardes of people couldn't afford the prices, that's why, the old chesnut about how irresistable Asian women are doesn't wash with me either.

Does Tokyo have hoardes of sex tourists arriving daily ? No !! Plenty of Asian women there . Again, though Tokyo has as much and even more than Thailand has to offer, the fact is, your average joe from Idaho couldn't afford the prices.

I have seen abuse with my own eyes, I have seen abuse that I obviously cannot say here, I would be banned or suspended for sure, and I won't make stories up to satisfy the status quo of back slapping Farangs.

Are you out of touch, maybe. I only know it's not a one way street here, yes some Thai people are bad, but there are equally so many Farangs that are also bad or much worse.

I could tell you stories that would make your hair curl, but as they concern bad farangs, I would be considered a Troll or a Thai apologist, yet people who come on this Forum and make up stories about how bad Thai people are are accepted and welcomed by the back slapping membership.

Do you think these Thai girls dream of having a husband or boyfriend older than their Father ?

I don't see a huge problem of child sex tourists going to UK or Switzerland, yet Thailand and Cambodia are common places for arrests of such people, why ?

Maybe you cannot see the trend of economics, but I can, I see it from the ground, not the keyboard.

As to a ST getting fleeced by a girl he travelled 1000's of Kms to exploit, no, I see nothing wrong with that.

If he didn't think he could take advantage of her by financial means, I see no wrong in her thinking the same way !.

I feel sad for the old boys who are sucked in and lose everything, yet if they look deeply enough, they will see their own stupidity.

Every case is different, yet it seems that Thai women are ridiculed and dehumanised by so many here, I for one know it's not always the case that they're wrong.

You can nitpick my post for sure, but try nitpicking the thousands of posts that paint the Thais as being bad and the Farangs being the victims all the time.


Hang on a minute:

You say you have taken care of bars and had a place in Pattaya.

Than you is the biggest exploiter of them all, by actually supplying the girls, for a fee of course or was you doing this out of the goodness of your heart, for charitable purposes helping those poor sex hungry Farangs and helping those exploited girls earn some pocket money to send home to their poverty stricken families?

Making profit from the girls and the customers and than you have the audacity to preach to others about the evils of they’re ways?

Now here’s the pot calling the kettle black. A true hypocrite if they’re ever was one.


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Maybe that's because you don't have the experience that I have.

And to compare a human being with a hamburger actually shows that inexperience.

Why do rich western countries have laws that enable them to prosecute their own citizens for sexual offences commited overseas ?

Cos they happen, thats why, and poor countries are open to exploitation, if you can't see that then I see no point in any further comments from you.

This is not an anti Farang rant by me, it's just a plea to members here to try to see that these women are human beings too, you can't blame them for being born poor.

If they were born rich, you lot wouldn't be here in the first place.

The dehumanisation that I mentiojn does take place, and it does make it easier for people to do things that they would consider immoral or wrong against their own.

Look back in your history books, many peoples were dehumanised and logical cultured people thought it was OK to slaughter them.

Anyway, you know my feelings on this subject and I am pretty much a lone voice on this forum in such topics, so I'll leave it at this.

Just don't ever try to marry my Little sister !! :D

You've made some interesting points. Nice to see a bit of compassion on TV for a change!

But it isn't just black and white, there are also shades of grey :)


Edited by RAZZELL
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Ok , now I'm being intimidated.......... :D:D

Of course, this is only in internet life, in real life, things may be somewhat different.

I still stick by my principles, and I don't think all Thais are out to get me.

Funny thing is, my stand is being challenged in an obvious troll post................... :D

Many here are married to Thai women, yet I see very few defend their honour against the continual onslaught of abuse on this forum. :D

No wonder they turn to Thai men, you lot are sheep !


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As far as my "mechanism," I meant the system, as you well know. I was in the police station once after my car was booted when a Korean man and a ladyboy prostitute were brought in. Turns out the Korean man did not want to pay once he realized that the ladyboy wasn't a woman. The police not only made the man pay, they locked him up. So that is what I mean about the mechanism being in place to protect the local workers.

An anecdotal case that you don't know the details of is a bit thin to claim that sex workers enjoy solid protection under Thai law and policing. How desperate do you really need to be before selling yourself to ugly old men becomes a voluntary choice? I think Maigo6 gets some undeserved flack; girls by and large are in a very vulnerable position. Not every customer is as nice a guy as you or me.

What mechanism is in place to help some poor sap who while he maybe should have known better, is getting fleeced by a local pro?

Common sense? Capitalism? People get fleeced in the West all the time; it's called alimony. In Thailand you pays your money and you takes your chances. And if things go sour, you don't lose more money than you put in. That to me is fair. Also to the girl, who not only doesn't get alimony, she also doesn't have any kind of social security. I think you're focusing on a tiny number of scam artists too much, where the vast majority are just trying to survive and send their kid through school.

Edited by WinnieTheKhwai
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..instead of making fun of "MARTIN", perhaps try to help him , as he is a newbie and may as well be from MARS in OUTER SPACE when it comes to the nuances of LOS/ bg's, etc.. so maybe long time TV guys should consider not making too much fun of your favorite "MARTIAN"..bg's are only human with all the concomitant foibles of us all. To this observer who dabbled with them somewhat, there are the good, the bad and the ugly, just like all peoples... the problem is many bg's get jaded from years of dealing with the lowest common denominator of white farang / drunk / sex tourist / loser... of course not all farang who go with bg's are losers, but enough are... after X amount of years in that industry dealing with THOSE types, bg's are hardened, and they may develop a drinking/ drug problem as well. It is WELL known that if you can find one early on in the " career " , the chances of a successful relationship go up exponentially. I was attracted to them, but wimped out and went in another direction, for reasons not applicable to this post.

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quoted............."There are 10,000,000 more girls still on the farm that would never work in a bar....."


Have to agree.

Many are working in the factories, or working as a household helps , or choose to be a street vender by setting up a road side stands selling som-tum, fresh coconuts, Thai deserts,etc.

Last May while I was in BKK, we always bought sugar palm juice ( Thai = nam-taan-sod) from this vender ( she was peddleing her ware in a scalding afternoon sun :) ), even the burning heat didn't diminish her beauty.

Had seen them all. FYI....I'm 100% Bangkokian.

All these years I must have seen dozens of young girls passing through the households of friends and family or acquantants.

These girls ( some are very pretty, we even used to say among our family that if our "Lek" was born into high incomed family, and had gone to university, she would be choosen as a drum-majorie.) :D

Knowing that in a traditional Thai society.....any decent Thai guy would never ever consider marrying a bargirl or a prositute. Let alone a guy from high educated ruling class.

The girls who choose to work in other fields ( not in the bars) are mostly the type that not afraid of hard work or low pay. One goal ....their family want their daughters to marry a decent man and raise a decent family. I had seen many of these girls married off to..... a gold smith, a chauffeur, a tailor, owner of a large size dormitary in BKK, beauty shop owner, a police sergeant etc.

May Lord Buddha bless them all ! :D

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Are you suggesting that all BGs never fall in love and never want their own family or their own husband ?

Many Farangs try to dehumanise Bargirls, maybe it makes Farangs feel less guilty when they travel across the globe to exploit the situation that exists in Thailand and other poor nations.

They wouldn't do it in their own countries, yet are willing to travel 1000's of Kms to pay poor women for sex, then lay the blame firmly at the door of the people they seek to exploit. Maybe it makes themselves feel better about their actions.

Personally, I have no pity for any ST that gets fleeced, I have seen enough Thai women get exploited and abused by Farangs, yet these stories are not acceptable by many, again, it's the them and us thing, them being the evil Thai women, us being the honourable Farangs..

If it wasn't so frickin' sad, it would be funny.

"dehumanise" Bargirls? To relive guilt about coming to Thailand and buying sex?

I lived in Pattaya for 4 years, I don't think I ever once met someone who felt guilty for coming here unless he or SHE, was married.

Ok firstly whores are everywhere and in every country Thailand is no better or worse in that.

The big differences are as follows.

1) The price, much lower here. If comparable looking women in whatever country the ST was comming from were as cheap as they are here in Thailand then you would have allot less ST. But such is not the case so they Out Source. Just like Call centers in the US outsoruced to India, Is Dell expoliting the poor Indian Tech Support staff???

2) Bar Girls here generaly use their John's ignorance of their culture to go for the big score extortion and get them to marry and spend huge ammounts of money on them. I would bet a whore in the west would do the same thing to a forgien John if she could get away with it so I guess the only REAL difference is the price.

And by and large it is the BG that is the one doing the, theiveing, extorting, lieing, manipulating and all the other BS that they usually come with, while The ST only wants a peice of Azz and is honest about paying for it.

Honest customer , shady sales. That about sums em up. And the only ones I feel sorry for are the dumb guys that fall for a BG's tricks and the BG who gets beat or cheated by her John.

So I guess you subscribe to the belief that BGs in general don't want there own family ever and don't want there own husband ever. Ok

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I don't buy it Maigo6, You keep saying EXPLOIT, when "purchase the services of" would be much more appropriate, these guys don't come here and run up in the jungle to "Whatdaphukaburi" and drag girls down to Pattaya with dreams of working in a resturant or as a hotel staff, then pimp em out. No see that would be exploitation. These whores are already down here to sell their bodies, they already made that conscious decision on their own. The ST's are just customers. Do you exploit MC Donalds when you buy a dann cheeseburger???? No, so why are ST's Exploiting these girls.

On the other hand when they lie to and steal from the ST, that's extortion, but your cool with that right? Would it be your fault if you went to MC Donald's for that Cheeseburger and you opened up the bun and all you had was a slice of pickle and a few squirts of ketchup!

I totally respect your time in country Maigo6, I really do, but I don't buy the "poor BG line" for a second.

What about western women that hide behind and screw men with favorable child support and divorce laws ?

Do you hold them to the same standard as bar girls ?

What about Paul McCartney's wife ? Did she not exploit him in your mind ?

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The chances of any Thai woman falling in love with a farang are slim! Obviously it happens, but it is unusual (to say the least) for people from different cultures to fall in love - the differences in language and outlook/culture are too great. Just look at your home country - even when there is a large immigrant community, it is unusual to see mixed marriages.

Having said that, it doesn't mean all (obviously I'm not including those that are based on love between young, financially equal partners - only those based on money) farang/Thai relationships are doomed to failure. If the woman is desperate enough (too old/unattractive to be able to attract farang men anymore), then she may have enough sense to realise that this is her last chance, and do anything to please/convince her partner that she loves him. At least she stands some chance of a far better life than she could possibly have otherwise.

As long as an old farang believes she loves him (whereas he knows that he stands no chance with an equal, Western partner), then all is fine and the relationship could work. Both partners win.

I think you are forgetting that 50% of non mixed marriages end in complete failure.

I have met tons of beautiful Thai girls on a thai dating site that want to make an honest go with a farang man.

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..instead of making fun of "MARTIN", perhaps try to help him , as he is a newbie and may as well be from MARS in OUTER SPACE when it comes to the nuances of LOS/ bg's, etc.. so maybe long time TV guys should consider not making too much fun of your favorite "MARTIAN"..bg's are only human with all the concomitant foibles of us all. To this observer who dabbled with them somewhat, there are the good, the bad and the ugly, just like all peoples... the problem is many bg's get jaded from years of dealing with the lowest common denominator of white farang / drunk / sex tourist / loser... of course not all farang who go with bg's are losers, but enough are... after X amount of years in that industry dealing with THOSE types, bg's are hardened, and they may develop a drinking/ drug problem as well. It is WELL known that if you can find one early on in the " career " , the chances of a successful relationship go up exponentially. I was attracted to them, but wimped out and went in another direction, for reasons not applicable to this post.

Yes,well said Cognos,

The only issue i can add (that i dont think has been mentioned as yet) is looking at the big picture..

Even if thinking in the best case scenario, what are your ultimate intentions or goal here?

Are you thinking marriage and/or taking her home to your own country?

If so then get ready for a REALLY REALLY long and hard uphill battle...one in which the many associated problems could eventually mount up to a nasty train wreck..for you and her.

I would offer the opinion that most Thai girls think our countries are the ultimate utopia, but realistically they can have no real idea of what life will be like for them in the west...and how they will (or rather wont) be able to adjust to the isolation from family and lack of access to their own culture.

These are just a few issues..Visa rigmoroles,sinsod (dowry),dealing with family and being expected to financially support them, differances in culture and language...and all this before you even know if you can live together for any length of time!

I can see magio's point and also the other camps as well...I guess it all rests with the intentions of the guy...a bit of quick fun or a genuine search for a decent companion? Sadly it seems the guys who are genuinely looking for a decent companion often get fried the hardest..but what can you say? These are the casualties in a game that is hardly played by the rules or with the best of intentions..from both sides.

IMO, A good Thai girl can have the resilience and endurance of a prize fighter,way beyond that of any farang female. They will possibly put up with a lot of crap for a long time and be loyal until the final bell..but im sure you will agree this is very,VERY rare in todays generation of younger girls...of all cultures.

I'd go as far as suggesting that the older guys who've found Thai wives years ago, from "the old school" way of thinking have probably got the best deal.

Sorry to sound negative but IMO sorting the the bad apples from the good (in todays society anyway) is a very tough ask for anyone and requires either a LOT of cash or a LOT of intestinal fortitude.


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If they were born rich, you lot wouldn't be here in the first place.

You seem to be forgetting maigo6, that alot of us here are here for other reasons, irregardless of these lovely lasses you speak of, I would still be here, my family (or at least half of it) has lived here most of my life, thailand if you like has been my second home for as long as my memory recalls.

Im only one poster here, why do you make such broad statements as the one above, perhaps your thinking of your first trip to LOS and those dodgy little 707's that use to drag ur hairy backside accross here?


I certainly don't think the long term guys are here for the lovely lasses, I know I'm not.

Hairy ass, I'll have a contest with you, I wax every 10 days darling !! :D 1000 baht per hair is the bet ? :D

Seriously mate, I am totally sick and tired of Farangs knocking Thai people, they won't do it to Thai peoples faces, they will tell all their friends in Farangland what a wonderful time they have in Thailand, yet on this forum they have never a good word to say.

So, you know what I'm gonna say don't you ?

If you are not happy in Thailand why dont you .... ... and I could understand it if you did, cos if I was unhappy I would be gone before you could say " Miserable farang ', but maybe that's just me.


If I took your instructions to .... ... from thailand, would I still be permitted to post here at thai visa? Just kidding,who said I was unhappy, or are you referring to my thread about the twisting baby?

What about the people who are just unhappy where ever they are, huh Mr Maigo6, what about them? :D

I understand what you are saying about people that critise thai people constantly, which is why I keep a little tally here next to the keyboard, its got lots of llll/ thru it, with titles critise thai, share the love :D:)

ohh and buy the way .... ... isnt very nice, you could of hurt my feelings......AGAIN :D

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like i said this was my first time to thailand and just wanted some advice off of people who have had more experience in thailand and know what its all about like i said i have offered to send her money but she has refused i know eventually she will ask for money but hey whats 100 pound a month if it makes her life a little easier so be it, as for calling them hoares thats a bit strong alot of them are their for families and to survive maybe im a bit nieve about this but i like to treat people how im treated if she scams me so what i lose a bit of money,the ex wife took more than she could in a lifetime and,no i dont talk thai when i spoke to her mum,dad,sister,cousin or who ever they where) it wasnt a full blow conversation it was hello and how are u im under no illusions what she does for a job and where i met her,she has gone home until january to be with family and work on cousins farm ( maybe not )then she is going back to work in pattaya i appreciate most of the comments on here and will think about this before i do anything stupid just for the record im 36 and work fulltime not a 50 year old alcoholic as someone pointed out or sad, just a normal person ( what ever u call normal ) cheers martin. o and came someone tell me what a troll is please :)


When there is a girl right in front of you, she becomes the one, right or wrong.

Mate what you need to do, is plan another Thailand holiday and go some where in Thailand were you can meet more Thai girls that are not in a bar.

Since you are only 36 you should have no problem doing this.

Once you have some confidence you can meet other good girls that are not Bar Girls, you can change your mentality about this girl

The very fact that this girl is going back to the BAR is an obvious signal you are not the one.

Do some research on Isaan; Khon Kaen has really nice looking girls and is a real laid back place to hang out

Much, much cheaper than Pattaya

Plan a holiday there and you will meet all kinds of good girls that have good jobs and would love to be with you.

Instead of being in Pattaya where you are just a numbered walking ATM, head up to Isaan where farangs are still treated with the celebrity type of status not found in Pattaya because there are too many farangs

When you go somewhere where farangs are few, you will be an instant hit with the ladies

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like i said this was my first time to thailand and just wanted some advice off of people who have had more experience in thailand and know what its all about like i said i have offered to send her money but she has refused i know eventually she will ask for money but hey whats 100 pound a month if it makes her life a little easier so be it, as for calling them hoares thats a bit strong alot of them are their for families and to survive maybe im a bit nieve about this but i like to treat people how im treated if she scams me so what i lose a bit of money,the ex wife took more than she could in a lifetime and,no i dont talk thai when i spoke to her mum,dad,sister,cousin or who ever they where) it wasnt a full blow conversation it was hello and how are u im under no illusions what she does for a job and where i met her,she has gone home until january to be with family and work on cousins farm ( maybe not )then she is going back to work in pattaya i appreciate most of the comments on here and will think about this before i do anything stupid just for the record im 36 and work fulltime not a 50 year old alcoholic as someone pointed out or sad, just a normal person ( what ever u call normal ) cheers martin. o and came someone tell me what a troll is please :)


When there is a girl right in front of you, she becomes the one, right or wrong.

Mate what you need to do, is plan another Thailand holiday and go some where in Thailand were you can meet more Thai girls that are not in a bar.

Since you are only 36 you should have no problem doing this.

Once you have some confidence you can meet other good girls that are not Bar Girls, you can change your mentality about this girl

The very fact that this girl is going back to the BAR is an obvious signal you are not the one.

Do some research on Isaan; Khon Kaen has really nice looking girls and is a real laid back place to hang out

Much, much cheaper than Pattaya

Plan a holiday there and you will meet all kinds of good girls that have good jobs and would love to be with you.

Instead of being in Pattaya where you are just a numbered walking ATM, head up to Isaan where farangs are still treated with the celebrity type of status not found in Pattaya because there are too many farangs

When you go somewhere where farangs are few, you will be an instant hit with the ladies

Maybe you should forward a copy of this to Paul McCartney and NASCAR superstar Jeff Gordon.

Do you get the point I am trying to make ?

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like i said this was my first time to thailand and just wanted some advice off of people who have had more experience in thailand and know what its all about like i said i have offered to send her money but she has refused i know eventually she will ask for money but hey whats 100 pound a month if it makes her life a little easier so be it, as for calling them hoares thats a bit strong alot of them are their for families and to survive maybe im a bit nieve about this but i like to treat people how im treated if she scams me so what i lose a bit of money,the ex wife took more than she could in a lifetime and,no i dont talk thai when i spoke to her mum,dad,sister,cousin or who ever they where) it wasnt a full blow conversation it was hello and how are u im under no illusions what she does for a job and where i met her,she has gone home until january to be with family and work on cousins farm ( maybe not )then she is going back to work in pattaya i appreciate most of the comments on here and will think about this before i do anything stupid just for the record im 36 and work fulltime not a 50 year old alcoholic as someone pointed out or sad, just a normal person ( what ever u call normal ) cheers martin. o and came someone tell me what a troll is please :D


When there is a girl right in front of you, she becomes the one, right or wrong.

Mate what you need to do, is plan another Thailand holiday and go some where in Thailand were you can meet more Thai girls that are not in a bar.

Since you are only 36 you should have no problem doing this.

Once you have some confidence you can meet other good girls that are not Bar Girls, you can change your mentality about this girl

The very fact that this girl is going back to the BAR is an obvious signal you are not the one.

Do some research on Isaan; Khon Kaen has really nice looking girls and is a real laid back place to hang out

Much, much cheaper than Pattaya

Plan a holiday there and you will meet all kinds of good girls that have good jobs and would love to be with you.

Instead of being in Pattaya where you are just a numbered walking ATM, head up to Isaan where farangs are still treated with the celebrity type of status not found in Pattaya because there are too many farangs

When you go somewhere where farangs are few, you will be an instant hit with the ladies

udder hogwash!

there are not a lot of good girls who want a guy who patronizes bars where girls are on sale.

all the hot babes from issan are in the bars of bangkok!

please try to give good info please.

all girls are "on sale" to a certain extent.

Go on a dating site in the west and advertise yourself as poor and unemployed, see how much interest you get. :)

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like i said this was my first time to thailand and just wanted some advice off of people who have had more experience in thailand and know what its all about like i said i have offered to send her money but she has refused i know eventually she will ask for money but hey whats 100 pound a month if it makes her life a little easier so be it, as for calling them hoares thats a bit strong alot of them are their for families and to survive maybe im a bit nieve about this but i like to treat people how im treated if she scams me so what i lose a bit of money,the ex wife took more than she could in a lifetime and,no i dont talk thai when i spoke to her mum,dad,sister,cousin or who ever they where) it wasnt a full blow conversation it was hello and how are u im under no illusions what she does for a job and where i met her,she has gone home until january to be with family and work on cousins farm ( maybe not )then she is going back to work in pattaya i appreciate most of the comments on here and will think about this before i do anything stupid just for the record im 36 and work fulltime not a 50 year old alcoholic as someone pointed out or sad, just a normal person ( what ever u call normal ) cheers martin. o and came someone tell me what a troll is please :D


When there is a girl right in front of you, she becomes the one, right or wrong.

Mate what you need to do, is plan another Thailand holiday and go some where in Thailand were you can meet more Thai girls that are not in a bar.

Since you are only 36 you should have no problem doing this.

Once you have some confidence you can meet other good girls that are not Bar Girls, you can change your mentality about this girl

The very fact that this girl is going back to the BAR is an obvious signal you are not the one.

Do some research on Isaan; Khon Kaen has really nice looking girls and is a real laid back place to hang out

Much, much cheaper than Pattaya

Plan a holiday there and you will meet all kinds of good girls that have good jobs and would love to be with you.

Instead of being in Pattaya where you are just a numbered walking ATM, head up to Isaan where farangs are still treated with the celebrity type of status not found in Pattaya because there are too many farangs

When you go somewhere where farangs are few, you will be an instant hit with the ladies

udder hogwash!

there are not a lot of good girls who want a guy who patronizes bars where girls are on sale.

all the hot babes from issan are in the bars of bangkok!

please try to give good info please.

all girls are "on sale" to a certain extent.

Go on a dating site in the west and advertise yourself as poor and unemployed, see how much interest you get. :)

Go on a dating site in Thailand; same, same.

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