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Wrong Place-wrong Time;


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I have been quietly perusing a few posts lately, re; the pros and cons of what one should do if you find yourself in a hostile environment.

These range from well meaning ? persons telling all how to, in the blink of an eye take a gun off someone.I think that one may have been in jest, not sure,but was bad advice for Mr Average Citizen.

Previously to that we had the infamous jet ski versas marines confronation, and all the talk of [take the gun off the guy..JJ i think, and more saying if a Thai pull a gun on you, pull one back on him,etc,etc.]

Is this really what one should do? Myself, i think not.My opinion.

Just yesterday a post was closed because obviously some people can not debate, without mudslinging i guess, didn't get to read it first myself, but mods words say a it all.

It was entertaining to read for a bit, but i think some members lost the point.

Someone said that it would be better to ;not go to places you wouldn't go to at home, yes;good advice, but you can simply go around a corner and suddenly be in a bad situation, eg a domestic squabble, or a full on gang confrontation! Then what,? i for one would not be making angry eye contact with the stranger-danger.Smile and exit stage left..fast!Common sence, a no brainer that one.

But there are posters that say<<may as well hand your balls in at immigration, or <<why empower them by puting your tail between your legs?

I guess these people are telling Mr citizen to stand up and make strong, threatening eye to eye contact,and let them know you are not afraid. Is this also really good advise? Personally i think its dangerous and very stupid, even on your own turf, but especially so if visiting somewhere away from home turf advantages.

I am in my 6th decade, still extremely fit and agile.183 tall and 92 ks previously done alot of various martial art styles, for the enjoyment and fitness aspects, have mixed and mingled with all types and races of people,and am very confident at all times. But sometimes you need to bite your tongue, and as a master told me once,,walk away and live to fight again another day!>> have on occasion walked into a bad situation,and immediately employed the <<exit stage left fast, and guess what, never been physically attacked in all my years, and have never ever had to resort to my fighting skills againt anyone outside of a ring. Common sense prevails...you must learn to continually read the situation,be aware of your surroundings at all times. Easy when you know how.

Also told to me, a truism if ever;If you look for trouble, trouble surely will find you.Take care guys[and ladys]

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It depends entirely what the situation is..

Theres obviously times to make yourself scarce, your a fool if you want to stick their head above the parapet if gunshots ring out, and similarly theres times when you can avoid any confrontation simply by being aware of your environment. Even 'dangerous enviornments' are usually not that dangerous once your visibly alert, capable, aware, etc.

The comments from other threads were more based around continually giving way in every situation, which if you allow it to happen, will make a victim of you. Theres a certain type of predatory personality (of which I feels are much more common around Patong than general population) who will push if they think they can get away with it, and wont if they think they will be met with resistance.

So its totally dependant on 'what sort' of wrong place wrong time. Its hardly like you need come out like some slugger just cos the beach rd LB's make a grab from your pockets while walking back to the hotel.

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I am not ashamed to say that when a brawl breaks out, I head inside the closest doorway...

I don't need to watch a fight... I don't need to see someone hacked with a machette, stabbed with a broken bottle, or their head split open, and kicked until they are dead... That sh!t will give you nightmares or at least ruin your evening...

I definately don't need to catch a stray bullet...



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It depends entirely what the situation is..

Theres obviously times to make yourself scarce, your a fool if you want to stick their head above the parapet if gunshots ring out, and similarly theres times when you can avoid any confrontation simply by being aware of your environment. Even 'dangerous enviornments' are usually not that dangerous once your visibly alert, capable, aware, etc.

The comments from other threads were more based around continually giving way in every situation, which if you allow it to happen, will make a victim of you. Theres a certain type of predatory personality (of which I feels are much more common around Patong than general population) who will push if they think they can get away with it, and wont if they think they will be met with resistance.

So its totally dependant on 'what sort' of wrong place wrong time. Its hardly like you need come out like some slugger just cos the beach rd LB's make a grab from your pockets while walking back to the hotel.

I am talking about advice to MR Average, walking blindly into A dangerous environment,which is very easily done..right, and your advice to him/her is what? Puff your chest out and strong eye them and watch them all backpedal...My advice is correct...depart ASAP.

There aren't all that many Randy Coutures' walking the streets as tourists you know.So i'm talking 90% at least of the tourists probably are not streetwise at all ,and would be unable to even protect themselves in a one on one.

As you know one on one does not exist in this indigenous group, so? If they heed your advise they cop it bigtime.

I dont know where you come up with''even dangerous environments are usually not that dangerous once your visibly alert etc.

What a load of crock..Once again unless you are THE MAN and not just MR Average, you really think that puffing up is going to give you respect and put fear into the gang, thugs, mafia, whatever?

I have a son in law in one of the big Maori gangs in NZ and i have listened to his many tales and facts, heres one for you especially L/Los.

If an outsider happens to walk into an area of theirs, obviously by accident, the first thing these guys do is>>check the body language!

If the outsider sees the dangerous environment and makes the correct decision...ie departure stage left, no problems.

If the outsider puffs up and strong eyes the boys..thats seen as a challenge,and you depart stage left, but in an ambulance..get it?

I suspect your theory only works on Thai guys who are only half your size, i'd love you to try it on the local Maori many of whom make a 120 kg lump look tiny.

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We are obviously talking about different things..

'Dangerous areas' in Patong are what ?? Beach Rd after 3am ?? A few of the darker alleys ?? Maybe ill advised to not be alert in Galaxy or Soi Dong Tan in the wee small hours..

And I maintain that in any of those places, they are not really dangerous if your alert, aware, etc. Its got nothing to do with puffing your chest out or acting like a MMA fighter, its to do with situational awareness and not appearing like an easy target for a bully.

My example of being the victim was clearly evidenced when my mother was here, shes late 50's and a little bit timid. She had Thais getting in her face, threatening her, one ranting waving a knife in her face screaming in Thai and demanding 200 baht for a single slice of watermelon. They could sense her fear and she was targeted, which increased her fear etc. Its THAT kind of action which I am trying to communicate about the look away, dont make eye contact, walk backwards, can be like blood in the water to sharks. Head up, clear eye contact, a confident attitude and it would not have happened to her.

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