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Best Mobile Phone


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Hi all..

Ive come to the conclusion that it might be time to upgrade my 8 y.o Nokia before heading back to Oz for X-mas

Im aussuming im better off buying a phone here?..and im obviously not up to date with the market back home (as far as telstra and others who offer certain phones with plans)

Anyway, i guess the priorities are for a decent camera, ease of use with a standard laptop, bluetooth?..and reasonable battery standby time...net use or mp3 is not hugely important to me

Oh, and id better get something that looks modern as ill probably be keeping this one for 8 years also :)

I am wondering what between 7-10,000 baht would get me?

Any votes or opinions???

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There was a time when I would have been able to answer this question. But then I got an iPhone and now all other phones seem useless to me. Strolling through the mall to see new offerings has become boring. "Oh, Nokia is doing the N-wahdie-wah" pretty much the same thing they've been making 5 years ago.

I'd also like to know if there's a recommended model or brand out there that's just a really good phone, with a good camera, that's small and solid. Not the top end models, there they all try to copy the iPhone and fail, which results in crap. I mean a good phone phone that can stand on its own.

iPhone 1.0 might actually be an option - it's steel and glass, so it will last. Lots of shops can take care of battery replacements. It lasted easily 5 days when not used to browse the web. Has great email, etc. I have a 3GS now but I find it only marginally better, with worse battery life, and a plastic back, I think I am gonna keep the 1.0 around.

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I've been doing some research myself as i'm interested in buying a better phone.

Currently i'm leaning towards the HTC Touch Pro 2. This is just based on Reviews and Specs, i've never actually used a working one, or had a friend recommend it.

The prices are pretty expensive in Thailand though...around 32K. i'm considering picking one up on eBay that they can sell as low as $400-$500.

However i think i'm going to hold off until 3G is fully available in Thailand...by that time there may be a better phone out anyways.

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Hey thanks for the replies,all two of you :D

Nickster: I think you and i are both on the same page as far as the need for new technology and gadgetry..im thinking i could consider the i-phone as it will definately suit my purposes

Dave: Thanks for the input mate,sadly i dont think i could bring myself to spend that much on a phone.I will check for previews on the HTC though,just so i can be astounded as to what features it might have.

When you an old bugger like me it seems pointless to keep up with all the latest technology...To tell the truth id want a built in pocket knife and drink holder for that price..oh, and a bottle opener would be good for when i catch my hotel security guy opening bottles of leo with his teeth...eww :)

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Hey thanks for the replies,all two of you :D

Nickster: I think you and i are both on the same page as far as the need for new technology and gadgetry..im thinking i could consider the i-phone as it will definately suit my purposes

Dave: Thanks for the input mate,sadly i dont think i could bring myself to spend that much on a phone.I will check for previews on the HTC though,just so i can be astounded as to what features it might have.

When you an old bugger like me it seems pointless to keep up with all the latest technology...To tell the truth id want a built in pocket knife and drink holder for that price..oh, and a bottle opener would be good for when i catch my hotel security guy opening bottles of leo with his teeth...eww :)

build in Golf course, pool, marina?

for me a phone is enough if it serves just that purpose..... for e-mails and internet I still prefer the comfort of a real keyboard, much larger screen...

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I am a crackberry head :)

Iphone limits you to the apple apps store and use of their bloatware er, I mean itunes software.

I like my blackberry bold. Qwerty keyboard, good camera, bluetooth, wifi. Its a bit big and doesn't have the cachet of the trendy I-phone but tbh, I am not into trendy.

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I am a crackberry head :D

Iphone limits you to the apple apps store and use of their bloatware er, I mean itunes software.

I like my blackberry bold. Qwerty keyboard, good camera, bluetooth, wifi. Its a bit big and doesn't have the cachet of the trendy I-phone but tbh, I am not into trendy.

BB catches quite a few who want to "avoid being trendy". From what I've seen and heard it's a good competitor, and should have impeccable email support which is worth quite a bit in my book.

If you really didn't want to be trendy, of course, you would not care if you have an iPhone or a BB because it wouldn't matter one way or the other, so specifically avoiding being trendy is being anti-trendy which is just another form of trendy. That aside... :)

App store and iTunes are two GREAT advantages of the iPhone. Yes, I am "locked into" 100,000 and growing apps + all the jailbroken cydia apps, it's really tragic :D installing them straight from my phone takes a few clicks. There's a nice search feature. There's payment management through iTunes - enter password, paid. Besides, I thought BB also has an app store, only with a few orders of magnitude fewer apps in it?!

iTunes sync is better than I've ever seen for any phone, admittedly I'd only used Nokias before and their sync software was of course total garbage. But... when you set up your iPhone, you connect it to iTunes. That's it. It sets up your email accounts (you can choose which ones you want to sync). You never have to enter your smtp server, or password, or anything - you click a checkbox, and it gets all that info from the computer, where you have already entered all that stuff. And that is like it should be. Except iTunes/iPhone was the first phone to do this.

Then it syncs contacts from your address book. Music and other stuff, you can again choose what to sync, and it's all as simple and as smooth as it possibly could be. Newer editions allow you to set up your home screen on the iPhone from iTunes too. Lots of cool stuff, all simple, and elegant. If you set up nothing at all, you get reasonable defaults.

Anyway whatever you get, stay away from Symbian and WinMobile. Android, BB, iPhone are all fine.

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For what you want to pay, I recommend the Nokia E51. Mine does way more than I need it to do. I occasionally use the WiFi but am rarely in areas that have coverage.

I do check my email often but just use the bookmark addresses. It connects with a couple of clicks. The camera isn't high resolution but it takes amazingly good pictures.

Best of all, the audio quality for phone calls is excellent. I was VERY tempted to upgrade to the E52 but have read many bad reviews about people having problems. The E52 battery life is supposed to be excellent.

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Look at HTC great phone i had a few, also Samsung. Don’t like Nokia anymore to many problems. Have to say i use iphone now, but battery life sucks, but i really like the screen, very bright even in sunshine one of the reason i stick to that phone, i must say it seems to be a little slower when i activate the programs now, don’t know why, to many programs??

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