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Dreambox And Other Alternatives To True/ubc


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Well, they probably get it from the other major provider here, WeTV.

I have free WeTV here in my apt bldg. There are only a few sports channels, but yes Star 6 is a South African sports channel.

I watch it only to see F1 and MotoGP.

Hope this helps.

BTW, WeTV is great, but I probably wouldn't pay for it.

You are not going to live the life of a farang telly addict with only WeTV.

They have one each of most of the major developed country's channels- BBC World, CNN, Bloomberg, Australian, German, Italian, French, Singapore, Japan, Korea, Taiwan, China, etc. And all the Thai channels as well.

But if you're looking for your fav sitcom or reality TV show from home- get a satellite dish.

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if youre after sat. with rugby, multichoice S.A. (supersport) is what youre after. IMO, theyre the best for coverage when it comes to rugby. Ask the guys that set up satellite tv. some will need a internet connection as well, service can be terrible after they have yr money thou

WETV is ok if youre in town, but can be patchy when it comes to the programming, they hack from supersport, and sometimes have the signal blocked, it happened once when me and a mate just sat down ready to watch a nz super 14 game last year, ever notice how wetv place their logo over the supersport one?

I gave up on ubc/true years ago

will have to get used to the thai soaps in the meantime :)

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I have dreambox and I love it. I pay 250 baht per month and I get more channels than I did when I paid UBC 2,200 per month. Since you need a satelite dish I simply downgraded my True UBC to basic at 340 per month and added dreambox for 250 so I pay a total of 590 where I used to pay 2200 and I still have UBC so I can upgrade back to platinum should something happen to my dreambox. All it takes is a phone call.

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I have dreambox and I love it. I pay 250 baht per month and I get more channels than I did when I paid UBC 2,200 per month. Since you need a satelite dish I simply downgraded my True UBC to basic at 340 per month and added dreambox for 250 so I pay a total of 590 where I used to pay 2200 and I still have UBC so I can upgrade back to platinum should something happen to my dreambox. All it takes is a phone call.

That seems a good way to go.

So you still use your UBC dish ??

And just changed the internal cable end to the dreambox (taking it from the UBC decoder and plug it into the dreambox).

Did you set it up yourself or did the supplier of the dreambox do all the set up ?

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I have dreambox and I love it. I pay 250 baht per month and I get more channels than I did when I paid UBC 2,200 per month. Since you need a satelite dish I simply downgraded my True UBC to basic at 340 per month and added dreambox for 250 so I pay a total of 590 where I used to pay 2200 and I still have UBC so I can upgrade back to platinum should something happen to my dreambox. All it takes is a phone call.

A phone call--to where, to whom?? Please.

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Slightly off subject (as in location), but does anyone know where you can find this in Bangkok.

Don't watch that much telly and have WeTV which suffices here, but in BKK don't want to invest in True as not there most of the time.

as mentioned above, try jsat, theyre located in bkk i believe

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The install price varies. If you have a dish it's 3,000 for one TV. If you don't have a dish you can buy one from them at 3,000 or buy one from outside. I use my UBC dish. If you have 2 TV's it's 4,300 for the splitter and extra remote. You need a good ASDL internet connection. If this works for you pm me and I will send you the telephone number I have.

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Hi Guys

I have been looking at getting a dream box and went to investigate where to get them. One dealer I went to, offered me a Supernet 2075 HD satterlite reciever and from what I can gather as My thai is not great, he would install the dish and set up for 8500 thb with no mothly fee and can recieve HD as well and get the same package as true platinum. Does this sound correct or have i misinterpreted ???

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Hi Guys

I have been looking at getting a dream box and went to investigate where to get them. One dealer I went to, offered me a Supernet 2075 HD satterlite reciever and from what I can gather as My thai is not great, he would install the dish and set up for 8500 thb with no mothly fee and can recieve HD as well and get the same package as true platinum. Does this sound correct or have i misinterpreted ???

Sounds about right.

I have that box as well and good quality HD, but not the new chanels yet.

You have to make sure he'll supply you with updates to the box as the basic firmware causes it to crash several times an hour, I have had mine updated and it works a charm now, well except at the moment when there is no connection to the server.

I pay 200B a month, one year in advance.

PM for contact details.

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I have a dream box and true platinum package from a (grey) supplier for 2500 baht per year service. It works wonderfully, and I avoid paying the 2000 baht per month for the service. I think it is against the rules to publish the phone number, but PM me if you would like details. You would have to have someone who speaks Thai to request the service.

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I have a dream box and true platinum package from a (grey) supplier for 2500 baht per year service. It works wonderfully, and I avoid paying the 2000 baht per month for the service. I think it is against the rules to publish the phone number, but PM me if you would like details. You would have to have someone who speaks Thai to request the service.

Just remember...card-sharing is illegal.

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