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Sweet Revenge


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A friend and I were talking today of stories of sweet revenge by scorned lovers. We've heard the ones about prawns in the curtains and sugar in the petrol tank (dos that really work anyway?) but there must be more than that.

What's the best sweet revenge story you've heard of (or did)? And did it make you feel better afterwards?

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A girl working at the restaurant next to where I used to live was suspicious about her husband having a few affairs on the side. She finally found out he was using a chat service and meeting other women. She logged on the chat for a while and played him like a fiddle.

The grande finale was when he opened the motel door to meet his newly found sweetheart only to find his wife waiting for him, sitting in a chair :D and her whole family sitting on the bed. :o

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I once decided to write about a girl's lack of fidelity in her front lawn with a powerful persistent herbicide.  :D  Never pis* off a farm kid...we know too much.  :o


OK this isnt relationship oriented but its revenge.

Guy in Vagas has a a rough go and losses all his cash.

Trying to get a cab to the airport to go home is a disaster. Despite assurances his check is good and even offering to pay double the cabbie rejects him and he hitch hikes the the airport.

Retuning a few months latter and after a winning streek he heads to that airport. Sees a line of taxies with his old friend at the end of the line.

Goes to the 1st cab and says " how much for a ride to the airport and a blow job"? The driver tells him to get lost.

He proceed down the line of taxies, asking each the same question and getting the same results.

When he gets to the last one, his old buddy, he asks "how much to the airport?" gets a reply and jumps in.

As they pass the string of taxies in fornt of them he reaches out the window and gives all the other drivers the "Thumbs up" and a BIG smile.

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I once decided to write about a girl's lack of fidelity in her front lawn with a powerful persistent herbicide.  :D  Never pis* off a farm kid...we know too much.  :D


OK this isnt relationship oriented but its revenge.

Guy in Vagas has a a rough go and losses all his cash.

Trying to get a cab to the airport to go home is a disaster. Despite assurances his check is good and even offering to pay double the cabbie rejects him and he hitch hikes the the airport.

Retuning a few months latter and after a winning streek he heads to that airport. Sees a line of taxies with his old friend at the end of the line.

Goes to the 1st cab and says " how much for a ride to the airport and a blow job"? The driver tells him to get lost.

He proceed down the line of taxies, asking each the same question and getting the same results.

When he gets to the last one, his old buddy, he asks "how much to the airport?" gets a reply and jumps in.

As they pass the string of taxies in fornt of them he reaches out the window and gives all the other drivers the "Thumbs up" and a BIG smile.

This is a my own true story, as a young fella, on the rebound I married a european lady, after 3 weeks she promptly gave up work and declared she wanted to prepare herself for having a family!! after 8 years of trying and fertility tests still no children , lady of the house still not working but spending like it was goin out of style!! than she made a big mistake had her 12months supply of the Pill delivered by hand and I was home to recieve it!! :D so first thought divorce!! but under german law I was liable to have to keep her in the lap of luxury and she would bleed me dry, So I stayed in our family home paid the bills gave her pocket money but never spoke to her again, sadly the bitch died in her sleep one night :D now for my revenge :D I had her cremated and had her ashes put in an hourglass or Eggtimer now at last she is working everytime I boil an egg :D ,by the way she died of an aneurism, I had nothing to do with it honest :o Nignoy
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I once decided to write about a girl's lack of fidelity in her front lawn with a powerful persistent herbicide.  :D  Never pis* off a farm kid...we know too much.  :D


OK this isnt relationship oriented but its revenge.

Guy in Vagas has a a rough go and losses all his cash.

Trying to get a cab to the airport to go home is a disaster. Despite assurances his check is good and even offering to pay double the cabbie rejects him and he hitch hikes the the airport.

Retuning a few months latter and after a winning streek he heads to that airport. Sees a line of taxies with his old friend at the end of the line.

Goes to the 1st cab and says " how much for a ride to the airport and a blow job"? The driver tells him to get lost.

He proceed down the line of taxies, asking each the same question and getting the same results.

When he gets to the last one, his old buddy, he asks "how much to the airport?" gets a reply and jumps in.

As they pass the string of taxies in fornt of them he reaches out the window and gives all the other drivers the "Thumbs up" and a BIG smile.

This is a my own true story, as a young fella, on the rebound I married a european lady, after 3 weeks she promptly gave up work and declared she wanted to prepare herself for having a family!! after 8 years of trying and fertility tests still no children , lady of the house still not working but spending like it was goin out of style!! than she made a big mistake had her 12months supply of the Pill delivered by hand and I was home to recieve it!! :D so first thought divorce!! but under german law I was liable to have to keep her in the lap of luxury and she would bleed me dry, So I stayed in our family home paid the bills gave her pocket money but never spoke to her again, sadly the bitch died in her sleep one night :D now for my revenge :D I had her cremated and had her ashes put in an hourglass or Eggtimer now at last she is working everytime I boil an egg :D ,by the way she died of an aneurism, I had nothing to do with it honest :o Nignoy


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A couple of Thai acquaintances of the wife had some problems with their husbands in the Phillipines (this was about 20 years ago).

The first one knew her hubby was going out drinking regularly and running with the hoes. One night he came home really pissed and passed out on the bed. She calmly sewed the sheets together while he was napping and proceeded to beat the sh!t out of him with a baseball bat.

The other wife had that same problem with her husband but handled it differently. When he came home and passed out in bed, she calmly went to the kitchen, boiled a pan of oil, and dumped it on his private parts. I heard he was in the burn unit at the hospital for over 6 weeks. Ouch!!!!

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by the way.... which one would the sweetest?

Imagine you discover later your patner was manipulating you and cheating you for years.. and you do not live together anymore... but your partner actually is doing a lot of business with "the products from the past"...

Funny, serious, crazy, different... proposals "all is possible here".... :o

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Best one I know of was an agrieved wife of a guy that used to play around a bit.

She drove his car to a very well known busy motorway on ramp in NZ and spray panted the side of his new BMW with the words xxxx fcuks around.

Many people who new the couple saw the car. :D This was about 10 years ago and they are still togeather. :o

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They are all pretty good stories, guys. What about the superglue stories? Superglue the locks, windows etc and pour tuna oil in the bed and wait for a nice hot day to leave?

The more I talk to my friends, the more stories I hear.

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If a man doesn't want to be the victim of a nasty act of revenge then he should either stay faithful or choose his partner more carefully.

If a girl was unfaithful to me then I'd simply do the same to her, unless of course i loved her, in which case, upon discovering she'd been unfaithful I'd pack my things, give her a peck on the cheek and say goodbye politely - that would have more of an impact than throwing her stuff out or filling her car with milk.

Anyway, I've never had to do anything like that because nobody has ever loved me. :o

Edited by The Gentleman Scamp
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Too bad there isn't a smilie for the worlds smallest violin :o

Don't know any revenge stories as the people I am friends with don't do that kind of stuff.

My first serious boyfriend cheated on me with his housemate. We broke up, 6 months later he walked in on her cheating on him with THEIR housemate.

I have always found Karma to be the best revenge. :D

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Good points - except for maybe the 1st. :D

If people love me I run away or treat them like shit so it's only my fault. :D

You'll grow out of this stage one day Scamp , I did ( Thank God ! ) :D

Chonny old son, come out for a beer with me and LC. :D

I will when I'm back in Los for sure , meeting LC may regress my "family man" status somewhat , but I'm willing to take the risk.... :o

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Pouring raw sugar in the gas tank doesn't work too well... the crystals will sit in th bottom of the tank below the fuel line pickup,and any that do make it in to the line will gett caught by the fuel filter.

What DOES work is to buy a bottle of cheap spirits (rum or whiskey), heat it up a little in the microwave and dissolve as much sugar as possible into it. Once cooled, pour it into the fuel tank.

When this mixture hits the hot engine, it will essentially coat the fuel injectors / carburetor and piston rings with treacle. The victim won't get more than 5 miles, and the damage is extensive. Usually new engine required.

About Super glue... once knew a man who had his ass cheeks glued together by a a scorned woman when he came home and passed out face down on the bed! :o

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Anyway, I've never had to do anything like that because nobody has ever loved me. :D

Awe, we all luv ya Scampy. :o

Personally, when it comes to revenge think it’s a waste of time and positive energy. Besides mum always says, “what goes around comes around”. :D

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Kat thinks I'm an unsavoury chauvenist just for complimenting Nat on her mammeries.

I wouldn't want to get on the wrong side of her, I can imaging she'd be the type to cut the beltloops on my trousers and feed me cat food bologneise.  :o

You have every right to worry about cat food bologneise. It pales in comparison to soi dog.

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Kat thinks I'm an unsavoury chauvenist just for complimenting Nat on her mammeries.

I wouldn't want to get on the wrong side of her, I can imaging she'd be the type to cut the beltloops on my trousers and feed me cat food bologneise.  :o

You have every right to worry about cat food bologneise. It pales in comparison to soi dog.


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Kat thinks I'm an unsavoury chauvenist just for complimenting Nat on her mammeries.

I wouldn't want to get on the wrong side of her, I can imaging she'd be the type to cut the beltloops on my trousers and feed me cat food bologneise.  :o

You have every right to worry about cat food bologneise. It pales in comparison to soi dog.


Hey, dog meat's not that bad, I unknowingly had some several years ago when at a merit-making ceremony at a temple in Nakhorn Somewhere. Well, it was okay until after I found out what it was, that is.. :D

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Kat thinks I'm an unsavoury chauvenist just for complimenting Nat on her mammeries.

I wouldn't want to get on the wrong side of her, I can imaging she'd be the type to cut the beltloops on my trousers and feed me cat food bologneise.  :o

You have every right to worry about cat food bologneise. It pales in comparison to soi dog.


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