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Racism In The Village


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there is a strange kind of racism in Thailand, but usual a kind you can live with.

Things I really heard:

Manager in my company: All the Chinese are dirty and cheating. 5 min later: we give only credit to Chinese owned companies because they pay different to the Thai owned.

My wife learned in school: If you have a snake and an Indian, you need to kill the Indian first. But highly appreciate Indian Food, clothes art and culture

Germans are stupid: But try to buy German products because they are much better than Thai products

etc etc etc

Similar for black people.....

So terrible racists who generally love and regard foreigner :):D

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yeah relax theres no racism issues here in thailand :)

I don’t see any racism in Thailand. The important color is green the color of money. If they think you have it and wont share then you are not the right color


GREEN?? A mere 20 baht. I'd go for purple or off white any day.

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there is a strange kind of racism in Thailand, but usual a kind you can live with.

Things I really heard:

Manager in my company: All the Chinese are dirty and cheating. 5 min later: we give only credit to Chinese owned companies because they pay different to the Thai owned.

My wife learned in school: If you have a snake and an Indian, you need to kill the Indian first. But highly appreciate Indian Food, clothes art and culture

Germans are stupid: But try to buy German products because they are much better than Thai products

etc etc etc

Similar for black people.....

So terrible racists who generally love and regard foreigner :):D

Winston Churchill once said 'I like pigs.... Dogs look up to you, cats look down on you, but pigs treat you as equals'.

Thais are sometimes dogs, sometimes cats, but never pigs.

Edited by Tyke
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yeah relax theres no racism issues here in thailand :)

I don’t see any racism in Thailand. The important color is green the color of money. If they think you have it and wont share then you are not the right color


Very true.

One colour to remember is Gold.

Meaning obey the 3 golden rules at all times.

These are:

1. Always be polite and courteous and lose that Western aggression quickly.

2. Keep your head down, meaning sustain a low profile, do not get involved in disputes, stay legal and keep out of trouble.

3. This is the most important: KEEP SPENDING THE MONEY.

Welcome to Thailand.

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Manager in my company: All the Chinese are dirty and cheating. 5 min later: we give only credit to Chinese owned companies because they pay different to the Thai owned.

Then they run out to buy skin whitening cream and find a Caucasian to have children with (the biracial child will be lighter skinned). I always took it to be more of a 'what they think is attractive' sort of thing than racial.

You'll get a lot more racism from a South African than you will from a Thai. I always seem to meet a few when I travel abroad and they're always such nice people other than the one big obsession that they have.

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Lets be honest rather than PC as a question has been asked. Yes, Thais are racist to black skin, in fact racist to everyone but probably more so here. Now if you have a nice house and a bit of money you will move up in social ratings. If not keep mentioning Tiger Woods. Otherwise stuff them all and enjoy your family and new life.

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At the school I teach at, we have a 5 year old girl who's father is black African, mother Thai. She has no Thai physical features at all...black skin. the short kinky hair etc.

Every time she sees me she shouts" Hello Falang!

'She is totally accepted by everybody at the school, and never hear mentioned anything as to her being 'African'


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Lets be honest rather than PC as a question has been asked. Yes, Thais are racist to black skin, in fact racist to everyone but probably more so here. Now if you have a nice house and a bit of money you will move up in social ratings. If not keep mentioning Tiger Woods. Otherwise stuff them all and enjoy your family and new life.

Lets be Honest, that's BS, The Thais are not racists to everyone. They have racists in equal amounts to everyone else.

However I CAN say AS a BLACK MAN living in Thailand I have seen MUCH less racism here than in the States, and the only racism directed at me here for being Black came from White expats not Thais.

Now what folks talk behind our backs is anyone's guess, but then again who cares. If they ain't gonna man up and get in your face with it don't worry bout it.

Truly though I can say I get nothing but love as far as attitudes surrounding the color of my skin. Though I think "treated as a god" is a bit much. tell her the only only one who has to treat you like a god is Her...in the bedroom if your lucky ! LOL

But yeah man, I'm the coolest hubbie (farang or otherwise) of my wife's friends and I love hangin with them all :)

You go ahead Bro, you'll be just fine.

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Lets be Honest, that's BS, The Thais are not racists to everyone. They have racists in equal amounts to everyone else.

However I CAN say AS a BLACK MAN living in Thailand I have seen MUCH less racism here than in the States, and the only racism directed at me here for being Black came from White expats not Thais.

Now what folks talk behind our backs is anyone's guess, but then again who cares. If they ain't gonna man up and get in your face with it don't worry bout it.

Truly though I can say I get nothing but love as far as attitudes surrounding the color of my skin. Though I think "treated as a god" is a bit much. tell her the only only one who has to treat you like a god is Her...in the bedroom if your lucky ! LOL

But yeah man, I'm the coolest hubbie (farang or otherwise) of my wife's friends and I love hangin with them all :)

You go ahead Bro, you'll be just fine.


Very nice letter Huey. It's amazing how many expats jump in at any opportunity to brand Thais as racists, when their comments are racist! And spend some time in a farang-dominated bar - you will find an awful lots of expats speak badly about anyone who isn't white European, American, Australian.

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Tiger woods mum is Thai, he was named after a family friend from vietnam.

So what about the child mong, thailand only changed their minds due to press pressure.

President obama is concerned about human rights issues in thailand.

HAVE you not seen the way thais laugh at indian people

I really cant believe some people here can say thailand not racist you are mad or have been here too long.

Just ask any neighbouring country if thailand is racist towards them and you will hopefully understand!!

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Tiger Woods probably refused it for 2 reason, 1) As a American you can't have duel nationality unless it's isreali (do correct me if I'm wrong)

and 2) He's American, why should he take another nationalitie's passport?

You are wrong. There is no special rule for Israelis. I believe Arnold, Governor of California has retained his Austrian citizenship. One of my co-workers has an American father and a Canadian mother. He has both a Canadian and a US passport. The US passport is used to enter the USA so as to avoid being harassed. One of my classmates obtained a Spanish passport to facilitate his travel and working in the EU. Although he was born in the USA, his parents were Spanish nationals.

What is up with the incessant references to Israel in Thai Visa, anytime someone has a negative point to make? This reminds me of my old primary school scriptures class where the holy roller teacher would single out certain swarthy ethnic groups as "heathens" in need of salvation.

And yes, there most certainly is a palpable undercurrent of skin tone bias in Thailand. It can be quite malicious and nasty in certain circles, with the "educated" and wealthy being some of the worst offenders. The comments are offered out of earshot of the people being ridiculed.

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They say everyone's ancestors are from Africa..

...."they"? Who dat? They.

The OP is a newbie trying to get some common sense opinions from those who have more experience of living in Thailand, than he hits across a smartarse remark on a public forum from a total pratt like you.

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Lets be Honest, that's BS, The Thais are not racists to everyone. They have racists in equal amounts to everyone else.

However I CAN say AS a BLACK MAN living in Thailand I have seen MUCH less racism here than in the States, and the only racism directed at me here for being Black came from White expats not Thais.

Now what folks talk behind our backs is anyone's guess, but then again who cares. If they ain't gonna man up and get in your face with it don't worry bout it.

Truly though I can say I get nothing but love as far as attitudes surrounding the color of my skin. Though I think "treated as a god" is a bit much. tell her the only only one who has to treat you like a god is Her...in the bedroom if your lucky ! LOL

But yeah man, I'm the coolest hubbie (farang or otherwise) of my wife's friends and I love hangin with them all :)

You go ahead Bro, you'll be just fine.

Very interesting to hear this from someone who actually has experienced the overall situation.

Let me ask you a slightly different question. From your perspective, is the general treatment of a "western Black" (such as from the States or Europe) different from the treatment a Black from Africa would tend to expect here in Thailand?

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I doubt that you will meet with aggressive racism.

As you and your son walk around the village, you may well be followed by shouts of "Chocolate" or something similar. Same as a Caucasian will constantly hear "Farang"

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However I CAN say AS a BLACK MAN living in Thailand I have seen MUCH less racism here than in the States, and the only racism directed at me here for being Black came from White expats not Thais.

Do you live in a village or a city Huey? They are 2 different worlds.

I have actually known 2 Thai women that were married to black men tell me that they do not want a baby with their husband, because they don't want a black baby. Sad isn't it?

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