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Should I Stay Or Should I Go...?


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Hi all....im relatively new to this forum so be gentle....

basically my situation is as follows....im 27 live in Ireland happily married for 4 years to a an educated thai girl.

I work in the media and she owns a restaurant which is very successful.

Now heres are dilema....we are thinking of having kids in the next year if possible and we cant decide whether to make a clean break a go live in bkk, we have discussed this and will when we get old and wrinkly we will move for sure...but its the kids and lifestyle that we are planning for.....i know the european lifestyle is and has alot of advantages....but i have a feeling that kids growing up in thailand would be better people

is there a family expat community there in bkk....? no offence to the bar scene guys but i would rather not go down that route.....are there any farang family men who have brought up their kids in thailand? ......

would love to hear of any stories or experiences of u guys.....and what life is like in bkk and thailand without the naughty nightlife...not just guys but farang women here also....would be great if u could share your experiences and advice.....

if u were me what would u do.......(my dream is a owning a thai resort by the beach...we can all dream eh....lol)


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I have not bought up any children in Thailand although one of ny 3 sons lives here.

But if you are considering having Chikdren- have you considered your parents in this, are they happy to make the trip to Thailand to see them, and will you be able to afford to go back home with them regularly?

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The grass greener on the other side ?

It look like both of you are successful where you are .

To break away from it could be negative .

Perhaps if you want to feel like living in Thailand you could start to buy a property there, and visit some time.

Regarding the children, international schools who give a good education standard are very expensive, more opportunity I think for European children.

But as you said, someone with family could give you a better on hand experience.

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You are in an interesting situation. I know Northern Ireland pretty well, assuming that you are living there, and with no disrespect intended, it would not be my preferred place to bring kids up, especially kids of mixed race parentage. But you would obviously know better than me.

As for Thailand, my belief is that if you are wealthy enough your kids would be okay there. But if you are going to struggle financially, then again it might not be the place for mixed race kids. The rich can do what they like, those of us at lower levels have to be aware of prejudice and discrimination.

Emigrate to Australia, if you can. Great climate, very accepting population (contrary to appearances), lots of opportunities, and looking for good migrants young enough to settle down and have kids here.

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A friend had two kids going to school in LoS and he eventually sent them to Aus to be educated, when asked why, he said they were like robots and coudn't think for themselves.

Everything was by rote!

The kids obviously miss the Thai lifestyle but are now doing very well in Aus schools.

How old are your children?

Come to Aus 1st :o

Edited by udon
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A friend had two kids going to school in LoS and he eventually sent them to Aus to be educated, when asked why, he said they were like robots and coudn't think for themselves.

Everything was by rote!

The kids obviously miss the Thai lifestyle but are now doing very well in Aus schools.

How old are your children?

Come to Aus 1st :D

Room in the shed or could he move in as you move out Udon ? :o

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@Belfastboy, if you're going to have kids you will need to consider education. If you want your kids to have any sort of usable education you will need to put them in a private school = $$$.

About living here without partaking in the "naughty nightlife" ... I think about 99% of Thais probably do that so it's certainly possible. If you're planning to make a living in the restaurant business do keep in mind that there's an eatery on every corner here, and the industry is not that distant from the "naughty nightlife" ...

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thanks for the replies guys...appreciated.....only time will tell i guess...

yes as some of u said if u have the money in bkk go for it...well i guess u could call us successful and from what i can gather mixed race kids in thailand are practically given a head start (not that i agree with it) but its the way it is.

im interested in maybe opening a kind of business of over there as well.....from what i can see there are no dedicated farang tv shows...maybe im wrong....but when i was in singapore there was quiz shows on from korea with korean audience korean hosts but farang guests and all spoken in english....give me an idea as i work in the media...feedback on this idea would be great....could be a low budget item but i reckon would be a laugh....

but yes decisions decisions...... i guess what we will do is....live in thailand for a couple of years while the kids are young then when they reach maybe 6 take them back home to the UK for a free decent education...theres always the summer holidays...

also guys is there any farang dedicated magazines eg..likes whats on...etc.....

thanks again... :D:D ...........

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thanks for the replies guys...appreciated.....only time will tell i guess...

yes as some of u said if u have the money in bkk go for it...well i guess u could call us successful and from what i can gather mixed race kids in thailand are practically given a head start (not that i agree with it) but its the way it is.

im interested in maybe opening a kind of business of over there as well.....from what i can see there are no dedicated farang tv shows...maybe im wrong....but when i was in singapore there was quiz shows on from korea with korean audience korean hosts but farang guests and all spoken in english....give me an idea as i work in the media...feedback on this idea would be great....could be a low budget item but i reckon would be a laugh....

but yes decisions decisions...... i guess what we will do is....live in thailand for a couple of years while the kids are young then when they reach maybe 6 take them back home to the UK for a free decent education...theres always the summer holidays...

also guys is there any farang dedicated magazines eg..likes whats on...etc.....

thanks again... ...........

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