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Posting To Thailand


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Last time I shipped something over seas I had a nightmare experience with the post office. First I was told to pick up the package in Phrakhanong, then I was told that it wasn't there. After a while they asked me to go to another post office location near the Silom area, I can't remember where it was called but I actually got taken to the wrong building the first time then to another to find out again that my package wasn't there. They told me here that it was at the post office by the railway station, anyway needless to say it was getting late in the day and I was hoping to get my package and get home. I got there, it was utter chaos, I had no idea what was going on or where to go thank god the thai staff just basically took care of everything for me and directed me where to sit and wait, in the end I ended up waiting there for the entire after noon and was given a ticket for the next morning 8 am...

I wasn't even going to get my package that day, so I asked on the way out if my motorbike taxi friend could pick it up, they said this was fine so I gave him the things and told him to bring it my office at 9 am. Next morning, he comes without the package, they wanted me to come in person and pick it up. So I went back, by this point my ticket to pick it up now had to be replaced to wait, this time only 2 hours waiting there before finally my ticket came up and I could pick up my box. They also charged me 1400 baht in taxes even though the item's total value was about 50$ US... A bit high imo but I guess when you cant buy the goods here you really pay for it.

Anyway that is my experience, now here is my question. I had something else sent to me after purchasing online and had it UPS world wide express delivered. The items value is only 6.50$ US, will I have to go pick it up again? I thought mail was meant to come to your house... I hate internet shopping in this country if I have to go get it again. I thought if you ordered something to your house it was saving your lazy fat ass from having to go anywhere to get it...

I am considering going out and buying a new item if they tell me I have to go to the post office again, I know your not fortune tellers but any experiences to help alleviate my worries while I wait?

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If something is sent via Ordinary Mail it will be delivered to your Address unless the Thai Customs Department has decided that it is Dutiable.

In this case you will receive an official Notification, complete with a Reference Number for the package, to go and collect the package at a specific Post Office; the notiifcation also tells you how much Duty and VAT you have to pay when you collect it.

You will need to take your Passport or other official I.D..

If you cannot collect the package personally you can send someone else but they must have a Power of Attorney from you, together with a signed (by you) copy of your I.D. and their own I.D..

I have never spent more than 10 minutes at Prakhanong Post Office when collecting anything.

No idea who "told you" to go to various places because as I say the established system is that you will receive written notification.

If you use DHL or any other Courier Company you will always pay Import Duty and VAT - perhaps 50% of the times I have been sent items via the Thai Postal system the package has been delivered directly to my Office, i.e. I have not been charged Duty; it's the luck of the draw but at least you have a chance of getting it in Duty Free.


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If something is sent via Ordinary Mail it will be delivered to your Address unless the Thai Customs Department has decided that it is Dutiable.

In this case you will receive an official Notification, complete with a Reference Number for the package, to go and collect the package at a specific Post Office; the notiifcation also tells you how much Duty and VAT you have to pay when you collect it.

You will need to take your Passport or other official I.D..

If you cannot collect the package personally you can send someone else but they must have a Power of Attorney from you, together with a signed (by you) copy of your I.D. and their own I.D..

I have never spent more than 10 minutes at Prakhanong Post Office when collecting anything.

No idea who "told you" to go to various places because as I say the established system is that you will receive written notification.

If you use DHL or any other Courier Company you will always pay Import Duty and VAT - perhaps 50% of the times I have been sent items via the Thai Postal system the package has been delivered directly to my Office, i.e. I have not been charged Duty; it's the luck of the draw but at least you have a chance of getting it in Duty Free.


Originally the first person to tell me Phrakanong post office was my land lady, who I assumed could read Thai as she was the one explaining to me what to do with the paper work and where to go. However the post office sent me to the next one which was wrong from Phrakanong. For 6.50 and 20$ postage I hope they don't bother, its an authenticator for a digital online account (like you have for banking)... Didn't arrive yesterday like I expected... Lame

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