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Internet Service Blocked Daily On Tot, What Gives?


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For the last 3 days, at around 5.00pm, when using internet, service has been blocked by what appears to be a TOT Web Portal notice denying service on grounds of 'invalid modem login'. As I have been using the internet for some time prior this block each time there can't be much wrong with the 'modem login', see Topic Description. Denial ceases some hours later.

Is this peculiar to the Buri Ram area or up-country, generally, or am I the only one suffering this?

Can't see much point in complaining to the local TOT office as they won't know much. Anyone know where to go if it continues?

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  • 3 months later...

I have been complaining to TOT call centre whole of last week regarding frequent (every 10 mins) disconnection. Till todate, they are unable to give me a positive answer.

Yesterday, when using the internet, whenever I logged on to a new wedsite, a TOT Web Portal Notice appear on my screen 'invalid modem login'. However, when I redo my setup, it went back to normal again.

I would also wish to know where to go if this problems continue...

Btw, I live in korat.

Edited by Dodobird
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This happened to me a couple days ago. At the same time I accidentally kicked the power to my modem loose. When I plugged it back in again I had been signed out by TOT. I called them and they walked me through how to login again. Basically involves entering your IP address (or some IP address) into the address bar and then entering the proper username/password and you should be set.

1100 I believe was the number to call TOT (they actually answered very fast, was shocked). That or 1112. One of them is to order a pizza :)

Edited by YanTree
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