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When Wife Drunk She Fighting Me


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My girlfriend (about to become wife) also has a big problem with red wine, she becomes extremely violent.

Bit of a problem with whiskey as well, but not in the same league as red wine.

I cured the problem easily, once I realised that it was the wine.

I only pay for beer now, if she wants anything stronger she has to pay for it herself.

No way her hand ever goes in her own pocket, so she only drinks beer now.

Oh, that's a keeper.

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It's just a few times a month but enough to make me crazy. I want to finish but i don't want to loose everything we have, actually two houses, the baby and all the stuff. I need to work too and i don't want to loose time with this. She only need to stop drink and everything is well. She don't want to talk about that, she is so "high so" in she's head, she ask for crazy things. She believe all the farang's are ATM's and i can't handle that.

...oh dear :)

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You're all missing the point. This poor woman has issues that she has been unable to raise when she is sober.

The poster needs to find out what these issues are whilst she is drunk, rather than avoiding the issue.

Only then can he establish the problem and find out whether it is resolvable or not.

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My girlfriend (about to become wife) also has a big problem with red wine, she becomes extremely violent.

Bit of a problem with whiskey as well, but not in the same league as red wine.

I cured the problem easily, once I realised that it was the wine.

I only pay for beer now, if she wants anything stronger she has to pay for it herself.

No way her hand ever goes in her own pocket, so she only drinks beer now.

Oh, that's a keeper.

Why do people get married in these situations? :)

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Alcoholics are not worth wasting your time with.

My first response is to have her wacked and put the property you have in a trust for the kid. But that's pretty extreme and you have to have a heart of stone to do it!

Second choice is probably better, secretly get a lawyer to spell out your options. There must be a way where the property can be put in a trust and at the same time as that happens have the same lawyer draw up the papers to have her committed . Having an obliging doctor on hand would be good too to sign the papers! Find a private hospital that will take her on short notice so that the booze demon can be purged and keep her there indefinitely.

Option three is do nothing.....and suffer in silence.


You should show more respect for the women, thai or wherever, they are not an object to use and get away.

That's a given but you should also not make like a doormat... and particularly regards Asian lasses.

OP, set up a webcam and show her what she's like when she sobers up... may shock/shame her a bit. If she doesn't buck up, threaten to upload to utube.

Whatever happens, believe you need to grow a pair. :D

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^well yeah, I always run a mile when it comes to sheilas and drinking....if prefer sheilas that either don't drink or drink sparingly.....its an easy test to submit them to :)

once again, marriage.....its the sort of thing you will only ever do once :D

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You're all missing the point. This poor woman has issues that she has been unable to raise when she is sober.

The poster needs to find out what these issues are whilst she is drunk, rather than avoiding the issue.

Only then can he establish the problem and find out whether it is resolvable or not.

Thai psycho-evaluation. That should be fun. :)

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You're all missing the point. This poor woman has issues that she has been unable to raise when she is sober.

The poster needs to find out what these issues are whilst she is drunk, rather than avoiding the issue.

Only then can he establish the problem and find out whether it is resolvable or not.

Thai psycho-evaluation. That should be fun. :D

Obviously. Its sooo hard to understand why this poor woman hates him once she gets drunk, whereas when sober she thinks he's wonderful. :)

Edited by F1fanatic
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Just my 2 cents...

A drunk that is violent is never good for the family. In fact it will destroy your relationship and your childs.

Obviously your wife has some underlying problem more then the affects of alcohol on her.

Either she needs to stop or control her drinking problem or you must get some serious professional help.

If you can do either, you have no choice but to leave.

Please remember money can always be made but a child's well being cannot.

Your child is defenseless, please protect her.

Edited by tangcoral
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Just my 2 cents...

A drunk that is violent is never good for the family. In fact it will destroy your relationship and your childs.

Obviously your wife has some underlying problem more then the affects of alcohol on her.

Either she need to stop or control her drinking problem or you must get serious professional help. If neither you have no choice but to leave something that will be a recipe for a disaster.

Please remember money can always be made but a child's well being cannot.

Your child is defenseless, please protect her.

Agree entirely. Once its obvious that the woman hates her husband - its time to move on to the next woman who loves him.

The good news is that (as long as he pays), the child can stay with him, so he can protect the child. Unfortunately, he'll go through exactly the same thing again with the next woman (assuming he has enough money to find another woman to stay when he has a child).

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I don't know what to do, when she is drunk she fighting me and i know one day we will have a really big problem here, how to handle this ? When i ask she to stop drink she say she don't drink anything... with a wine glass in her hand. She can drink 2, 3 or 4 bottles in one night and then she is very crazy.

We have a baby together, we are buying a home too... too much to loose sad.gif What to do ? One or two times a month she get very drunk and nobody can't stop her.

Please forgive me my written english

I am sorry; you seem to have a big problem.

This is what you do:

It appears reading in between the lines of your post that your wife has some sort of mental problem.

There are laws in effect in Thailand that permit an easy divorce if one can prove she is mentally unstable, especially where there are children involved.

Firstly, any projects you have, such as the purchase of a house, put on hold for the time being.

Next, visit and obtain the advice of a professional reputable lawyer. Do not inform your wife about the lawyer or your intentions as yet. In other words, get yourself knowledgeable of what are your best actions to take and the consequences before making any major financial commitments such as real estate or escalating the situation further with your wife.

Wishing you good luck and future happiness and please keep us informed of your progress.

Edited by sassienie
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I don't know what to do, when she is drunk she fighting me and i know one day we will have a really big problem here, how to handle this ? When i ask she to stop drink she say she don't drink anything... with a wine glass in her hand. She can drink 2, 3 or 4 bottles in one night and then she is very crazy.

We have a baby together, we are buying a home too... too much to loose sad.gif What to do ? One or two times a month she get very drunk and nobody can't stop her.

Please forgive me my written english

I am sorry; you seem to have a big problem.

This is what you do:

It appears reading in between the lines of your post that your wife has some sort of mental problem.

There are laws in effect in Thailand that permit an easy divorce if one can prove she is mentally unstable, especially where there are children involved.

Firstly, any projects you have, such as the purchase of a house, put on hold for the time being.

Next, visit and obtain the advice of a professional reputable lawyer. Do not inform your wife about the lawyer or your intentions as yet. In other words, get yourself knowledgeable of what are your best actions to take and the consequences before making any major financial commitments such as real estate or escalating the situation further with your wife.

Wishing you good luck and future happiness and please keep us informed of your progress.

Ummm no. She doesn't have a 'mental problem' other than her dislike of her husband. She will (I'll bet any money) be more than happy to let him have the child as long as he gives her enough money.

Similarly, a divorce will be easy as long as he gives her enough money.

Seen it time and time again.

Edited by F1fanatic
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It appears reading in between the lines of your post that your wife has some sort of mental problem.

This is not assured nor obvious of mental unstability. We all know that alcohol affects some differently. And we've all know that odd sort {more common than not} that when sober, might be the perfect example of humankind - lovely temperment, high character, nice straight-forward personsality, etc. Add alcohol: a demon reincarnated......not mentality ill. Some people just can't imbibe with some stimulants.

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Next time she's finished her binge and hungover, get rotten drunk yourself. Fall over, break a glass or two, pick an argument with her, be generally stupid and annoying. Make sure you're drunk enough for her to really get angry and complain, then just ignore her and drink some more. Then sleep it off.

The next day, if she brings it up, give her the answers that she always gives you. Say the exact words. Then tell her you will drink every time she does, but you will get MORE drunk. Tell her, it's HER choices that make you drink.

If she stops drinking, you will stop drinking.

I think the message will sink in.

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Next time she's finished her binge and hungover, get rotten drunk yourself. Fall over, break a glass or two, pick an argument with her, be generally stupid and annoying. Make sure you're drunk enough for her to really get angry and complain, then just ignore her and drink some more. Then sleep it off.

The next day, if she brings it up, give her the answers that she always gives you. Say the exact words. Then tell her you will drink every time she does, but you will get MORE drunk. Tell her, it's HER choices that make you drink.

If she stops drinking, you will stop drinking.

I think the message will sink in.

kudos for problem solving and creative thinking.... but are you serious? ..perhaps he will also develop a drinking problem..2 wrongs don't make it right

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I don't know what to do, when she is drunk she fighting me and i know one day we will have a really big problem here, how to handle this ? When i ask she to stop drink she say she don't drink anything... with a wine glass in her hand. She can drink 2, 3 or 4 bottles in one night and then she is very crazy.

We have a baby together, we are buying a home too... too much to loose sad.gif What to do ? One or two times a month she get very drunk and nobody can't stop her.

Please forgive me my written english

I am sorry; you seem to have a big problem.

This is what you do:

It appears reading in between the lines of your post that your wife has some sort of mental problem.

There are laws in effect in Thailand that permit an easy divorce if one can prove she is mentally unstable, especially where there are children involved.

Firstly, any projects you have, such as the purchase of a house, put on hold for the time being.

Next, visit and obtain the advice of a professional reputable lawyer. Do not inform your wife about the lawyer or your intentions as yet. In other words, get yourself knowledgeable of what are your best actions to take and the consequences before making any major financial commitments such as real estate or escalating the situation further with your wife.

Wishing you good luck and future happiness and please keep us informed of your progress.

Ummm no. She doesn't have a 'mental problem' other than her dislike of her husband. She will (I'll bet any money) be more than happy to let him have the child as long as he gives her enough money.

Similarly, a divorce will be easy as long as he gives her enough money.

Seen it time and time again.

I agree with F1 100% on this topic.

You only get the truth from babies and drunks. If she is telling you something whilst drunk it is something she is afraid of telling you whilst sober. Listen to it and move on.

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I don't know what to do, when she is drunk she fighting me and i know one day we will have a really big problem here, how to handle this ? When i ask she to stop drink she say she don't drink anything... with a wine glass in her hand. She can drink 2, 3 or 4 bottles in one night and then she is very crazy.

We have a baby together, we are buying a home too... too much to loose sad.gif What to do ? One or two times a month she get very drunk and nobody can't stop her.

Please forgive me my written english

I am sorry; you seem to have a big problem.

This is what you do:

It appears reading in between the lines of your post that your wife has some sort of mental problem.

There are laws in effect in Thailand that permit an easy divorce if one can prove she is mentally unstable, especially where there are children involved.

Firstly, any projects you have, such as the purchase of a house, put on hold for the time being.

Next, visit and obtain the advice of a professional reputable lawyer. Do not inform your wife about the lawyer or your intentions as yet. In other words, get yourself knowledgeable of what are your best actions to take and the consequences before making any major financial commitments such as real estate or escalating the situation further with your wife.

Wishing you good luck and future happiness and please keep us informed of your progress.

Ummm no. She doesn't have a 'mental problem' other than her dislike of her husband. She will (I'll bet any money) be more than happy to let him have the child as long as he gives her enough money.

Similarly, a divorce will be easy as long as he gives her enough money.

Seen it time and time again.

I agree with F1 100% on this topic.

You only get the truth from babies and drunks. If she is telling you something whilst drunk it is something she is afraid of telling you whilst sober. Listen to it and move on.

So, were you drunk when you posted that? If not, then you're being insincere.

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My girlfriend (about to become wife) also has a big problem with red wine, she becomes extremely violent.

Bit of a problem with whiskey as well, but not in the same league as red wine.

I cured the problem easily, once I realised that it was the wine.

I only pay for beer now, if she wants anything stronger she has to pay for it herself.

No way her hand ever goes in her own pocket, so she only drinks beer now.

you honestly think you solved the problem? :)

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My girlfriend (about to become wife) also has a big problem with red wine, she becomes extremely violent.

Bit of a problem with whiskey as well, but not in the same league as red wine.

I cured the problem easily, once I realised that it was the wine.

I only pay for beer now, if she wants anything stronger she has to pay for it herself.

No way her hand ever goes in her own pocket, so she only drinks beer now.

you honestly think you solved the problem? :)

right on..drink enough beer and she will get shiiite faced as well :D ..this is solving the problem?? :D

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That's why most of us that live here tend to prefer to rent. Why spend all your money on bricks and mortar you can't own?


Best Thai ladies for living with only drink nit-noy and not smoke at all imo.

1. Having read Robert Kiyosaki's "Rich Dad, Poor Dad", I have no doubt that it's better to invest in real estate that can give us some passive income.

And I (think I will always) prefer to rent a flat/hotel room when I live outside my home country/town.

You never know where you will land the next day. Today you are in Bangkok, tomorrow you may be in Pattaya and the day after tomorrow somewhere else.

2. I totally agree. Being a non-smoker, I find it very difficult to tolerate a girl who smokes (regardless of her nationality :) ).

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Do you get on with any members of her family that your wife has a lot of respect for if you do talk to them. I say this because when I started dating my wife after two years I interduce my wfe to two of my best friends from Scotland one night my wife got very drunk on whiskey and made a fool of herself and me we left my friends in Phuket and returned to Chiang Mai back in Chiang Mai I spoke to my wifes boss at the hairdressers shop I told my wife boss all my fears that night my wifes boss give her solid hel_l :) told her she loose me if she made a fool of herself like that my wife has not drunk whiskey again :D

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Do you get on with any members of her family that your wife has a lot of respect for if you do talk to them. I say this because when I started dating my wife after two years I interduce my wfe to two of my best friends from Scotland one night my wife got very drunk on whiskey and made a fool of herself and me we left my friends in Phuket and returned to Chiang Mai back in Chiang Mai I spoke to my wifes boss at the hairdressers shop I told my wife boss all my fears that night my wifes boss give her solid hel_l :) told her she loose me if she made a fool of herself like that my wife has not drunk whiskey again :D

Sounds like a classy lady you must be proud.

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Have you ALREADY bought a home for her or are you THINKING of buying a home? I certainly wouldn't get involved financially with anyone who was a problem drinker. It only gets worse. As you already have a child with this woman then that should be your first concern. Nobody but you knows all the details and all we have to go on is second hand information.

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I don't know what to do, when she is drunk she fighting me and i know one day we will have a really big problem here, how to handle this ? When i ask she to stop drink she say she don't drink anything... with a wine glass in her hand. She can drink 2, 3 or 4 bottles in one night and then she is very crazy.

We have a baby together, we are buying a home too... too much to loose sad.gif What to do ? One or two times a month she get very drunk and nobody can't stop her.

Please forgive me my written english

I am sorry; you seem to have a big problem.

This is what you do:

It appears reading in between the lines of your post that your wife has some sort of mental problem.

There are laws in effect in Thailand that permit an easy divorce if one can prove she is mentally unstable, especially where there are children involved.

Firstly, any projects you have, such as the purchase of a house, put on hold for the time being.

Next, visit and obtain the advice of a professional reputable lawyer. Do not inform your wife about the lawyer or your intentions as yet. In other words, get yourself knowledgeable of what are your best actions to take and the consequences before making any major financial commitments such as real estate or escalating the situation further with your wife.

Wishing you good luck and future happiness and please keep us informed of your progress.

Ummm no. She doesn't have a 'mental problem' other than her dislike of her husband. She will (I'll bet any money) be more than happy to let him have the child as long as he gives her enough money.

Similarly, a divorce will be easy as long as he gives her enough money.

Seen it time and time again.

I agree with F1 100% on this topic.

You only get the truth from babies and drunks. If she is telling you something whilst drunk it is something she is afraid of telling you whilst sober. Listen to it and move on.

So, were you drunk when you posted that? If not, then you're being insincere.

I was indeed drunk when I typed those words. I only go onto internet forums whilst drunk. By doing so I only speak the truth.

Heres an thought for the OP. Next time she gets drunk and violent go and make a police report at the local cop shop. Three police reports spell a holiday in the looney bin.

Take photgraphs of any injuries you have. If you get hit go to the hospital and have them note it down. If you cannot speak Thai take someone with you that can. Hint: Don't use her sister or brother.

I had to deal with a violent ex. I got the Thai authorites on my side and won custody of my kids on the basis of police reports and hospital records.

Leave her.

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