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Bangkok, Gulf Of Thailand Shoreline Likely Under Water In 50 Years


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Thanks for the post..........as they say, "seeing is believing."

Why the politeness at this point........tell them what they are actually reading: BS funded by BIG OIL..........facts are ignored, charts are manipulated, data is selected for maximum distortion of the facts....the skeptics are not using science/reason, they are on emotion only.

What they are doing is Micky Mouse science. It is, almost entirely, nonsense science. It is, in fact, not science. It is propaganda.......from a radical-right-wing spin machine designed to keep us trapped in the jaws of BIG OIL controlled Stone Age Energy Technology.

Fortunately, I know you and others see right through their deception.

Anybody see a trend? Sometimes visuals help with understanding the nature and magnitude of a problem.


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