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Press Censorship In Pattaya


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They could, but they won't. The recent debacle of the Aussie con artist with alleged links to Niels Colov went unreported except in the Pattaya Times, the recent rape, etc. etc. Let's face it, the Oz con man fleeced expats out of millions and his subsequent arrest, imprisonment, bail, fleeing the country would make a decent movie

Except in a very rare case, they local press are all tools of the real estate mafias and are actually too happy to fall into line with the administration's request that they tone down their reporting, lest it show Pattay in a bad light.

Check out this site and I think you will find some answers to your questions http://www.skalpattaya.org/ have a look at the members and the exec committee.

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moddeydhoo - and why does Skal get up your nose? this is a professional (international) organisation - maybe you don't like some of the members but you cannot write them up as being in control of Pattaya!! Maybe you should actually find out what Skal is about before making inane statements.

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There are a number of people who "control" Pattaya,but as far as i'm concerned nobody in that organisation is one of them.You must be slightly deluded if you think Mr Burns controls this place.His power is in his own mind.If he steps out of line he can be easilly removed,as can all of us who are not Thai nationals.

Edited by Dpolenz
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moddeydhoo - and why does Skal get up your nose? this is a professional (international) organisation - maybe you don't like some of the members but you cannot write them up as being in control of Pattaya!! Maybe you should actually find out what Skal is about before making inane statements.

aussiechick, I think you have got the wrong end of the stick. I have nothing at all against the organisation. I was pertaining to the members and a potential conflict of interest..... On second thoughts forget it. I thought the definition of a forum was as follows

fo·rum (fôr′əm, fō′rəm)

noun pl. forums -·rums or fora -·ra (-ə)

1. the public square or marketplace of an ancient Roman city or town, where legal and political business was conducted

2. a law court; tribunal


1. an assembly, place, radio program, etc. for the discussion of public matters or current questions

2. an opportunity for open discussion

It would appear that the last part does not seem to apply here as anyone who wants to openly discuss their opinions are either slated by pseudo intellectuals, ridiculed or restricted by 'forum rules'. You may note that I do not contribute a great deal on these forums as much as say you do, the reason being I find most of the topics banal to say the least and when a decent topic does present itself my opinion is that the heavy posters try and bully other posters off the topic.

Just to get back on topic we are talking about censorship, well maybe its not only the press.

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I have just found out the arrest of the two men happened on 12th November and the woman was adamant that she did not want a fuss over the story. She wanted to return to UK as quickly as possible. She is now in UK and with no one willing to proceed with the case, the two men will likely be released with no charge. Apparently the alleged rape occurred somewhere on Walking Street. Talking with Mr. Drummond I have found out that he received the report from a local Thai Reporter who seems to have kept it quiet from other local Thai Reporters. Also the officer in charge of the case tried to keep it quiet because he thought the story would cause Pattaya a lot of harm. The UK Foreign Office were also not informed of the case. I understand the woman left for the UK very quickly after the "rape" took place.

So thats that really....case closed.

you wish

no better confirmation of all the talk about you, your policing, ethics, and your products

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If memory serves, the father was shouting about it for all to hear round the world. As was the mother back in the UK.

As the Pattaya Mail story will point out, the rape victim's request was honored as the inicdent is both damaging to Pattya's image and embarassing to the police, as it happend so close to the Tourist Police box on Walking Street.

BTW, the Mail is the best of the papers if for any other reason than they don't run photos of blood and dead bodies. ANd no "death and destruction" on the front page.

Shame about its website, though.

At the risk of subverting this thread, may I ask exactly how far from the Tourist Police Assistants' campervan this happened on Walking Street? And where were they when this went down - recharging their pacemakers?

If you mean the Tourist Police Mobile Unit, we dealt with no cases of sexual assault of any kind last week. I would say that the statement that "the incident happened close to the Tourist Police Mobile Unit" is a bit misleading - was she assaulted in the street? I doubt it very much. Was she taken up one of the side roads (soi 14 or 15) and taken to a secluded area and assaulted? A little more possible but surely her screams would have alerted someone. Was she taken to a hotel room or a private room close to the Mobile Unit and assaulted? The most plausable theory. Also, what time did the assault take place as we are gone by 2.30am?

Without more details on this case, it is hard for me to comment more, Apparently Mr. Drummond worked off a Police Report which was made on the case. I would like to see this report before commenting further.

is this statement made in official quality, and does it include the expression "rape" thereby questioning the credibility of the victim?

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I have just found out the arrest of the two men happened on 12th November and the woman was adamant that she did not want a fuss over the story. She wanted to return to UK as quickly as possible. She is now in UK and with no one willing to proceed with the case, the two men will likely be released with no charge. Apparently the alleged rape occurred somewhere on Walking Street. Talking with Mr. Drummond I have found out that he received the report from a local Thai Reporter who seems to have kept it quiet from other local Thai Reporters. Also the officer in charge of the case tried to keep it quiet because he thought the story would cause Pattaya a lot of harm. The UK Foreign Office were also not informed of the case. I understand the woman left for the UK very quickly after the "rape" took place.

So thats that really....case closed.

you wish

no better confirmation of all the talk about you, your policing, ethics, and your products

I dont think He understands what Ethics mean.There is a scene in Big trouble in tourist Thailand of a Thai man sought out by Hms crew because he was "selling dgs from his food stall"which was totally staged faked BS.

Edited by Dpolenz
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If there was a powerful unbiased news organization like CNN, BBC, etc. and a hoard of paparrazi, then all the shady officials in Thailand would be exposed.

Being able to keep the public uninformed is one way to control the people.


Being able to keep the public MISINFORMED is one way to control the people.

It's worked in your case.

Actually, it works in most cases - across the board. Social engineering, distractions, disinformation, omissions, censorship, etc are quite common as related to info absorbtion.

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If memory serves, the father was shouting about it for all to hear round the world. As was the mother back in the UK.

As the Pattaya Mail story will point out, the rape victim's request was honored as the inicdent is both damaging to Pattya's image and embarassing to the police, as it happend so close to the Tourist Police box on Walking Street.

BTW, the Mail is the best of the papers if for any other reason than they don't run photos of blood and dead bodies. ANd no "death and destruction" on the front page.

Shame about its website, though.

At the risk of subverting this thread, may I ask exactly how far from the Tourist Police Assistants' campervan this happened on Walking Street? And where were they when this went down - recharging their pacemakers?

If you mean the Tourist Police Mobile Unit, we dealt with no cases of sexual assault of any kind last week. I would say that the statement that "the incident happened close to the Tourist Police Mobile Unit" is a bit misleading - was she assaulted in the street? I doubt it very much. Was she taken up one of the side roads (soi 14 or 15) and taken to a secluded area and assaulted? A little more possible but surely her screams would have alerted someone. Was she taken to a hotel room or a private room close to the Mobile Unit and assaulted? The most plausable theory. Also, what time did the assault take place as we are gone by 2.30am?

Without more details on this case, it is hard for me to comment more, Apparently Mr. Drummond worked off a Police Report which was made on the case. I would like to see this report before commenting further.

is this statement made in official quality, and does it include the expression "rape" thereby questioning the credibility of the victim?

One report I read said the rape happened at 12.30 when the Tourist Helpers WERE on duty. So how did she report it. Did she walk off Walking street up to Soi 9? Why not go to the TP campervan. I am not trying to be controversial. Just to understand what happened that night.

But (now I am being controversial) I am also wondering if professional, Thai policing (ok an oxymoron I know) would be a better visible, armed deterrent to crime up Walking Street than having people like the 2 old Dad's Army type TPV/A?H (whatever) blokes I saw recently wheezing up Walking Street looking like they were about to croak.

They could man a booth called "Tourist Assistance" dealing with non-policing, tourist-facing issues, or for translating and helping the proper police when asked.

Also what happened to that cocky guy who CS gassed the ladyboys. Is he still strutting his stuff, or was he drummed out of the service?

And another serious question - do people have to pass a medical to join the TPV/A/H? I seriously doubt the people I have seen recently corpsing up there would have passed any kind of medical except a pulse test. Surely there have to be some standards for recruitment than just knowing a news proprietor. (not you Howard, but someone - anybody - else).

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What about the guy who owned ingo's restraunt,He was kicked out of the Mickey mouse wanabee group and 6 months later got busted for selling Heroin.I am sure that he was selling when he was tpv also(he also was accused of trying to extort his fellow nationals }.Hm likes to surround himself with classy guys lol Oh and as far as that fool who assaulted a ladboy he is a slimeball.I could tell you some interesting things about that guy but Tv are paranoid about geting into trouble so i best not.

Edited by Dpolenz
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having seen dozens (or hundreds over the years?) of dead farangs exposed on TV, being killed in a crash, died from suicides in the broadest sense of the word, etc etc.

having seen criminals or suspects or drunk tourists paraded in front of a camera (incidentally more than once the policeman was/is running the tv channel) and so on

the silence about the rape case has a lot to do with an established record and nothing with a concern for the victim and her wishes.

to make such a statement i can only wonder how this person, not a trained journalist and like many others in pattaya assuming a false identity, can come to the mistaken belief that people with a minimal education could be impressed in any way by his blunder.

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having seen dozens (or hundreds over the years?) of dead farangs exposed on TV, being killed in a crash, died from suicides in the broadest sense of the word, etc etc.

having seen criminals or suspects or drunk tourists paraded in front of a camera (incidentally more than once the policeman was/is running the tv channel) and so on

the silence about the rape case has a lot to do with an established record and nothing with a concern for the victim and her wishes.

to make such a statement i can only wonder how this person, not a trained journalist and like many others in pattaya assuming a false identity, can come to the mistaken belief that people with a minimal education could be impressed in any way by his blunder.

You're a strange one and I am starting to think your username is spot on.

I will bite a little bit........I was not silenced, I simply did not get the story. Also, what is this about a false identity...are you mad? My name is Howard Miller and I am 36 years old. I have no other names or identities.


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having seen dozens (or hundreds over the years?) of dead farangs exposed on TV, being killed in a crash, died from suicides in the broadest sense of the word, etc etc.

having seen criminals or suspects or drunk tourists paraded in front of a camera (incidentally more than once the policeman was/is running the tv channel) and so on

the silence about the rape case has a lot to do with an established record and nothing with a concern for the victim and her wishes.

to make such a statement i can only wonder how this person, not a trained journalist and like many others in pattaya assuming a false identity, can come to the mistaken belief that people with a minimal education could be impressed in any way by his blunder.

You're a strange one and I am starting to think your username is spot on.

I will bite a little bit........I was not silenced, I simply did not get the story. Also, what is this about a false identity...are you mad? My name is Howard Miller and I am 36 years old. I have no other names or identities.


Unfortunately Howard you fall foul of being tarred with:

(a) peoples' general dislike of some of the form and function of the TPAs, even when they are reckoned to actually perform some useful benefits and - much worse-

(:)"other" notorious newspaper proprietors who like to parade their police Assistant/volunteer-related activities.

Most people that know you or meet you actually like you or respect you, which, given the range of your business activities and the length of time you have been in Pattaya is something you can be happy with, and your contributions on here often add a useful insight (when you aren't having to defend yourself that is).

Other media owners cannot have the same thing said of them.

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this all reads like a government conspiracy theory, you believe they are smart, organised and powerful enough to create a conspiracy, but too dumb to do anything else.

I suspect you are just flashing your advertising icon around rather than trying to make insightful comments. Is this a breach of TV's advertising rules?

Copyright Sharecropper Investments PLC - Invest with us to lose your last hard earned dollar.

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this all reads like a government conspiracy theory, you believe they are smart, organised and powerful enough to create a conspiracy, but too dumb to do anything else.

I suspect you are just flashing your advertising icon around rather than trying to make insightful comments. Is this a breach of TV's advertising rules?

Copyright Sharecropper Investments PLC - Invest with us to lose your last hard earned dollar.

ReThai is a sponsor

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Some people need to read better and more and bitch less.

The bar owner story was in the Pattaya Mail


The rape story is in Friday's Pattaya Mail. And, as howard accurately stated, the victim herself inissted the matter not be disclosed to the press.

Thank you for proving my point, although you need to be more attentive to dates.

1. The bar owner died on October 1st, was removed to Bangkok, autopsied and brought back for cremation with zero publicity here. The Pattaya Mail story appeared over 2 weeks after the death and after the temple rights and only as a result of the Pattaya Ghost journalist’s involvement. No crime scene photos or report, and no follow-up on the bizarre death story.

2. Re the rape, the Pattaya Mail isn't out yet. We have many daily news bulletins on the internet, some of which have no fear where others do. None have so far covered this story in the time since it occurred.

I don't recall the poor father whose son drowned in Pattaya Water Park having much say in blanking out news coverage. Didn't he get fined for trying?

Obviously the local news outlets don't have the resources to cover every single incident, or the channels to get the info on every single incident that happens in pattaya from every police station every day, process it all and report on it.

Yes the news isn't fantastic, they pick up the handful of stories they can find and report for the day and move on to the next day. there's no bbc budgets, usually just a half dozen people to do everything.

On one hand your telling everyone about a conspiracy to cover up the news 'the effective blackout' and on the other your shouting out how bad and slow the reporting is. as if they could organise a media wide blackout on an article while at the same time not being able to report anything else property because they're too slow and inept.

How is it no different to all the crimes that go on in any other country every day that don’t get reported because the person in question doesn’t want it publicised?

If you have so much time on your hands and are concerned about the news, donate your time to one of the local agencies to try and improve it. i doubt many tourists read the local news and the locals know the local news isn’t fantastic, so like yourself they also read international news.

End of the day there's not enough resources, reporters, staff or money to do it all, find the news, report on it, fact check it and follow up on the outcomes.

But I digress, i'm just feeding the fools own delusion on reality.

Maybe users should have to pass a reality check before they are allowed to post on a forum?


Edited by foxxx
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Howard i wanna see you battle Dj Domination,he ain't as good as he claims,i think you would Kill Him.Would make a great front page cover.

I am afraid to say that he would probably beat me as I was never a "mixing" DJ, I used to do weddings and other parties like that.

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Also the officer in charge of the case tried to keep it quiet because he thought the story would cause Pattaya a lot of harm.

Did he figure that out on his own, or did a take a team of "engineers" to figure that out? Regardless, sweeping things like that under the rug to save the city from another black eye, is just wrong.

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In fairness to Howard he comes onto this website and has to put up with Ass(*les on his back but he still comes out when s|}t has hit the fan and gives answers,like the heroin guy and the guy who "assaulted"a ladyboy,Howard doesnt hide in the shadows trying to sweep things under the carpet unlike Mr "blsh+t"emails kolof.So fair play to you Howard and best of luck for you in the future

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