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Current setup -

  • Crapstar internet modem
  • Connected to a Linksys Wireless Router
  • Desktop connected to router via ethernet
  • Printer connected to desktop via cable
  • Laptop connected wirelessly to router

I am moving to CAT CDMA so my Linsys router cannot accept the internet connection direct from the USB modem. So I would like to set up a home network so I can share files and printer via the wireless router, and also share the internet connection from the desktop to the laptop via the wireless router.

The CAT USB modem has to stay in the same place (connected to the desktop) as it needs an antenna connected, hence the need to the wireless router.

Your help and guidance with this matter is appreciated.

totster :)



Buy KR2


Insert USB Modem in the Router so u can free your desktop too. It will work :)

(On safe side take your USB Modem and test it before buying the Router).


If it is necessary to use USB Modem inserted in your Desktop then

1) Switch off your OLD modem

2) Enable ICS on your desktop computer to share the Internet.

3) Your Linksys Router will act as access point (no need to change anything)

Have nice day.



I had exactly the same se6t up as you withCrapstar and changed to CAT about 8 months ago. My Laptop was my main PC and the desktop in my daughters bedroom.

Here are my comments

The Kyerocia unit looks good but I thought it very expensive for the model that supports the faster EV-DO speeds (I think about 11K Baht). Because I sometimes need to take my Laptop away on business I built a new PC to run ICS (and do some other stuff such as Torrent downloading) for half the price of a Kyocera modem.

The ICS route is easy and free, but not quite as simple as indicated by Tariq786. This is because you have to change some IP addresses in your router and possibly other devices.

The disadvantage with ICS is that you have to keep your desktop on all the time any other user wants to share the Internet.

If you wish to use ICS here are some basic steps you must follow.

This assumes that you are using out of the box settings for your Linksys router

First note

* There are no wiring or hardware changes other than disconnecting your Crapstar Modem.

* Linksys routers by default have an IP address of

* M$ insists that if you use ICS (Internet Conection Sharing) then your desktop ethernet port that hosts the connection has to have an IP address of This is a different subnet to the Linksys router and they will not be able to communicate without some N/W address changes.

* The M$ ICS has a DHCP service to supply information to clients using automatic IP addressing.

* The Linksysys router also has a DHCP service which is superior to the M$ one. Unfortunately it is difficult to turn off the DHCP in the M$ ICS system and because it is inadvisable to have 2 DHCP services DHCP should be disabled in the Linksys router

Therefore your steps are as follows

* Log on to your Linksys router from your web browser at the default address of (see the manual for full information) Unless previously changed for login leave the username blank and the password is admin

* Disable DHCP

* Change the Routers IP address to

* Restart your router. You will not be able to log on to the router again until ICS is installed following one of the many guides on the Internet.for your OS

* Once ICS is installed check you can log on to the Linksys router as before but using the new IP address of

* In each of your devices if they are not set up to obtain an IP address automatically then change them on to the 192.168.0.x subnet.

You should now be up and working.

By the way, Ubuntu Linux 9.10 also supports the CAT CDMA router and Internet connection sharing and this a;lso works well.

Good luck


Thanks for your post... I've been messing about with this now for TWO DAYS on and off - I managed to get the file and printer sharing quite quickly(after updating the firewall rules), but this ICS is a pain.

I shall follow your instructions Thaimite and report back, thanks for taking the time to help.

Totster :)


No problem. I would have given the information earlier but I was out pf the country for a few days dealing with a four letter word (work) If you need more help or info PM me.

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