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Thai GF in Netherlands on Schengen visa and been here for two weeks. The dates stamped in her passport entitled her to stay for 30 days. Is it possible to get this extended for another 2-4 weeks? I heard you can't get extended beyond the 90 days but don't know if you can extend it so she can stay 60 days but within the maximum 90 day.



From Dutch embassy in Bangkok

For how long is a visa valid?

Visa are usually issued for the duration you specify on the application form..............

III. The Visa Service of the Ministry of Justice

.......You can also phone the information line if you are already in the Netherlands and want to extend your visa, which is only possible in exceptional cases.

Immigration and Naturalization Service: 0900 123 4561 (€0.10 per minute).

Outside the Netherlands, phone: +31 20 889 3045

Postal address:

Immigration and Naturalization Service (IND)

Postbus 3109

2280 GC Rijswijk

Website: www.ind.nl


Some years ago, it was possible to go to a NON Schengen country and apply for a new Schengen Visa for the rest of the 90 days, as I did with my TH GF.

I drove from Austria to Slowakia and it worked, but needed 1 week there to get a than new 9 day Schengenvisa.

I wanted to make the same this year and found out, must realize, they changed the law!

Now you have to go to your countrys responsible Embassy-consularsection and apply for a new Schengen visa.

So you, or she or you both would have to apply in Bangkok again.

Thats the only way.

If she is not serious sick and impossible for her to travel-fly-she has swine flu?



i think its almost impossible without going back to the embassy that issues the visa in the first place and showing them proof of a longer stay. i wrote a thread about this some time ago, you could search for it.




I realize it's sad she can't stay for the Xmas holidays but I would advise you to play with the rules. It will make a next visit a lot more easy and a 90 day visa more likely.

If the Embassy sees she staid according to the rules they will not object for a next visit.




I am from Europe. I have been living with the same person for quite a number of years and I have got two stories for you

1) The first time I applied it was for a 15 day period which was granted but realised that it was going to be a bit short. I asked my family to write a letter of invitation and the original visa was cancelled without prejudice being replaced by a30 day (that was before we left Thailand)

2) Some years ago (4 to be exact) we went back on a 90 day visa: unfortunately hospitalisation and surgery were needed. To complicate the things a bit we were told that a it was vital to follow a 7 week therapy. This happened a week or so before the visa expired: I then called the consular section in Thailand: nothing could be done from that end. I then tried the local administration: I was turned down as the treatment was available in Thailand.

The only possiblity was to become an illegal (as they are getting more protection when in that position)

I decided for us to go back to Thailand and we were fortunate enough (not without putting a fight, but that is another story) to find an "affordable" "available" hospital.


Unless Holland is a better country (but I am convinced all EU countries follow the same set of rules)you will not be able to extend for any trivial reason.

I will go further by telling you that, once you come back to Thailand , your friend will not be able to apply for a new visa within the next six months (I am talking about tourist visas of course)

Don't try to overstay: once blacklisted, there is no consular section to grant a visa

Enjoy your time once there. Come back. Wait. Go back and this time ask for a longer period

I would advise you to play with the rules.

Should this be "I would advise you not to play with the rules," LaoPo?

Maybe I should have written: "I would advise you to play by the rules"...is that better English ? :):D A foreign language is still a pain, sometimes.



Just for info, when a Thai person applies for Schengen tourist visa, do they ask how long she plans to stay ?

Is it easy to get 3 months tourist visa if she owns property in Thailand ?



Yes to the first question as this person will need to provide an insurance and a place to stay for the intended period of stay

As for the second question it is a case by case, of course a house might help but a stable working life , steady bank account, a letter of the employers attesting the person will be hired on the return etc... are important elements.


Hi ... gf had 90days and then we had +90days without any problems a couple of years back, this was in Sweden.

We just got to migration here in Sweden and filled in the papers waited about 15minutes and then everything was ok.

maybe things are more difficult these days? hope it turns out well for you


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