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Bus To Bangsaen


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I would like to take the bus from Ekamai to Nong-Mon area of Bangsaen. I want to end up at the beach area for the races. I am familiar with the Ekamai station but am not sure which bus to take to Bangsaen. I would rather take an express bus vice one that stops all along the way.

Any thoughts>



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Ignore the response of engrin

the next has it right-on BUSY days there will be direct BKk-BgSn 1st class=blue buses-these do seats only and tickets are sold at windows then you enter. if you claim that you have used Ekamai more often-you should have noted that.

On weekdays/nonbusy days take the Sri Racha bus-same story-and pay for Bg Sn-and tell again the ticket check on board. No worry about the stop missed-etc-thats why that busstaff is always so abundant-and again: if your claim is right about earlier trips-you should have noted.

the white/orange buses lining up at Ekamai exit are the ALlLSTOPS-2nd cl-which apparently you dont like. You can also board them at other stops further on-and by doing so, and dependant on where you start, this may for many people in fact be a shorter tript-time.

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Ignore the response of engrin

the next has it right-on BUSY days there will be direct BKk-BgSn 1st class=blue buses-these do seats only and tickets are sold at windows then you enter. if you claim that you have used Ekamai more often-you should have noted that.

On weekdays/nonbusy days take the Sri Racha bus-same story-and pay for Bg Sn-and tell again the ticket check on board. No worry about the stop missed-etc-thats why that busstaff is always so abundant-and again: if your claim is right about earlier trips-you should have noted.

the white/orange buses lining up at Ekamai exit are the ALlLSTOPS-2nd cl-which apparently you dont like. You can also board them at other stops further on-and by doing so, and dependant on where you start, this may for many people in fact be a shorter tript-time.

Thank you for your response.


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