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External Hd Enclosure Problems With Esata


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I have an external HD enclosure with USB, Firewire and eSata connection. The enclosure itself can handle IDE and SATA disks. USB, Firewire works problem free. But not so eSATA.

With IDE disks it works problem free with smaller files and eSATA. But if you copy a very big file to the external disk then it never ends. Reading is no problem.

The situation is much clearer when I take a SATA disk. The disk is recognized by the system (BIOS, WinXP SP3) but the explorer does not show any partitions. Only if I use it at my Intel controller it works in eSATA mode. But this controller I need for my RAID disks. So IDE is no option. The 3 JMicron controllers don't work even if one of them is responsible for the two on-board eSATA ports. IDE or AHCI mode does not make any difference. If the disk is connected directly to the JMicron controllers there is no problem - with IDE and AHCI.

The motherboard is the GA-P55-UD6. So pretty new. And I have the latest BIOS and drivers.

Does anybody use the eSATA connection to an external HD enclosure? Or any ideas what the problem could be?

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I am visiting Bangkok, Thailand. I saw this message and I thought that maybe someone can guide me. I want to buy a 4-Bay Esata Harddisk Enclosure with Port Multipler supporting JBOD (all hard disks shown as separate drive letters in Windows) . If it had RAID or BIG (concatenate all hardddisk in one big logical volume then it would be an advantage.

If you can guide me to any address or location/computer store from where I can buy then I would be thankful for this support.

Does anybody know any good brands from I should look for. I was thinking of Addonics and Sansdigital if they are available in Thailand. Please also mention any comparible PCIe x1 interface card with port multiplier support which is compatible with the Esata Enclosure.

Hope you reply soon because I have only two days left for my stay here :-)


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My enclosure went back to Thanni as RMA and so far I have been waiting for more than one month now to get anything back. Thanni is an online dealer so no place where you can look in Bangkok. But I guess you might find something in Pantip Plaza.

eSATA did not work for me. But I do not know the reason why - could be the box the motherboard or the OS. Neither Gigabyte Germany, Great Britain or Taiwan gave me any explanation or a tiny hint - or to sum it up - I did not get any answer at all. My motherboard has a special controller for eSATA and even ports on the board directly... But neither these ports worked nor any other SATA port/controller. The internet is full with unsolved eSATA problems. Perhaps you should wait for USB 3. It is just around the corner.

For now I have my disks inside the desktop case with some cables and a switch outside the box to switch them on and off (don't want to let the backup disks connected all the time for security reasons). It works great and was even cheap. Since the disks are connected to the SATA ports they have the full SATA speed. Of course if you want to move them around you have lost. Perhaps a construction with a shoe box and some cables? :)

My eSATA idea is dead for now. I don't even wait for my enclosure anymore. Sorry that I cannot help you further. Just be careful with this eSATA. It seems to be not as problem free as USB 2.

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