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Please Explain My Downspeed


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Hi I am on a true 8Mb package and the status in my modem shows 14336 kbps down speed.Wonderful you will say.

When I do an international speedtest with speakeasy or speedtest.net to Europe or Us I will get around 12000 kbps easily at any time of the day.Again wonderful.

But now when I download an attachement from my hotmail account I will hardly get 15 KB/sec and that is even with stuttering.When I download a test file of 100 Mb from speedtest,bbned.nl or a similar site I will also get speeds of 10 KB/sec.A 100 Mb file will show an estimated download time of 2.5 hour.

How is this possible while at the same time the international speedtests show such an excellent result.

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Simple the hotmail server was slow, try gmail

I didn't say only hotmail was slow.All my downloads are below dial up speed,even usenet with 20 connections shows only 200 KB/sec download,while at the excact same time speedtests to Europe and US are showing download speeds of 1.2 MB/sec

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Most servers restrict their speed at which they serve download to save bandwidth (Happens all the time with Video hosting sites). Check your download speed by downloading a file from appple site ( Safari) which serves files most of the time at full speed and downloading a healthy torrent can also help you test your speed (Example: Ubuntu iso image which always seeded at good speed) . Lets know what the result is .

Downloading at your full bandwidth is a premium and not all website can afford it because its very costly. Torrent is the best way to test your full download speed .... if the ISP is not throttling it .

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Im on the same true package, for some reason i can download a youtube clip quicker than i can stream it, infact stream is a loose word as it pauses constantly......

My actual downloads have dropped off slightly as well i used to pull 4 continuous rar files at more than 500kb each, now i hover round 300kb/400kb


Edited by Spoonman
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Same here, unable to download anything last days. Now download at snail speed, 1500 B/s (not KB)!

I am on Hutch EVDO. TV speedtest: download 800 kbps / up 50Kbps.

Another broken cable somewhere?

You can use DAP, that is free for the rest of your life. (Not try out for two weeks, then buy). I have used it for about five years. You do get higher speed, no doubt.

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Same here, unable to download anything last days. Now download at snail speed, 1500 B/s (not KB)!

I am on Hutch EVDO. TV speedtest: download 800 kbps / up 50Kbps.

Another broken cable somewhere?

You can use DAP, that is free for the rest of your life. (Not try out for two weeks, then buy). I have used it for about five years. You do get higher speed, no doubt.

Actually I am using a kind of download manager.I'm downloading from a paid usenet server with 20 connections which I can spread to servers on 3 different continents.

However while I still get speedtest to us or europe of 12000 kbps at the same time I only get downloads of maximum 200 KB/sec,most of the time lower.This starts at about 6 pm till around 3 am.

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