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Thaksin's New Passport Name: Takki Shinegra


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Thaksin's new name : Takki Shinegra

Runaway ex-PM Thaksin Shinawatra has used new name in his passports issued by some African countries, Thai Vice foreign minister Panich Vikitsreth said Wednesday.

Thaksin's name in passports issued by Nicaragua, Uganda and Montenegro has been changed to "Takki Shinegra," he said.

The Thai government has revoked Thaksin's diplomatic passport issued during his premiership. He was believed to have an ordinary Thai passport. Some African countries have issued him a special passport to facilitate his travels and his visit to the countries.

Panich said Thaksin's new name may cause problem for Thailand's attempt to bring him back to face two-year jail term on charge of corruption.

"Problems can happen when we ask foreign countries to extradite him. We name him in our request as Thaksin Shinawatra but when those countries check his presence, they would not find him because he used different name," Panich said.


-- The Nation 2009/11/25


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"Problems can happen when we ask foreign countries to extradite him. We name him in our request as Thaksin Shinawatra but when those countries check his presence, they would not find him because he used different name," Panich said.


How's about you tell the foreign countries what that different name is.... Takki Shinegra?


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'Takki/Tacky' by nature now by name.

The global media presents him as a fool in the global media, and the Thai government appears equally helpless in its clueless attempt to capture him.

On the international stage Thailand is portrayed as a weak and ineffectual regime; which is not true. However, unless Khun Abhisit acts decisively the portrayal will persist and the country's repuation will be damaged forever.

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Hahaha! :D:)

I am not sure 'Tacky' is an improvement over 'Toxin'.

Thanks for this daymaker, I needed a laugh, now I need to try to make it to the store before 2PM and the alcohol sales stop- that happened on Takki's (snicker) watch, any way we can get that reversed now that he has achieved complete humiliation? :D

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So this means, and I never knew it was this easy; "original name" has was a warrant for his/her arrest. By changing name tags, we don't recognize the person because we can't get past the name tag? And therefore, they become invisible, or can't legally be arrested, because no one is anything more than a name?

Thai politics, aka ludicrous, that doesn't make sense either I gather. :) oy!

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I would like an official moderator ruling on whether we are allowed now to refer to Thaksin as

Takki Shinegra



as it is against forum rules to refer to politicians in anything other than their actual names (nicknames are verbotten).

As he has named himself

Takki Shinegra



it seems reasonable now for us to be allowed to do the same here on this forum.

Ruling please?

Edited by Jingthing
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"Problems can happen when we ask foreign countries to extradite him. We name him in our request as Thaksin Shinawatra but when those countries check his presence, they would not find him because he used different name," Panich said.


How's about you tell the foreign countries what that different name is.... Takki Shinegra?


Don't be silly. That would require thought and basic common sense. Neither of which can be found here.

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Do thailand have any secret service?Its like they more worried about bars closing at 2am fallangs who have to make visaruns and people who smoke a pill then find out where that corrupt snake is hiding(i know cambodia)and so do thailand...try this trick with the mossad they would know every single thing he do including all his fake names and paspoort#'s. I cant imagine if they really want him they couldent get him.

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AKA - also known as.

I guess we can call him Takki Shinegra now.

"The Premier formerly known as Shinawatra"

that reminds me to something......

Indeed. Perhaps he should change his name to a symbol? It worked for Prince. :)

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This guy gets more ridiculus day by day.

And he, the name changer to escape jail, still really intends to become PM of Thailand?


PS: Guess next thing is gender change, to become the first female PM of the Kingdom!

Edited by moo9
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Think what would thai goverment do if they could not claim all kinds of bad things about him then the Current PM would have to show it is not his fault so many things goes the way it goes..

now he hasd some one to blame for everything ..

and the papers also can right about it.. because this is not illegal to write bad things about one of the best PM in Thai history .

plus think about do any one think he would be convicted if it was not in a land of corruption i mean look at the latest report. thailand is ranked very high in asia.. and Takki actually put some statements on the interview were he ask peoploe to think realistic when it came to the kingdom.. and its future

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