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Thaksin's New Passport Name: Takki Shinegra


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Well,Ricardo,I did not feel offended by your earlier post.neither by this one.Actually,regarding what happened in Germany during the war,I agree with you,although I see it as a long stretch to compare to the "Thai-situation".I too admire those people who risked their lifes for a good cause;So,ok,if you want to compare people like Hitler or Stalin to Thaksin,well,then you have a point.Personally I think there are no similarity.Regarding the airport: Do you think "the managment" closed the airport for no reason;that they lost a heep of money every day just for fun?!The reason,as a remember it,was that it was impossible to work and to guaranti security,when the yellow masses occupied the airport.And threatened to take over other airports too(which I think they actually did..)How many biljons did this "wellcome to PM Somchai" cost the country and how many jobs were lost in the touristindustry.Also,what about tourists who missed appointments back home and so on;did the organisers give a dam_n about them? The obvious answer is no,they only cared about their own agenda and did it without any consequenses to themselves.Again;it`s the imbalance I am opposed to;I`m not trying to paint Thaksin in white,but perhaps in grey..

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Even if it turns out this isn't true I've often thought the best tactic (takkitict?) for the government is to stop taking him seriously and start ridiculing the guy. It's not hard to do when he's reduced to skulking about the less salubrious reaches of the world, complaining about how his precious was taken from him. I don't know if Thailand will ever be politically mature enough for a Spitting Image type show, but I can see Takki's character already. A twisted little Gollum type figure slinking about trying to get his hands on everything around him. If not true, then it's a brilliant bit of work by whoever released it. Even if he did manage to come back all it would take would be a headline along the lines of "Takki is backy" to start the laughing.

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Thaksin denies being 'Takki Shinegra'

"...He said it would be pointless for a person like him to travel under a different name because he was recognised wherever he goes."


Takki has really fallen ill with his delusions of grandeur and megalomania. Recognized wherever he goes; I seriously doubt that. The man is really in terrible need of help.

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I just see the usuall hotheads that where screaming "FRAUD" about a certain cambodian spu tape now suddenly take a piece of news hook, sink and bait. Totally uncritical and making jokes that would make a kindergarden 5 year old blush in shame.

So how do the denial from Thaksin (as posted on Bangkok Post, and most likely on Nation too if that page would ever load here in farangland). Could it really be the shocking truth that the whole "news" is a piece of slander produced by someone trying to please their puppet masters?

He has denied that he is traveling on foreign passports issued in the name "Takki Shinegra" to avoid extradition.

that is nice construct, typical for Thaksin to give some wrong information without telling a lie.

So are they issued on a different name (but still not his "real" name) like "Tukki" "Tacki" whatever???

Or he has these passports but did not use them for travel yet.

Or he travels on foreign passports issued on the name "Takki Shinegra" for other reason, not because he fears extradition.

Actually it is not important what he tells, because he always lies...

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If the Takki story is true, then it's yet another indication of Takki himself doing things overseas, that would not be allowed for farang in Thailand. Indeed, a host of things that he mandated to constrict farang, while he was PM.

just a few examples:

purchasing property

getting multiple passports

shuttling large amounts of baht outside the country

hiding money and illegally hiding assets

avoiding taxes

starting businesses willy nilly

changing names

About the only thing he hasn't done yet is have a sex-change operation (banish the thought!).

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I also agree with the post that stated,that all this playing around with Thaksins (alledgedly) changed name seems very kindergartenlike.But,mai pen rai.

personally, I think it just speaks volume about the sheer ridiculousness of this whole situation, Thaksin's become big <deleted> joke, so why can't we join in?

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"Problems can happen when we ask foreign countries to extradite him. We name him in our request as Thaksin Shinawatra but when those countries check his presence, they would not find him because he used different name," Panich said.


How's about you tell the foreign countries what that different name is.... Takki Shinegra?


They never even tried to extradite him under his real name,why worry about a second one :)

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where screaming "FRAUD" about a certain cambodian spu tape now suddenly take a piece of news hook, sink and bait.

Using your same comparison, perhaps when the Foreign Ministries and Defense Ministries of Nicaragua, Uganda and Montenegro announce that this story is made up, then perhaps the news will be panned in the same manner as the fictitious news of the faked tape story.

Afterall, it was when the Foreign Ministry and Defense Ministry of Cambodia flatly denied the existence of Jatuporn's claimed tape, that the fraud was claimed by posters.

Edited by cornerback
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'Takki Shinegra' is Thaksin Shinawatra: Top Thai government official

BANGKOK, Nov 26 (TNA) - Thailand's foreign ministry on Thursday stood firm that convicted former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra is using the name "Takki Shinegra" in his foreign passports despite the former premier's denial.

Panit Wikitset, Thailand's deputy foreign minister, reaffirmed that the ministry has received a report from an authoritative source confirming that Mr Thaksin has changed his name to "Takki Shinegra" and new passport numbers issued by Nigaragua and Montenegro even though Mr Thaksin denied that in his Twitter message.

Mr Panit declined to disclose his 'authoritative source' but said he was confident about the information regarding the ex-premier's new name.

"Mr Thaksin has been using his new passports issued by those countries with the changed name since his Thai passport was cancelled while travelling to (other) countries," he said. "Once the Thai government sought cooperation from those countries to locate Mr Thaksin's location, the answers received were that there was no "Thaksin Shinawatra" on the immigration list.

The senior Thai government official explained that the Mr Thaksin's new passport name was his attempt to evade the arrest of Interpol under normal immigration procedure.

"The final decision rests with the attorney-general whether the new passport name of Mr Thaksin will be put in the yet-to-be issued arrest warrant," Mr Panit said. "The ministry is duty-bound to apply diplomatic channels to single out the former premier's status as a fugitive."

Mr Thaksin was sentenced to two-year jail term by the Supreme Court's Criminal Division for Holders of Political Positions for abusing power while he was prime minister to help his wife purchase land in the capital at a deflated rate.

The former tycoon-turned-politician jumped bail and is living in self-exile aboard. (TNA)


-- TNA 2009/11/27


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Thaksin gets tacky over 'Takki'

By The Nation

Published on November 27, 2009

Former Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra blasted the Foreign Ministry yesterday over the release of his alias on passฌports given by foreign countries, saying the ministry had sunk to its lowest point.

Vice foreign minister Panich Vikitsreth said on Wednesday Thaksin's name on passports issued by Nicaragua, Uganda and Montenegro had been changed to "Takki Shinegra".

In a Twitter note on his webฌsite yesterday Thaksin said a wellknown person like him did not need to change his name.

"A person like me is too wellknown to hide. It's useless for me to change the name since many people know me. I walk in department stores in any country [and] many people come to greet me," he said.

"I still use my old name but don't say I would have a sexual transplant. It can't be helped, as you guys are so stupid to revoke my Thai passport, so you have no way to trace me through nonThai documents.

"Don't challenge me to show my passports. I won't, since you would fake them electronically, 5555," Thaksin said in his note.

Panich insisted that he had evidence to prove Thaksin had changed his name in passports issued by Nicaragua and other countries.

"We got the information from reliable sources but I can't disclose them," he said.

"We are confident that Thaksin travelled in other names since we have checked with countries he visited, but did not find his name," he said.


-- The Nation 2009/11/27


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I also agree with the post that stated,that all this playing around with Thaksins (alledgedly) changed name seems very kindergartenlike.But,mai pen rai.

personally, I think it just speaks volume about the sheer ridiculousness of this whole situation, Thaksin's become big <deleted> joke, so why can't we join in?

We are joining in, and it's a good ride. I will be doing the mashed potatoes to Betty Everett's Shoop Shoop song every time T screws up - which has been on nearly a daily basis lately. I will run gleefully naked through the city park when the court decision comes down to release the frozen billions to benefit Thailand.

I will dance on tables when T and his family are allocated to their rightful place in the brown-smudged Thai pantheon of fallen leaders.

And when his medals arrive back in Thailand in a shipping box, I will clear out the sticker bushes on my lower 5 rai parcel, and then plant 20 brazil nut trees in commemoration.

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<snip for brevity>

"I still use my old name but don't say I would have a sexual transplant. It can't be helped, as you guys are so stupid to revoke my Thai passport, so you have no way to trace me through nonThai documents.

<snip for brevity>


-- The Nation 2009/11/27


I though that the Thai authorities had only revoked Thaksin's diplomatic-passport, leaving him his ordinary one, does this 'man of the people' refuse to use a normal passport, like normal people, or is his memory becoming unreliable ? :D

And may I welcome his promise, not to have a sexual transplant, one simply shudders at the very thought. :):D

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I though that the Thai authorities had only revoked Thaksin's diplomatic-passport, leaving him his ordinary one, does this 'man of the people' refuse to use a normal passport, like normal people, or is his memory becoming unreliable ?

For reference:

On 12th December 2008, Thaksin's Diplomatic Passport was revoked.

On 12th April 2009, Thaksin's ordinary Passport was revoked.

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He should call himself Donald Duck, wouldn't be far from the truth...

or Ben More

Can you picture Takky standing there with a Thai penis survey rubber over his head? :)

And on both feet?

Just a couple of recent examples of the great accident Thaivisa really is...

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He should call himself Donald Duck, wouldn't be far from the truth...

or Ben More

Can you picture Takky standing there with a Thai penis survey rubber over his head? :D

And on both feet?

Just a couple of recent examples of the great accident Thaivisa really is...

So how many of your 276 posts (to date) have been accidents? :)

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I though that the Thai authorities had only revoked Thaksin's diplomatic-passport, leaving him his ordinary one, does this 'man of the people' refuse to use a normal passport, like normal people, or is his memory becoming unreliable ?

For reference:

On 12th December 2008, Thaksin's Diplomatic Passport was revoked.

On 12th April 2009, Thaksin's ordinary Passport was revoked.

Are you sure??

I complete missed that they revoked his ordinary PP

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Thailand needs something like Saturday Night Live show from the US. Then with humor they could destroy Takki once or for all, the same way they did to Sarah Palin ("I can see Russia from my porch").

I have heard Germans say if they had shown Charlie Chaplin's The Great Dictator there they would have laughed Hitler out of power.

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