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Mistresses For Farang Guys ?


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Its not a new phenomenon, I know one Farang, married to a Thai whom he had children with, still married and lives at home, but takes care of another girl, she has become a mature student. He met her when she was 18, she is now 25 and wants to study more and more.... Her 'pay' is 25k a month. He earns 300plus a month.

How do I know this? She needs a shoulder to cry on from time to time :o

Edited by HarryHacker
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LOL OH OKAY .... but what I meant is like ..  Having Thai wife and Thai Mistress at the same time ?

Well since a Mia Noi is not a legal wife I did mean at the same time, hense in reality a mistress, I think we are talking about the same thing. I know a lot of Thai men who have this they don't tell there wifes about it and try not to cause her to lose face. But from what I can see very common in Thai society, for those who have enough money.

It's back to the haves getting what they want from the have nots, farrangs and Thais. I get a kick out of the Thai ladies who assume because we are farrangs that we are so vrey different then Thai men, I really doubt that we are.

Each man makes his own choice as to how he is going to be in a realtionship.

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One thai lady is more than enough.... who wants the extra headaches??? 


It would cause so much hassle!

I have to admit I have tried once, when I first got here, there was nothing wrong with the lady I was with just not the right one for me. My main hobby is tour riding on my bike she hated it, my wife now is ready to go anytime I am. Anyway back to the topic what I found with mistress w I didn't have any idea where I lived and was always confused where I was supposed to be.

It wa fun in it's own way, the Mia Noi was always glad to see me, then again she only had to put up with me for a few hours. The Mia Noi didn't do my laundry didn't clean my house, didn't cook for me, didn't tolerate me when I was angry, sad or sick. The wife did, no way to compare that. A Mia Noi is just for fun and nothing else, now from my point of view there is nothing wrong with having fun, unless it becomes confusing for you, for me it did so I stopped.

By the way Wild Card I miss the photo LOL

Edited by ray23
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Well since a Mia Noi is not a legal wife I did mean at the same time, hense in reality a mistress, I think we are talking about the same thing. I know a lot of Thai men who have this they don't tell there wifes about it and try not to cause her to lose face. But from what I can see very common in Thai society, for those who have enough money.

its a typical chinese thing...young mistresses is ok for the older man, as they believe that it keeps them energetic and virtlie :o

it's most of the time their own wives who set them up with a pre-approved selected girl :D

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Well since a Mia Noi is not a legal wife I did mean at the same time, hense in reality a mistress, I think we are talking about the same thing. I know a lot of Thai men who have this they don't tell there wifes about it and try not to cause her to lose face. But from what I can see very common in Thai society, for those who have enough money.

its a typical chinese thing...young mistresses is ok for the older man, as they believe that it keeps them energetic and virtlie :D

it's most of the time their own wives who set them up with a pre-approved selected girl :D

Kreon is right you know, this is exctly what I have heard, there are far more Thai men that have Mia Noi's than weserners, and many Thai wives accept it. Not the same for a Farang to have one though, oh the stories I could tell- but not now, and they dont concern me, all my "bits" are where they should be. :o

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Having a second or minor wife in the kindom used to be legal.The same with some other Asian countries(eg:Hong kong).Somebody with a little more knowledge than me can probably tell us when it was outlawed here.

Old habits die hard though. :o

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Being a mia noi is not easy as she never can have official status. I told mine that I will never leave my wife and that she is therefore completely free to find a nice younger guy that she can marry. In fact, I said that I will send along a nice wedding present.

The mia noi cannot go to business outings or do anything that would embarass my wife. In fact, we do go to vacation resorts together (not the three of us).

For my part, I prefer a steady relationship with one lady instead of the bar girl routine. This is also much healthier for everyone involved.

Yes, I certainly believe the Chinese saying that a chap is as old as the woman he sleeps with.

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