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What Makes Men Get Tired Of Having A Good Wife ?


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Wow I can't believe the crap that people have the ball to even admit to is this topic...

call me young and ignorant, so have you, but when I hear the term good wife, it doesn't describe a particular type of woman in any sense of the word.

Obviously all men have differnt opinions of what a good wife is, and I'm not one to judge what peoples perspective of a good wife is, but here's how I see it.

My wife (when ever I get around to getting one) will be a woman who is independent and strong enough that she deosn't "need" a husband or a man in her life. The reason she has chosen me as her mate in life, will be bacause she loves me and want to spend the rest of her life with me. We will not have a perfect relationship.. We will have our ups and down, tears and laughter and all thsoe wonderful things it actually means to be in a great relationship. Someone who will support me and be there for me in my times of need, someone I would do the same for without any hesitation in my mind.

That set aside, if she is what I want her to be, she's a good wife. If any man has a wife that is who they want their wives to be, then in that definition they have a good wife.

A man who is tired of a good wife, a wife who is everything he wants, then he needs to face the fact that he's a ######ing looser and should shoot kill himself to save the world of scum. But if the woman he's married to is not evrything he's ever wanted, then he should find out why that is, what has changed and try to work it out. And if all fails, get divorced, don't make it ugly with a long divorce cases, think of the kids (if they have any) and make it as easy as possible on each other, and just get it over and done with.

A man who doesn't have a "good wife" doesn't "need to meet someone" else before they've resolved the marriage, sleep around, or quite simply be the scum of the universe. Marriage is not something that should ever be taken lightly,  and those who want to enter it should really think long and hard about it. Never the less, that's not to say marriage won't fail. But it should never fail becasue someone cheated whether if it's the husband or the wife. Those who can't commit should not enter into marriage for the simple fact they are mentally incapable of staying with just one person for the rest of their lives.

That's fine and dandy, but don't taint the entity that is matrimony by getting hitched. Coz you're not doing anyone any favors, especially not yourself.

Theory is great, but doesn't always work out the way you want it to. People change and their ideals can change. I've never met anybody that wasn't 100% committed when they got married. I’ve seen a few divorces (including my own) from people that thought that they would be married for life.

Some guys will always continue to screw around. There is also enough evidence to suggest that women are quickly catching up in this department as well.

What pisses me off is that when somebody does screw around, sometimes they feel guilty and feel the need to confess their sins. They are weak shites IMO.If you are into this then live with the guilt.

At the end of the day I would not judge somebody if they do screw around, even if I do not agree with it myself.Looking in from the outside is easy.You don't know what is going on in the marriage unless you are there 24/7.

Edited by chuchok
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They are weak shites IMO

Its interesting, I have tried to work this one out.

Different men have digerent things that drive them. Some have to shag, some have to have the newet toys, some are drunks. Many others as well.

Obviously there is something missing in their hearts. But what ?

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Theory is great, but doesn't always work out the way you want it to. People change and their ideals can change. I've never met anybody that wasn't 100% committed when they got married. I’ve seen a few divorces (including my own) from people that thought that they would be married for life.

Some guys will always continue to screw around. There is also enough evidence to suggest that women are quickly catching up in this department as well.

What pisses me off is that when somebody does screw around, sometimes they feel guilty and feel the need to confess their sins. They are weak shites IMO.If you are into this then live with the guilt.

At the end of the day I would not judge somebody if they do screw around, even if I do not agree with it myself.Looking in from the outside is easy.You don't know what is going on in the marriage unless you are there 24/7.

I understand the fact people change, but I don't think people today are as willing to accpet change as they use to. It should be known fact that people chang with age, that's a no brainer even for ######ing idiots. But people having the patients and willingness to try work out their differences in a marriage has definitely gone down, and that's not just with marriage. That's not to say it happens in every case, I do feel for those who's marriage dont' wok out, and I know they didn't choose for this to happen, it just happens.

Yes it's always easier to have a comment or an observation of the situation from the outside when one's not involved in the peronal relationships of others. And you are right, we wil never know exactly what goes on this that marriage. But they do, and they should know the difference between a relationship that is working from one that isn't. Especially their own.

We all make sacrifices and compromises to be with other people. We do that everyday even just with the people around us. So there's no way ANYONE can tell me that it was a ######ing accident that they cheated! and they can justify it beacuse their partners are not the same people they married and they see no other way out. You make a concious choice when you get married, you see all teh pros and cons, you see the person you are marrying, their family, you family you take into account everything that marriage is suppose to be about. Those who say ###### it, let's just get married, are asking for it.

Which even more doesn't justify cheating under any and all circumstances. I don't care how unhappy anyone is in their marriage, if everything you have tried to fix teh relationship fails, then you call it quits and you move on. You get a divorce. If anyone is really that unhappy, and they feel their livelyhoods are at stake, they will do what it takes to fix the problem or resolve the problem.

If anyone thinks cheating is a solution, then they are cowards who don't appreciate life and shouldn't bother the rest of the world with their problems because they are worthless pieces of shit, and shouldn't spread their diseased minds and make it seem ok.

I'm not saying you are one of them, you've stated your opposition against cheating. But I have lived on both sides of the arguement. Though indirectly involved, there's still no excuse fro cheating. People cheat because they want the easy way out, because they can't handle the reality of who and what they are, SCUM!

I don't care if the man cheats or the woman cheats, it's just as wrong for a woman to cheat as it is for a man to cheat. I don't give a rats ass what their reasons are. It still remains that they couldn't handle the truth, about themselves, about their marriages, and about what they're worth. Which is less than the dog shit I accidentally step on while walking in Bangkok.

Let it be known that this is one subject that should be non-negotiable. Especially if one feels guilty about it afterwards. People who cheat don't deserve to share our world, they don't deserve our sympathy coz they are the scum of the human race, they're weak, and they should do us all a favor and go ######ing die in a fire! :o

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Theory is great, but doesn't always work out the way you want it to. People change and their ideals can change. I've never met anybody that wasn't 100% committed when they got married. I’ve seen a few divorces (including my own) from people that thought that they would be married for life.

Some guys will always continue to screw around. There is also enough evidence to suggest that women are quickly catching up in this department as well.

What pisses me off is that when somebody does screw around, sometimes they feel guilty and feel the need to confess their sins. They are weak shites IMO.If you are into this then live with the guilt.

At the end of the day I would not judge somebody if they do screw around, even if I do not agree with it myself.Looking in from the outside is easy.You don't know what is going on in the marriage unless you are there 24/7.

I understand the fact people change, but I don't think people today are as willing to accpet change as they use to. It should be known fact that people chang with age, that's a no brainer even for ######ing idiots. But people having the patients and willingness to try work out their differences in a marriage has definitely gone down, and that's not just with marriage. That's not to say it happens in every case, I do feel for those who's marriage dont' wok out, and I know they didn't choose for this to happen, it just happens.

Yes it's always easier to have a comment or an observation of the situation from the outside when one's not involved in the peronal relationships of others. And you are right, we wil never know exactly what goes on this that marriage. But they do, and they should know the difference between a relationship that is working from one that isn't. Especially their own.

We all make sacrifices and compromises to be with other people. We do that everyday even just with the people around us. So there's no way ANYONE can tell me that it was a ######ing accident that they cheated! and they can justify it beacuse their partners are not the same people they married and they see no other way out. You make a concious choice when you get married, you see all teh pros and cons, you see the person you are marrying, their family, you family you take into account everything that marriage is suppose to be about. Those who say ###### it, let's just get married, are asking for it.

Which even more doesn't justify cheating under any and all circumstances. I don't care how unhappy anyone is in their marriage, if everything you have tried to fix teh relationship fails, then you call it quits and you move on. You get a divorce. If anyone is really that unhappy, and they feel their livelyhoods are at stake, they will do what it takes to fix the problem or resolve the problem.

If anyone thinks cheating is a solution, then they are cowards who don't appreciate life and shouldn't bother the rest of the world with their problems because they are worthless pieces of shit, and shouldn't spread their diseased minds and make it seem ok.

I'm not saying you are one of them, you've stated your opposition against cheating. But I have lived on both sides of the arguement. Though indirectly involved, there's still no excuse fro cheating. People cheat because they want the easy way out, because they can't handle the reality of who and what they are, SCUM!

I don't care if the man cheats or the woman cheats, it's just as wrong for a woman to cheat as it is for a man to cheat. I don't give a rats ass what their reasons are. It still remains that they couldn't handle the truth, about themselves, about their marriages, and about what they're worth. Which is less than the dog shit I accidentally step on while walking in Bangkok.

Let it be known that this is one subject that should be non-negotiable. Especially if one feels guilty about it afterwards. People who cheat don't deserve to share our world, they don't deserve our sympathy coz they are the scum of the human race, they're weak, and they should do us all a favor and go ######ing die in a fire! :o

We should introduce the death penalty for them then. :D

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Wow I can't believe the crap that people have the ball to even admit to is this topic...

call me young and ignorant, so have you, but when I hear the term good wife, it doesn't describe a particular type of woman in any sense of the word.

Obviously all men have differnt opinions of what a good wife is, and I'm not one to judge what peoples perspective of a good wife is, but here's how I see it.

My wife (when ever I get around to getting one) will be a woman who is independent and strong enough that she deosn't "need" a husband or a man in her life. The reason she has chosen me as her mate in life, will be bacause she loves me and want to spend the rest of her life with me. We will not have a perfect relationship.. We will have our ups and down, tears and laughter and all thsoe wonderful things it actually means to be in a great relationship. Someone who will support me and be there for me in my times of need, someone I would do the same for without any hesitation in my mind.

That set aside, if she is what I want her to be, she's a good wife. If any man has a wife that is who they want their wives to be, then in that definition they have a good wife.

A man who is tired of a good wife, a wife who is everything he wants, then he needs to face the fact that he's a ######ing looser and should shoot kill himself to save the world of scum. But if the woman he's married to is not evrything he's ever wanted, then he should find out why that is, what has changed and try to work it out. And if all fails, get divorced, don't make it ugly with a long divorce cases, think of the kids (if they have any) and make it as easy as possible on each other, and just get it over and done with.

A man who doesn't have a "good wife" doesn't "need to meet someone" else before they've resolved the marriage, sleep around, or quite simply be the scum of the universe. Marriage is not something that should ever be taken lightly,  and those who want to enter it should really think long and hard about it. Never the less, that's not to say marriage won't fail. But it should never fail becasue someone cheated whether if it's the husband or the wife. Those who can't commit should not enter into marriage for the simple fact they are mentally incapable of staying with just one person for the rest of their lives.

That's fine and dandy, but don't taint the entity that is matrimony by getting hitched. Coz you're not doing anyone any favors, especially not yourself.

Ok your young and ignorant, JUST KIDDING. You have wonderful ideals, that is great and certainly a worthwhile position to take. However I would suggest that being judgemental of how others struggle through life may prove to be a mistake in your future. I doubt that most marry with the intention of cheating on thier spouces, female or male. Remember this is a team sport played by both sexes.

Many things happen to form a realtionship and is analive thing evolving constantly. there will be power struggles in any realtionship, there will be times that you want to pack your bags ad so will your mate at times.. Money causes or the control of it can result in huge problems. Family and friends add pressures. No one can be all to someone else, male or female.

What I wish for you is that you marry your best friend and that develops from proven trust and loyality. I would caution you since you have not walked down this path before, no matter who you have in your life, you will look at others. Now what you choose to do about that will be your choice. So will your mate, don't be surprised that after many years, she dicides to excrcise he wondering eye. Unfortuantley people are only human, with all thier faults and weakness.

Edited by ray23
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Ladies and gents, it has been brought to my attention that during the rant I was on last night, I was rude in the language that I used, telling people that they should off themselve for the better of humanity. I apologize to those who were disturbed by the language that I used, and I assure you that it won't happen again on TV, and that if I was ever going to tell someone to off themselves for the better of humanity, I'll do it face to face. :o

any takers? :D j/k heheheh

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Ok your young and ignorant, JUST KIDDING. You have wonderful ideals, that is great and certainly a worthwhile position to take. However I would suggest that being judgemental of how others struggle through life may prove to be a mistake in your future. I doubt that most marry with the intention of cheating on thier spouces, female or male. Remember this is a team sport played by both sexes.

Many things happen to form a realtionship and is  analive thing evolving constantly. there will be power struggles in any realtionship, there will be times that you want to pack your bags ad so will your mate at times.. Money causes or the control of it can result in huge problems. Family and friends add pressures. No one can be all to someone else, male or female.

What I wish for you is that you marry your best friend and that develops from proven trust and loyality. I would caution you since you have not walked down this path before, no matter who you have in your life, you will look at others. Now what you choose to do about that will be your choice. So will your mate, don't be surprised that after many years, she dicides to excrcise he wondering eye. Unfortuantley people are only human, with all thier faults and weakness.

Thanks for your words of wisdom Ray. :o I know what you are trying to to say, but it seems that these days most people are more keen on taking the easy way out. I know that not every aspect of marriage is fulfilling, and that it's very hard not to stray. But the greater question at hand is, if you're relationship isn't strong rnough for you to stop yourself, then why were you still in it in the first place? Yeah keeping ones eyes out is just human nature, but keeping one's hands to themselves is a quality that many seem to lack these days.

Look but don't touch, that's somethign I'd like to live by. Just because it's tempting and exotic doesn't mean it's save or the right thing to do. Think about it like this for a second, if you were at the zoo and you saw the tiger was sleeping next to the bars of it's cage. Like really asleep, there's a goat sitting on it's head, and it's not budging asleep, but you know it's alive. Would you be tempted to reach over and pet it? Maybe... Just becasue someone can do it doesn't always make it a good idea. The same goes for cheating. Just beacause it's readily available doesn't mean one should do it.

THe big difference is, if what you have with your SO(significant other) isn't great, then you look at what's wrong, don't go and find someone else at the first sign of trouble, that lacks character. If it's impossible to work out your differences, have the curage to get a divorce, I know people who are better off apart than together, who's relationships are stronger sicne they've split.

People don't need to be be in a marriage, they should want to be. I have Indian friends who are in arranged marriages, and I know some of them don't want to be in it, but they are for the sake of their family's name. But you can't tell me it's something has no possibility for improvement. If it really works out, fantastic, but if it doesn't then they should still not cheat on thier SOs.

If it made them THAT UNHAPPY, they would be willing to give up everything to be free of it. Yes that is very dramatic, in some cases. People might have to give up everything they've ever known or had, be exiled from their families for the rest fo their lives. But if they were THAT UNHAPPY, they would do it. If they're just unhappy but are not willing to give up any luxuries, then they value thier luxuries more than their happiness, and thay have no room to complain and even less room to consider cheating.

Not everyone marries for the same reason, I can accpet that. But if you are not willing to put your own happiness first and formost, then you'll never get what you really want. People cheat because it's the easy way out, not because they have no other choice. You take the easy way out when you can't handle ther truth that life isn't easy, and you're just making proving that you don't have the dignity to make youself worth something.

Don't get offended, I'm not saying you as in directly you, it's just a refernce in people. I know life is not that simple, but we choose how we see life, and we can either make it simple or complicated it with all kinds of variables. I would never pass marriage and divorce as a black and white issue on a personal basis. But this isn't about a particular case, and in general, it means people really need to consider their options before even seriously putting thought into cheating on their husbands or wives.

We as a society should never judge people because their marriages didnt' work out. But we shouldn't accept cheating as a proper nor just solution to the problem.

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My wife (when ever I get around to getting one) will be a woman who is independent and strong enough that she deosn't "need" a husband or a man in her life. The reason she has chosen me as her mate in life, will be bacause she loves me and want to spend the rest of her life with me. We will not have a perfect relationship..

......That set aside, if she is what I want her to be, she's a good wife.


Great sentiments... unlikely your gonna classify her as good wife. She's gonna be who SHE is, aint it??? :D

Let it be known that this is one subject that should be non-negotiable. Especially if one feels guilty about it afterwards. People who cheat don't deserve to share our world, they don't deserve our sympathy coz they are the scum of the human race, they're weak, and they should do us all a favor and go ######ing die in a fire!

WOW... there's been some psychologist types hanging around these boards I noticed a while back... maybe they could be of help.. That's horrible anger you have there :D

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I hope you are not a gun owner!

na... not yet atleast :D

heheh actaully I'm against the sale of guns in the way the american system has it set up. I think people should get a psychiatric analysis to prove they are mentally capable of owning a gun. I however should never qualify, I have too much anger on certain issues... :D

I also hope to god they disqualify me for the marine corp when I go back to Taiwan in the summer, coz I'm actaully afraid to see what I am capable of when push that far to the edge... :o

Edited by Chiuey
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  • 2 weeks later...
Men leave 'good' wive because they are usually boring and don't take it in the a.ss.

In no particular order...  :o


backdoor sex is overrated...

now refusal to give head and swallow may be cause for legitimate dissatisfaction...

Edited by tutsiwarrior
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LOL, Tufelhunden; you sure do have some of the most extremely long winded posts of anyone I have ever seen :o



My questions are: Why did JJ tie his buckle? And, how the heck do you tie a buckle?

And we do have to remember this complete sentance (it magically has every word starting with the letter "P").

Proper prior planning prevents piss poor performance.

I actually like that sentance, it can be applied to many things, I still use it today.

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LOL, Tufelhunden; you sure do have some of the most extremely long winded posts of anyone I have ever seen :D



My questions are: Why did JJ tie his buckle? And, how the heck do you tie a buckle?

And we do have to remember this complete sentance (it magically has every word starting with the letter "P").

Proper prior planning prevents piss poor performance.

I actually like that sentance, it can be applied to many things, I still use it today.

dont forget O.R.M. :o

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now refusal to give head and swallow may be cause for legitimate dissatisfaction...

Acctually, it often seems like men complain that woman _stop_ doing after getting marride (talking about euro-land now) and this ofcourse would make the man add anotch on his 'bad things happened after I said Yes'-list. Along with "She gained 40 pounds" and "Her mom keeps visiting us".

We should introduce the death penalty for them then. :o

Let's start with Bill Clinton! :D

I'm confused...you want to sentence Bill Clinton to the death penalty because...he refused to give you head...? =]

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Theory is great, but doesn't always work out the way you want it to. People change and their ideals can change. I've never met anybody that wasn't 100% committed when they got married. I’ve seen a few divorces (including my own) from people that thought that they would be married for life.

Some guys will always continue to screw around. There is also enough evidence to suggest that women are quickly catching up in this department as well.

What pisses me off is that when somebody does screw around, sometimes they feel guilty and feel the need to confess their sins. They are weak shites IMO.If you are into this then live with the guilt.

At the end of the day I would not judge somebody if they do screw around, even if I do not agree with it myself.Looking in from the outside is easy.You don't know what is going on in the marriage unless you are there 24/7.

J h C , take a chill pill or something, don't get worked up about other peoples problems.

you sound a little bit strung out, take it easy :o


Edited by Wanderer
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What is a good wife and what is a good husband?

I'm sure we all have very different definitions of that.

For me, a good wife is one who makes me happy.

How can I get tired of somebody who makes me happy? :o

HMMM!!!! I have a good wife and I don't mess around. But the fact is I do get tired of having sex with the same woman. Has nothing to do with her just me. I get enough in our relationship that I would not take the chance of changing the trust level for a few hours of playing. she would never leave me, but the trust she has in me would be out the window and the reltionship would change, If it wasn't good I would leave, but it is.

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