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Point 1

Many white men are delusional over women, they like to convince themselves they have something that everyone else wants, before the relationship becomes worthwhile to them. Often no Thai man would look twice at their girlfriends.

Point 2

Many Thai ladies (if not all) are up for a shag on the side. If they want to, you ain't going to stop them. Thai culture places importance on 'face', or in out western terms, you can do whatever you like as long as nobody else finds out about it. Fidelity is a western christioan idea and has little value out here.


Forget about a lifetime of marriage with fidelity, they will have affairs, so you have affairs. It's all about fun, if you can't cope with that better you just go home.

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  TallForeigner said:
  rideswings said:
The wife and I were looking at apartments a while back and one American guy who was very drunk boxed my wife into a corner and was ready to do something if I hadnt come along and dragged him off of her.

"................ My wife and me trained with knives for many years and we had lots of fun training together......."



To the OP:

When a guy says directly to your wife; she is sexy, what is her reaction?

I don’t believe you are paranoid, but rather that you think maybe your wife enjoys the attention and could if you’re not around be lead astray.

I would guess that somehow your wife is giving the impression that she could be up for it if caught in the right place at the right time, especially if you’re not on the scene.

It is your wife who should be getting angry and telling these guys to be more respectful as she’s married and not that type of girl.

If not, than you have a serious problem and completely justified with your concerns.

I certainly wouldn’t go in for any children just yet or make any investments such as a new home until you are convinced of your wife`s loyality to you.

  MrHammer said:
How old are you and how old is your wife?

If you're an old git and something like 20-30 years older then I would hit on your wife too, meet her for cofee and of we go to a love motel, I'll have her back for dinner though.

I'd start paying a little more attention or things could go 'U-turn'.

i love this attitude,"if your an old git with a wife 20/30 years younger than you"

well "sonny" my wife is 23 years younger than i am so that makes me an old git and we have been married 16 years ,she is now a very atractive 41 year old woman who dresses stylishly and i do notice men looking at her ,but in all those years i have never once ever worried about her looking back at them ,just because your older than your wife doesnt mean that she is constantly looking for another partner.

and to the the guy who started this thread ,dont be so f----ing insecure. :)

  pjclark1 said:
Point 1

Many white men are delusional over women, they like to convince themselves they have something that everyone else wants, before the relationship becomes worthwhile to them. Often no Thai man would look twice at their girlfriends.

Point 2

Many Thai ladies (if not all) are up for a shag on the side. If they want to, you ain't going to stop them. Thai culture places importance on 'face', or in out western terms, you can do whatever you like as long as nobody else finds out about it. Fidelity is a western christioan idea and has little value out here.


Forget about a lifetime of marriage with fidelity, they will have affairs, so you have affairs. It's all about fun, if you can't cope with that better you just go home.

Just read your post.

does it take a long time learning to talk <deleted>.


Perhaps the OP is a little naive? Before you decide to marry a Thai woman, surely you would have considered the fact that MANY people from both Thai and non-Thai sides will view the relationship as an unequal one between an ex (or current) sexpat and an ex-bargirl? So, of course the Thai wife is "available" to be hit upon. It is demeaning to the people involved but alas, that is the perception.


I don't get it. What's so hard in telling someone no? Thai women are not little dainty vanishing orchids, they can be tough as nails and I have seen plenty of them tell a guy to go take a hike. If some guy doesn't understand the meaning of No, then it's your job to step up and say, what part of No is not understood. Really, it's that simple.

Some guys think their wives are so sexy. Sorry, but those sexy ladies are often less appealing than the crud the dog barfed up on my floor. I have found that some uggers will claim someone is hitting on them in an effort to elicit the boyfriend's attention.


Is your wife a famous Thai movie Star?

Is she a famous Thai TV Star?

Is she a famous Thai singer?

Is she a famous Thai Model?

Is she a former Miss Thailand Universe?

If the answer is none of the above, take a reality check.

Thai's tend to fawn and fuss over celebrities, no one else.

So if she is not a celebrity, maybe, just maybe this problem is not that she is Miss Universe but that you are a really insecure person and this is your imagination working over time?

I met Miss Thailand Universe in the airport.

Funny she was just walking to catch her flight and did not have a hoard of horny dogs chasing her around?



Unless you change who you associate with, and the places you go to, you'll simply have to deal with it. And that means process it as 'normal' behavior.

People generally judge situations and other people by their own experiences, sadly. It leads them to misjudge situations constantly but, well, live with it, it aint gonna change, ever.

Thailand has a reputation, like it or not. Most men in Thailand have a pretty set view of what happens here, and that includes those that visit here once in a while to monger.

So inside Thailand you'll have to deal with these shallow views from both foreigners as well as Thai. Outside of Thailand, you'll get the same response from those that come here for the 'bars', and probably from the barflies who don't as well, coz they've probably heard of it.

It is a reflection of the size and intelligence of the mind of the person acting boorishly. Take it as such. Live with it or change who you associate with. You'll change nothing by getting into a fight with an idiot.

My mother used to burn this into my head: meng jou met die semels, dan vreet die varke jou - mix with hogfeed and the hogs will eat you, or somesuch. (he who sleeps with dogs gets up with fleas)


Appearances are not the most important thing in a relationship, but if a man has a g/f or wife whom others think is sexy, go with the flow.  It is a compliment, after all.  If you are a jealous type, then pay attention to her reaction, if you feel you have to be involved, but don't tear yourself up over other men looking or even offering passing comments.

Ex #1 was a rather pretty woman with a killer body.  She was also a Navy doctor.  As a Marine captian, I was at Bethesda Naval Hospital for a check-up, sitting on a bench, when she came up, took down my chart, looked at it, and left without saying anything.  A young Marine watched, this, watched her walk off, hips aswaying, and looked at me saying something to the effect that she was pretty hot, and he bet she was great in bed.  I looked at him seriously and said yes she was. He looked confused, so I told him she was my wife.  The look of horror that came over the young kid was priceless, and I had to keep from breaking out in laughter.  I told my wife about it that evening, and she laughed, too.  My point is, just accept that you have a sexy wife and that men are going to look, and some men are going to make comments.  That does not mean that all men are actually going to hit on her.  Most times, it is just a compliment, nothing else. Heck, I have complimented friends' wives at formal balls and such even when I really did not think they looked good (I believe in being truthful, but this in one type of situation where I will be less than honest.)

It really doesn't matter what others think, only the two in a relationship.  But I would rather have someone compliment my wife on being sexy than insulting her appearances.

Now the guy who cornered your wife, that is too far.  That is making a physical presence.  But mere words should just be filed away and not get to you.


unless they are trying to assault your wife, just let her smile and accept it as compliment and move on

dont engage in conversation with them.

simple smile, dont say anything ...dont even use the word thanks....and leave it at that.

most civilised people would know they have crossed the line and not pursue it further.

if she says something they will interpret it to suit their own thinking.

thats how I deal (or would deal) with it.


what do you expect, you're in a country where most of the white/japs are heavly into bargirls so whenever they go to a normal public places and see a pretty girl they walk up to them as aggressively as they would try to barfine a girl . They seem to forget that they have absolutely no game and no appeal to women, the barfining has gotten them delusional.

Happens to my gf and probably a bunch of other posters too on a regular basis.. Just teach her to take the business card and leave. I got a bunch of CEO and vice president card from jap exec and the few old whire retiree thinking money will offset their 60inch waste band

  mrtoad said:
  neverdie said:
Ohh by the way, I did NOT try to hit on ur wife :D

That's not what you told me mate. :)

Nonesense toadie, I can see that the fresh air up north has been bad for your brain. :D


I've never understood this fear. Either you share a trusting/loving relationship and you have nothing to fear, or you don't trust your wife, in which case you better work on that. Either way, a sexy woman is a sexy woman. Neanderthal men view their wives as property and will pick up their club and bash another for appreciating what all men appreciate - beauty and youth.

  pjclark1 said:
Point 2

Many Thai ladies (if not all) are up for a shag on the side. If they want to, you ain't going to stop them. Thai culture places importance on 'face', or in out western terms, you can do whatever you like as long as nobody else finds out about it. Fidelity is a western christioan idea and has little value out here.

excuse me?


  MiG16 said:
  pjclark1 said:
Point 2

Many Thai ladies (if not all) are up for a shag on the side. If they want to, you ain't going to stop them. Thai culture places importance on 'face', or in out western terms, you can do whatever you like as long as nobody else finds out about it. Fidelity is a western christioan idea and has little value out here.

excuse me?


Mig I bet you can guess the sort of places that he frequents. :D

  neverdie said:
  mrtoad said:
  lordsux said:
How about a photo of this 'sexy wife' ?

I think Mr Neverdie has some good pics. :D

I do NOT :) You nasty baaaastard.


Sorry Sir, I apologise for getting confused.


To the OP.

Ask yourself two things:

1) What might make other men feel that they can talk to your wife like that?

2) Why doesn't your wife say something like "I am married and I love my husband. There are plenty other women in LOS"?

There are plenty of sexy women who do *not* get hit on by other men.


Look in the mirror, 2 wives who men seemed to be hitting on. You ever hear of that 'come on big boy' look/moves, sounds like while your checking out the surrounding the wives may be doing the same, but to a better degree than you.

  OlRedEyes said:
Unless you change who you associate with, and the places you go to, you'll simply have to deal with it. And that means process it as 'normal' behavior.

People generally judge situations and other people by their own experiences, sadly. It leads them to misjudge situations constantly but, well, live with it, it aint gonna change, ever.

Thailand has a reputation, like it or not. Most men in Thailand have a pretty set view of what happens here, and that includes those that visit here once in a while to monger.

So inside Thailand you'll have to deal with these shallow views from both foreigners as well as Thai. Outside of Thailand, you'll get the same response from those that come here for the 'bars', and probably from the barflies who don't as well, coz they've probably heard of it.

It is a reflection of the size and intelligence of the mind of the person acting boorishly. Take it as such. Live with it or change who you associate with. You'll change nothing by getting into a fight with an idiot.

My mother used to burn this into my head: meng jou met die semels, dan vreet die varke jou - mix with hogfeed and the hogs will eat you, or somesuch. (he who sleeps with dogs gets up with fleas)



you've had some great advice here( but not from me)..run with it..enjoy your time with her..like the song..nothing lasts forever...take it to the heart..take it to the soul..

  OlRedEyes said:
meng jou met die semels, dan vreet die varke jou

"My pet chicken has the ability to levitate whilst simultaneously playing "Are You Experienced?" by Jimi Hendrix on the tuba and once turned down a position as assistant manager in charge of frisbees at Toys R Us in Mogadishu, Somalia"?

What on earth has that got to do with the OP mate?

Hang on. I think that talking dictionary I bought from Khon Kaen night market is playing up again.....

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