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Live Neutral Earth

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In the process of connecting some sockets I enquired at the Local Power Station which were the colors they advised to use in wiring Live, Neutral and Earth. They explicitly advised that White = Live, Black = Neutral , Green = Earth.

I thought great. I thought I would ask my neighbour what he knew about his house wiring colors. He told me Live = Black, Neutral = White.

So in curiosity I asked my wife's, cousin's husband who supposedly has a Thai degree in Electrical Engineering. He said the same as my neighbour.

So we thought we would ask the original guy who put the wiring in for the builder. He said the same as the Local Power Station.

I inspected many local wiring set ups and they all used Black Live and Grey Neutral.

Any comments from any members who have their house freshly wired up, would be appreciated.

Edited by goodguy
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Everything I have ever known, learnt and believed is that black/brown/red is hot (live) and blue/white/grey is cold (neutral) and of course green or green/yellow is earth.



The colour code in my house is all over the place, so I only beleive my fluke, as should everyone else, never ever trust colour codes in Thailand.

Here is an example of the cabling in my brand new house.


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This is Thailand. It all depends on the color wire that is available at the local store. I have one green ground wire and the other ground from a different ground stake is red. LOL! My house is mostly wired with two wire cable and the hot one is BLACK. I wasn't able to even find three wire cable up country.

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