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Reposting Request For House / Dog Sitter


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hey there,

I posted the request below about 2 weeks ago and things looked pretty good and seemed to easily line up. Alas, it was too good to be true so I'm reposting - I'd still like to give this a chance.


hello all,

just throwing it out there to see if there are any bites:

leaving town for the christmas holidays and have a lovely 2 bedroom house. I also have 2 very sweet, spoiled dogs that need watching. I know there are boarding kennels out there but i would only do that as a last resort.

Do you have any guests coming for the holidays that may want a place to stay, rent free, in exchange for taking care of the dogs? I'd even throw in the weekly visit from the cleaning lady. (Motorbike and beat up old pick up truck negotiable :) ) There is also we-tv, wifi, and a washing machine - it really is a nice place.

I live a bit past the train station - not city center - and will be gone from december 19th until january 4th.

yes, i know it sounds a bit risky, but i don't think anyone here would steer me in a dangerous direction so i thought i'd give it a shot. I'll follow through on any leads. Thanks!

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I understand your dilemma as I have a dog of my own.

I think most people would be reluctant to recommend anyone, just in case something untoward happened.

Take the dogs to Nienke or Ron at Pooch resort, the dogs will be Ok.....you will be too.

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