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Muay Thai Fighters' Invitation To Challenge Shaolin Monks In Dec 09


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November 24, Beijing Time, the Chinese Kung <deleted> [功夫, gong <deleted>] vs. Professional Thai Kick-boxing Competition Organizing Committee issued a public announcement: The 2009 Chinese Kung <deleted> vs. Professional Thai Kick-boxing Competition will be held in 2009 December at Foshan in Guangdong. The competition will use Chinese wushu rules as a foundation, integrated with a portion of Thai Kick-boxing rules, allowing the two opposing combatants to use elbows and knee techniques to attack their opponent, with every match having five rounds and each round being three minutes.

Recently, Thai boxing champions have become crazy, wanting to challenge the Shaolin Temple, even spreading around that they want to beat the Abbot Shi Yongxin onto his knees. The five champions of Thai Kick-boxing are: "神目杀" [shen mu sha], "鬼见膝" [ gui jian xi], "魔术锥" [mo shu zhui], "拳灭风" [quan mie feng], "屠龙肘" [tu long zhou]. This time, all five champions will appear, with their original motivation being to "destroy Shaolin". When a journalist asked whether "destroy Shaolin" was putting things arrogantly, the boxing champion 考克莱 [kao ke lai] waved his right fist disdainfully saying: "Tell Shi Yongxin to come to the ring and then see!"

There was even a Thai kick-boxing champion yelling: "Even my woman can defeat Chinese kung <deleted>!" Why did he say this? Apparently, there was an amazingly beautiful Vietnamese girl who had previously fought against Chinese kung <deleted>, and that this Miss Ruan just so happens to be the girlfriend of one of the Thai kick-boxing champions organized to come challenge [the Shaolin Temple], thus explaining this kind of talk.

Shi Yongxin is the Shaolin chairman/director, Director Shi for short, and normally occupied with important matters, like being busy having meetings, driving BMWs, making mobile phone calls (very niubi using both China Mobile and China Unicom), using the computer…though I'm not sure whether or not he still eats meat? …anyway, [he] is skilled in various kinds of combat, and I hear his "internal force" is strong, a master who does not reveal his abilities, and we can now finally witness his power!

What is Thai kick-boxing? I've never even heard of it before! Whereas Shaolin kung <deleted> has, through movies, television, songs, etc. been indoctrinated into our heads, as amazing and awe-inspiring? What is worth celebrating is Director Shi finally stepping up, expressing official acceptance of the Thailand boxing champions' challenge, holding a competition in Foshan of Guangdong in December. We believe that mystical Director Shi, who does not usually fight, will defeat the five big Thai boxing champions, beating them onto their knees the moment he does!

In addition, the five big Thai boxing champions originally wanted to go to Shaolin Temple to make their challenge because Thailand is a Buddhist country, where everyone believes and respects Buddhism. "But, we heard from our Chinese friends that many temples and monasteries in China have all been developed by ruthless businessmen into tools to make money from the ordinary common people and believers/followers. [They] are even forced to make purchases in the temple and monasteries, here fees must be paid just for taking photos. Especially that so-called originators of kung-<deleted> Shaolin Temple. It is said that they can even make commercial investments, this is unbelievable. We originally wanted to go tell them to stop using so-called kung <deleted> to deceive Buddhist believers." Now upon hearing that the China competition is confirmed to be in Foshan of Guandong, there is some regret…[that it is not at the Shaolin Temple itself]

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I think that the Thai boxers would crush the Shaolin boxers with little effort.

Agreed. The top Thai boys are hard as nails. Didn't a bunch of them recently prove how superior of a hard martial art it was over the other disciplines by kicking the asses of the kung <deleted>, karate etc experts?

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Although I am a fan of Muay Thai, I think in this case that the Thai boys will get absolutely creamed.

(Shaolin) Kung <deleted> or the state form Wushu, is much more technical. Discipline is much harder.

In anycase, I would LOVE to see this happening. Guangdong is in the south of the PRC.

Hmm, I am in the PRC in December. Is the exact date known?

*giggles excitedly*

Edited by EvilDrSomkid
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I believe a lot of people take Muay Thai for granted (those that are uneducated about the art). Muay Thai is just as a skill as Karate, Kung <deleted>, etc. Just a watered down example is that found in the movie Ong Bak. Tony Jaa was taught Muay Thai if he promised not to use it to fight. Well, its true that you can mess somebody up using certain moves. Watching UFC I have seen people get knocked smooth out with 1 spinning back fist. I would love to see this "showdown". If dates and locations are set for an actual match, please post them.

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I believe a lot of people take Muay Thai for granted (those that are uneducated about the art). Muay Thai is just as a skill as Karate, Kung <deleted>, etc. Just a watered down example is that found in the movie Ong Bak. Tony Jaa was taught Muay Thai if he promised not to use it to fight. Well, its true that you can mess somebody up using certain moves. Watching UFC I have seen people get knocked smooth out with 1 spinning back fist. I would love to see this "showdown". If dates and locations are set for an actual match, please post them.

Good post...should be loads of opinions...

Lots of stars in UFC have some Muay Thai training for stand up fighting but we all know the real stuff happens on the deck in UFC.....same as most fights in the street go to the ground....... better to have mixed training.. but for shock and awe...Muay Thai is fast and brutal...

self defence...Muay Thai is brilliant.... its fast, hard and effective..no need to learn grips, and set styles...just let the knees,elbows,legs and fists talk... and then run..

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The five champions of Thai Kick-boxing are: "神目杀" [shen mu sha], "鬼见膝" [ gui jian xi], "魔术锥" [mo shu zhui], "拳灭风" [quan mie feng], "屠龙肘" [tu long zhou].

Out of curiosity, why do the "Thai" fighters all have Chinese names? This sounds like a worked match to me, where the Chinese fighters will defeat all the "Muay Thai" fighters, showing how great the Chinese martial arts are.

Why don't they bring in Thai champions who have won titles at Lumphini Statdium? Now that would be an interesting fight.

The only Shaolin monks who will stand a chance against real Muay Thai fighters are the ones that train Sanshou (Sanda). Sanshou is very similar in many ways to Muay Thai, although it allows hip throws and certain types of sweeps (e.g. using the back of the leg to sweep an opponent's leg) that Muay Thai rules do not allow. It won't look anything like the Hong Kong cinema movies, with kung <deleted> fighters flipping and spinning in the air. It will look almost exactly like Muay Thai.

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self defence...Muay Thai is brilliant.... its fast, hard and effective..no need to learn grips, and set styles...just let the knees,elbows,legs and fists talk... and then run..

While Muay Thai is a very effective fighting style, it might be a bit overkill for self-defense. At least in the US, the law doesn't care who started a fight. Even if you are attacked, if you injure your attacker, you can still be charged with assault and battery.

While it is useful to have some striking-based martial art like Muay Thai or boxing, I don't think I would try to finish an attacker with it. Some combination of grappling (wrestling or Brazilian Jiu-jitsu) and running away would be more practical for self-defense.

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Although I am a fan of Muay Thai, I think in this case that the Thai boys will get absolutely creamed.

(Shaolin) Kung <deleted> or the state form Wushu, is much more technical. Discipline is much harder.

A Western boxer will beat most martial artists in a street fight because he has been in 100's of real fights in which his opponent is hitting him as hard as he can - sparing in the dojo is nothing like real fight - If a Western boxer could not take a punch, he would have quit long ago.

Muay Thai fighters have also been fighting full out from the time they were children. The only thing a (Shaolin) Kung <deleted> boxer might beat them in is a forms contest! :)

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A Western boxer will beat most martial artists in a street fight because he has been in 100's of real fights in which his opponent is hitting him as hard as he can -

Thats a bit of an assumption to make, personally i think any MMA / UFC trained or a decent martial artists would clobber a queensberry rules only fighter....IMHO

The Brazilians Ju Jitsu (Gracie family) and USA wrestlers were cream of the crop when UFC started..ordinary boxers aka Kimbo Slice (while as hard as <removed>) could not hack UFC....he got clobbered big time...but his fights on you tube stand up punching he looks good...

If someone said to me..you have to fight someone next month... i wouldn't be training for queensbury rules it would be Muay Thai...with some ground grappling involved.... ie arm bars, chokes etc.... and learn sprinting from Mr Bolt... i,m a lover not a fighter at heart ;-)

reason edit = Ju Jitsu (Gracie family) ........forgot to add this part

Edited by sanook2me
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I think that the Thai boxers would crush the Shaolin boxers with little effort.

I Dought if the Monks will rise to the challenge, And if they do , The Thai boxers would not last 2 minutes, These Monks practice every day, probably from the age of 5. A Black belt, Challenged a Sholin monk quite a few years ago, the black belt looked good, until the monk started to hit back it took about 20 seconds. All the monk did was ride the blows , it looked as if the black belt was landing his hits on the Monk but when you looked carefully not one landed, The style of the monk was praying Mantis.

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The only thing a (Shaolin) Kung <deleted> boxer might beat them in is a forms contest! :)

This is not entirely true, as some Chinese "kung <deleted>" fighters actually train Sanshou, while others do only forms (and some do both). A Sanshou fighter's training is very similar to Muay Thai.

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I am a Muay Thai fan and I think on most days they can floor just about anyone except for K1 MAX fighers who I see as the ultimate but we are talking about Shaolin monks here which is a different kettle of fish. Besides normal kungfu these monks practise Qi Gong, and I have seen a 70 year old Qi Gong master repel a dozen young man with just a flick of his arms, and the superman feats of letting a truck run over their torso, breaking bricks over their heads etc...Qi Gong is not martial arts per se so there is no comaprison

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I am a Muay Thai fan and I think on most days they can floor just about anyone except for K1 MAX fighers who I see as the ultimate but we are talking about Shaolin monks here which is a different kettle of fish. Besides normal kungfu these monks practise Qi Gong, and I have seen a 70 year old Qi Gong master repel a dozen young man with just a flick of his arms, and the superman feats of letting a truck run over their torso, breaking bricks over their heads etc...Qi Gong is not martial arts per se so there is no comaprison

Here's a video of a supposed Qigong Master getting his butt whipped by an MMA fighter and losing $5,000 in the process. He actually challenged any MMA fighter to come and try to beat him.

Qigong only seems to work on the gullible students of the kooky masters.

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These types of "which martial art is better" debates/contests have no basis in reality....

There are always rules involved and that has a huge impact on the outcome, totally unlike a real life and death situation......just ask any MMA guy if you are allowed to kick someone in the head when they are on the ground, eye gouge, etectectetc.....once you introduce rules the whole game changes....

The Chinese martial artists are extremely acrobatic which makes for great movies, but how they would perform in such a contest totally depends on the rules....

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Though I have learned both kung <deleted> and muay thai. Traditional kung <deleted> is really no match to muay thai in terms of brutality and effectiveness. The only thing is kung <deleted> practitioner can have better stamina. 'Sanshou', which is a modified version may have chances to win some muay thai fighers! I dun think Shaolin monks practise the modified version. :)

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"I Dought if the Monks will rise to the challenge, And if they do , The Thai boxers would not last 2 minutes, These Monks practice every day, probably from the age of 5."

While you are probably right in your assumption of the work ethic of a Shoalin, by your comment it would seem that you have never been to an actual Muay Thai acadamy. The students of the Muay Thai discipline are FULL TIME. When they commit to the art, they pretty much give up everything including family, so that they can devote all their time to being the greatest. Now that's the career boxers. I am sure that the guys you see fighting at the beer bars at night don't get as intense. (that's a joke) I think that if this showdown actually happens, it would be one of those once in a lifetime experiences.

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There's absolutely no doubt in my mind that Thai boxing is the best striking art for sports fighting. We've seen it so many times in K1, The Contender Asia, UFC etc.

Thai boxing is comparable to boxing in that both practice techniques that are hard and fast, and the training and conditioning in both is insane. Ever been to a Muay Thai camp? Their workout schedule is absurd, wake up at 6 in the morning, run 10 km, back for 1.5 hours of skipping, technique training, pad work, situps etc. Then sleep until afternoon training for 1.5 hours more training.

Chinese Kung <deleted> is no match. Wushu is ok, has much the same rules and training as Thai boxing, except for elbows and knees which is where Thai fighters always dominate their opponents.

Since, the names of the Thai boxers sound Chinese, there's no way of knowing if the match won't be fixed to show superiority of the Chinese arts. If Thailand sent their best fighters such as Naurepol, it would be over in round 1.

The Chinese though are actually experiencing a growth in popularity in fight sports, such as Wushu fights on television and the no-holds-barred, Vale Tudo style - Art of War organization.

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From my experience the rules of any 'open' martial arts competition are usually stacked in the favour of the guys who are running the competition, this looks like some sort of show fight to me and the Shaolin Monks are my favourites not becasue of any particular skills just that it isn't going to look good for the patriotic Chinese people if there monks get creamed :) .

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I am not an expert, but from what I have seen, at least from what has been televised, is that a lot of the Shaolin monks do what I see as "show" martial arts. THey dance around, do flips and such which have no bearing on fighting at all, and they do individual feats of amazing personal skills, like being suspended by spear tips (OK dull spear tips, but still), breaking boards, and the like.  I have never really seen them in actual combat.  

The muay thai fighters, on the other hand, do face real opponents.  And if my observations on the Shaolin monks is accurate, then I would have to give the nod to the Thais.  Showy martial arts are all well and good, but nothing prepares someone like actual combat.

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Interesting thread! It led me to view several Shaolin videos on YouTube, as well as a few actual "fights" between Muay Thai and other disciplines. I've nothing much to contribute to this thread other than my sincere respect for any and all athletes who are far along in their journey to master their fighting discipline. May you never need it for anything other than sport.

This video clip is nothing but semi-related comic relief. I stumbled upon it while viewing more serious (and related) videos. Truly funny, especially if you consider the title of the video.



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.....great macho stuff... hope there are no adults involved in this thread!

"I am an xxxxx xxx fighter!"

"welcome, then meet my .38" !

someone wrote "it all depends on the rules..." guess so not to forget the referee and the jury!

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Muay Thai fighters have undergone the training to withstand being hit and kicked, other than the striking and kicking techniques. Kung <deleted> fighters seldom undergo the kind of training. Really a big challenge for kung <deleted> fighters!

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