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The Zaniest Thing You Have Done In Chiang Mai ?


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Sawasdee Khrup, TV Friends,

We'd be very curious to know of what interesting serendipities, japes, practical jokes, pratfalls, etc. you may have done, or fallen into, or had perpetrated on you, in Chiang Mai that were "spontaneous" rather than planned and were :

1. not related to being intoxicated on booze or drugs

2. did not involve (explicit) sex or commercial sex : let's keep it up to our usual high "moral" standards of discussion :)

3. were, perhaps, a result of strange mis-understandings of Thai to English, or English to Thai

4. were not violent

And, most important, made Chiang Mai Thai people laugh, or endeared you to them, or endeared them to you. And, equally, important, made you laugh with, or at, yourself.

You go first :D

best, ~o:37;

Edited by orang37
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troll on

What's with the "troll" comment ?! I agree with PB. Interesting question. Just interestingly broad.

Are TV CM posters so dead or so involved in the caveats of OP's request that life is so boring that there aren't a few experiences that qualify by OP's request. I don't think so!

Be brave! Your turn! I will contribute, although I will probably be zapped by the regular guys around here. I am just trying to think of a serious contribution, not some toss-off thing.

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I once went and picked up a few things from the 7-11 but upon reaching the counter realized I'd left my wallet at home! Oh how I tried to explain to the staff, and the puzzled look on their faces! It was most hilarious, I'm laughing out loud now as I type this. It took me days to get over the excitement. Chiang Mai sure can be a wild old place sometimes. :)

Edited by RoastLamb
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I once went and picked up a few things from the 7-11 but upon reaching the counter realized I'd left my wallet at home! Oh how I tried to explain to the staff, and the puzzled look on their faces! It was most hilarious, I'm laughing out loud now as I type this. It took me days to get over the excitement. Chiang Mai sure can be a wild old place sometimes. :)

I did this once at a restaurant. I was able to convey i would leave my cell phone as collateral. Then I realized I only had enough for a 1 way seelaw trip. 30 min walk/jog on the way back!

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was talking to a couple of girls in a bar, and tried to tell them the story about ' when 2 lions walking down piccadilly circus, one lion says to the other, not many people about', they didnt understand , didnt know what a lion was, so do you know what a tiger was, yes they replied, ok so 'there were 2 tigers walking in chiangmai....one interupted quickly, and said "when'........nah not really , didnt happen up here , but it did happen in phuket.

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I once went and picked up a few things from the 7-11 but upon reaching the counter realized I'd left my wallet at home! Oh how I tried to explain to the staff, and the puzzled look on their faces! It was most hilarious, I'm laughing out loud now as I type this. It took me days to get over the excitement. Chiang Mai sure can be a wild old place sometimes. :)

I did this once at a restaurant. I was able to convey i would leave my cell phone as collateral. Then I realized I only had enough for a 1 way seelaw trip. 30 min walk/jog on the way back!

Ehm.. So you went one way to an ATM (or home), got money.. so why you had to walk back? Please tell, it'll keep me up tonight I swear.

Such an exciting place Chiang Mai.. Zany zany zany.

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1. not related to being intoxicated on booze or drugs

2. did not involve (explicit) sex or commercial sex : let's keep it up to our usual high "moral" standards of discussion

Nothing spontaneous left after that :)


Well, I guess there's Songkran, that's pretty zany. Other than that.. Let's see, what did I do the past 15 years that was odd.. Getting married I suppose.

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I once went and picked up a few things from the 7-11 but upon reaching the counter realized I'd left my wallet at home! Oh how I tried to explain to the staff, and the puzzled look on their faces! It was most hilarious, I'm laughing out loud now as I type this. It took me days to get over the excitement. Chiang Mai sure can be a wild old place sometimes. :)

I did this once at a restaurant. I was able to convey i would leave my cell phone as collateral. Then I realized I only had enough for a 1 way seelaw trip. 30 min walk/jog on the way back!

Ehm.. So you went one way to an ATM (or home), got money.. so why you had to walk back? Please tell, it'll keep me up tonight I swear.

Such an exciting place Chiang Mai.. Zany zany zany.

Forgot the entire wallet! I was at one of the then "Library" on "walking street" and was staying at the Huey Keaw apartments. And you're right, I got that wrong there would be no reason for me to walk back if I got money, so I walked home and rode back. This was 3 years ago, sorry for the mix up.

Other than that. I have at a random request had my head shaved by monks at Wat Suan Dok for Maga Puja day.

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I posed as "Adam" behind a banana leaf in the nud_e outside my hotel. Unfortunately, I couldn't convince my pretty Thai lady to do the same as Eve". Probably wouldn't matter anyway. Veu is so tiny she would have disappeared behind the leaf.

[image removed - by MiG16]

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Sawasdee Khrup, TV Friends,

Okay, you've told some, we'll tell one.

Four years, or so, ago (when "I" was still an "I," and not a "we," before our singular szygzyification with an Orang soul-mind ... and when the human "I" had taste buds that worked) ...

I went to Talat Thannin, off Thanon Chotana, the very large market where every day around 2-3PM many Thai families arrive with the best fresh-made Thai food on earth in large stainless-steel tubs ... food of a freshness and quality I've never experienced in any Thai restaurant ... and a range of local dishes which I've never even seen in any Thai restaurant.

Of course : Thannin has a vast smorgasboord of everything else "under the sun" from fruits, to cooking supplies, to flowers, to sweets; it has vegetarian specialists, it has make-your-own-salad-bar like vendors, and an amazing array of grilled or char-broiled meats of all types, steamed fish ... it goes on and on.

Like many of the local markets, Thannin has a butchery section where you'll find poultry, pig, cow, fish, eels, etc. As often seen among pork vendors, many display a pig's head on ice : an "icon," a "trademark," as it were.

After buying some combo thigh-leg chicken parts (we were able to eat meat in those days), and then finishing up my shopping agenda with palm sugar, bananas, papaya, a fresh eggplant dish, etc. ...

I was about to leave : when I had a strange inspiration : a "calling" as it were : almost as if by "instinct" I went over to a flower seller's stand and bought a single rose.

I went back to the butchery section, went over to the biggest pig's head on display, and, acting as if consumed by tragic grief, sobbed over and over again : "tam mai, tee raak, tam mai ?"

The entire butchery room suddenly seemed to freeze, as if it had been made into a photograph; no one was moving ... but me ... and I was tenderly laying the rose in front of the snout of my pig-inamorta with great tenderness, racked by sobs.

As I left, simulating the gait of someone in a state of shock and grief, touching my head with my free hand :

Just as suddenly : the room "unfroze" and a wondeful chorus of laughter erupted that was still going on as I walked out of hearing distance.

This was "sua sponte" on my part; I certainly had no plan to do it; and at the time I was living with SWMBO (she who must be obeyed) and was rather happy-primately domestified.

Yes, I must confess, I have done it again, and again, even after my transubstantiation into a chimaeric duality of Orang and Human. Laughter every time ... so far.

This leads me to one of things I like to say to Thais to entertain them : "Farang yu Muang Thai ben man kan ling tee suan sat som rak khun." (Farangs in Thailand are like monkeys in the zoo for you."

best, ~o:37;

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Not particularly zaney per say..(more of an embarrassing moment) but one that will probably result in a laugh.

About a year or so ago, when the sun on my balcony was inviting me to get some colour on my skin, i set up a "private" sunbathing zone for an all over tan. I made sure there were no gaps in the balcony and that I was high enough up for the adjacent condo not to get a shock if anyone were to look out.

So..lying there..blissfully lapping up the rays, i nodded off.

A while later, i opened my eyes, and saw a group of Thai workers up on the roof of the adjacent condo looking my way. I grabbed my towel and sat up a bit not sure if they were actually looking at me or not. Well..they definitely were, it would seem. How do i know? Because they started smiling and waving! OH GAWD!!!

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Maybe a bit too focused.

Sawasdee Khrup, Khun JimsKnight,

We hope you have not forgot you are perfectly free to start your own topic as broadly (or narrowly) defined as you wish :) In fact, we hope you do !

best, ~o:37;

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Quote: "Ian, did you really need a banana leaf? Could a lumyai or mango leaf have been sufficient?"

Not really, but I was trying to convince my friend, Veu, to hide behind it, but she wouldn't pose. It was really just done for laughs anyway. Years ago when I got badly burnt in a chemical fire I had to spend 2 months stark naked under a tent in the hospital. After that you lose all sense of modesty.

Had I been eek with the peeping tom workers I would have stood up and done a little pose for them. :)

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Not so zany as stupid...

When new in Chiang Mai, I was determined to prove I was one with the locals and appreciated their culture. I have a low tolerance for spicy food, but thought I could overcome this one defect. One day, Thai co-worker and I bought street food. I recall I wanted the "fish balls" on sticks (and, no, it isn't fish genitalia). I insisted on adding sauce. Seller wasn't sure I wanted it pedt? Maybe sweet better for me? I chose pedt.

We returned to campus, me devouring the food with the spicy sauce. My eyes suddenly started to well up with tears and soon it was streaming down my face. Snot suddenly bubbled and dribbled down my lips and chin. I'm sure I had a little pee running down my pants, too. My face felt flushed and hot and was probably turning red. Attempting to be civil, I took my leave from my Thai co-worker in the calmest way possible under those conditions; she couldn't decide if she wanted to be concerned for me or just laugh her head off.

I jogged to the cafeteria, pointed to a milk carton, managed to pay the worker while more snot and tears flowed, and drank milk (which I hate) until the reaction subsided. I looked up to the worker to see him staring at me open mouthed.

Oh, the stupidity doesn't end there. I did it again at a local restaurant. Picked up the chili bits shaker, shook some of it onto my palms and said to my mates I think I can tolerate this. I nibbled a few and got the same reactions as above. I had no desire for milk so I ordered ice cream instead. I'm sure my companions enjoyed the whole show.

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Last week I cut the toenail on my third toe on my left foot very slightly shorter than the equivalent one on my right foot. The next day my landlady immediately noticed (I wear sandels, so my toes can be seen easily) and this nail-cutting experiment has been the talk of the village ever since.

By the way, I don't normally do such daring, rakish kind of things, but I thought I would tell Thai Visa readers about it to show that some of us here in LOS still have the guts to grab-life-by-the-balls and do the exciting, zany stuff that others can only dream about.


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