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Help Advice Please!


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Hi all,

Think I need some advice or just some common sense as I'm in a tricky situation.

I have a long time Thai girlfriend she has a very respectable job and career I moved to Thailand with her, with the idea to maybe stay permanent if I could start a new career as a teacher. I've been lazy up to now (been Thailand 6 months).

A couple of months ago I met a gogo dancer and have been seeing her since. For 2 months I've been paying her salary 10,000 bht and she has stayed at home. She wanted to learn spa massage so her friend (who owns) 2/3 massage shops is traing her now. She says she needs 20,000 to pay her friend for the course.

Because I wanted to get some space I told her I'd gone home to UK, she thinks I am there now. I know this is wrong but I needed space and I couldnt get that any other way. I like this girl alot and we have made long term plans. She thinks I'm working at home and making money, but actually I'm not working and still in Thailand. I met this lady on my first trip to a gogo.

I would still like to see her again BUT if I'm truthful I don't think I can give her the future she would like. With my girlfriend perhaps I can build a future and I know its very easy to find other girls BUT I feel bad if I dont give her the money. But as I'm not working 20,000 is a lot to me. Also I plan to return to UK in March as my unpaid leave will end then, if I dont go back I will lose my job. Because I've been lazy here so far I've not tried to find the teaching work and am living off savings.

This sounds bad but if I give the girl 20,000 then I will want to spend some time with her(u know what I mean) but my problem is have limited time. If I see her for 1 month (January 2010) then I only have Feb 2010 to try to sort myself out with a job......... Plus also I don't like to lie to her as shes true to me, and I think if I don't give her the money then we split up (she will probably go back to gogo) but if i give her the money and spend Jan with her I have to lie to my girlfriend and at the end of the month split with the girl. BUT what if I decide that I want to stay with her after vspending 1 month together!

I know this sounds really bad and wimpy and I should find some balls and sort this out - I think. Anyone offer any advice / help what u think ?

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I know this sounds really bad and wimpy and I should find some balls and sort this out - I think. Anyone offer any advice / help what u think ?

Interesting first post. I bet it gets the TV award for noob of the week.

It always amazes me how if you write enough about a problem, you usually find the answer. Sort it out.

But don't sort it out with a confrontation. Go back to the UK. Call the girlfriend, tell her something like with the exchange rate being bad you can't afford to move there permanently. Then call the go-go dancer on one of her phones, tell her you don't have the money, which is pretty much true.

Then stay in England awhile, and sort out your finances. You might also want to sort out your rationale for lying to your GF on several occasions, and taking up with a go-go dancer while you've left your GF home alone.

This will make your GF feel bad, but she will more than likely get over it. As for the dancer, she's hitting you up for a fair chuck of change already - spa massage school, eh? At least you didn't get the one about the sick buffalo, or great-grannie's goiter that needs to be operated on.

Seems to be what needs sorting out is you - we can't tell you how to do that. You have to think it through long and hard, then plan the changes you want to make in yourself.

Just my two satang. Good luck to you!

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Thanks for your comments + ur right I should get noob of week.

I do have the money to give the gogo if I want to, its not going to leave me broke by any means.

I know what u mean about all the girls different stories yeah - BUT i've been to this girls room many times, met her sister.

We speak everyday, I've spoken to her friend (the one teaching her massage). The plan was originally that she would go to Wat Po but then once I'd gone home she mentioned her freinmd who runs c 3 massage shops and she seemed to be saying that this friend would personally train her at a spa massage learning place near Centralworld. I asked for the name and she said only for Thai people - didnt give me any name and I didnt ask anymore. She says she left BKK now and stays with her massage teaching friend, she says she used 10,000 of her own money to pay her friend but that she needs to pay her friend in full (so an extra 10-12,0000) then needs 5000 for her mum.

Although I could send her the money, wheres it all goin to end - ok I may get have a month with her and have a greta time but its goin 2 mena more money etc...... I told her I go UK so I got space but she texes me constantly and have spoken every day for last 3 weeks.

She told me she only work gogo for 2 months (before she worked in a restaurant - I've been there and seen photos of her as a waitress).

I realise what this all sounds like and I'm not toptally stupid - but I believe she wants to change jobs etc... She says her massage teaching friend will go to Phuket and she wants her to go with her - but she wont as lot of farrang there and she thinks I wont like this. Says she will get a certificate from her friend (from the school when course is paid for).

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Thanks for your comments + ur right I should get noob of week.

I do have the money to give the gogo if I want to, its not going to leave me broke by any means.

I know what u mean about all the girls different stories yeah - BUT i've been to this girls room many times, met her sister.

We speak everyday, I've spoken to her friend (the one teaching her massage). The plan was originally that she would go to Wat Po but then once I'd gone home she mentioned her freinmd who runs c 3 massage shops and she seemed to be saying that this friend would personally train her at a spa massage learning place near Centralworld. I asked for the name and she said only for Thai people - didnt give me any name and I didnt ask anymore. She says she left BKK now and stays with her massage teaching friend, she says she used 10,000 of her own money to pay her friend but that she needs to pay her friend in full (so an extra 10-12,0000) then needs 5000 for her mum.

Although I could send her the money, wheres it all goin to end - ok I may get have a month with her and have a greta time but its goin 2 mena more money etc...... I told her I go UK so I got space but she texes me constantly and have spoken every day for last 3 weeks.

She told me she only work gogo for 2 months (before she worked in a restaurant - I've been there and seen photos of her as a waitress).

I realise what this all sounds like and I'm not toptally stupid - but I believe she wants to change jobs etc... She says her massage teaching friend will go to Phuket and she wants her to go with her - but she wont as lot of farrang there and she thinks I wont like this. Says she will get a certificate from her friend (from the school when course is paid for).

Why don't you spend some time reading the TV forum? You think you are inventing the wheel? You are not bro. You are foolish.

You are getting played for thinking with your dick and your ATM card.

Money rules here and your game is up because the first one took it all, now go home and move back in with Mom and Dad.

Read every single story on TV about this and you will see how foolish you really are.

Falling for the first go-go girl you met because she said you were handsome man and you paid for some sex?

Where do you guys come from?


Every newbie that has ever been to Thailand says the same thing yet there is still 50,000 go-go girls in Bangkok

Stupid is as stupid gets and it gets stupider ever time I hear this story.

1. Grab your ATM card

2. Withdraw all savings and give it this girl

3. Pack your trash, go home and move in with mom and dad

4. By next week some other dude on TV will be tossing her the bone!

You are only as important as your money here and since you have little, BONG! Times up

If you are paying you are getting played

Now go home, play times over.

Have a safe trip.

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 My initial reaction to this post was of course "Troll, Fake," but I've had a think about it and actually, I'm almost certain it's true. If there are people who will come to Thailand, knowing full well the incredibly harsh penalties for drugs, then proceed to try to smuggle heroin out of the country, why would it be crazy to assume that there are men who would get themselves into the above situation?

Another example - We've had one thread this week where a member revealed his "light bulb moment" idea of purchasing extra plane tickets to deceive his current girlfriend so he would be able to go to visit his children, as this was actually the best solution.

Thailand has a thriving industry of gem shops selling glass to tourists at $300 an oz. Ask just about any white person in Banglumpoo and they'll confirm that Red Bull definitely has amphetamines in it.

Then you have men who think that it's a good idea to take up with a woman who you can only communicate with through 4 word sentences and gestures, who has slept with 200+ men for money. Then try to make her into a housewife!

To summarise: People are stupid and this guy probably genuinely believes his BG has only been working for 2 weeks and would make an ideal wife.

My advice to him would be to break up with the Thai girlfriend and shack up with the prostitute. That way a decent girl doesn't get hurt, a prostitute makes some money and the idiot 'hansum man' gets burned as he inevitably would have done, given his diminutive intellectual faculties.

Edited by bonobo
removed a derogatroy term
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Did i see a recent news flash about an angry Thai girlfriend :D

Hide the knives and be careful very careful :D

This is great reminds me of my first year here with my mates and all the juggling, lying and coniving we did around a bunch of girls.... we woz bad....

No worries OP..... ... it will all end well.. :D I still receive emails from ones i haven't seen/contacted in over 6 years !! <deleted>... :D

My advice... go get drunk its Friday ! but don't send any SMS at 3 am...to either girl! deadly... another great tip from ya uncle sanook :D

Edited by sanook2me
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What I really want to write here would get me an instant ban, so I will try to contain myself.

Assuming this is not trollpost of the week, please do the following:

-Pack all your stuff now. Should not take long.

-Leave a note for your 1st GF telling her you are leaving her because you are not good enough for her.

-Forget about the gogo girl, except when you are having a toss.

-Delete all mobile numbers of all people you know in Thailand.

-Take taxi to airport.

-Get on a plane to go home.

-Never come to Thailand again! EVER!

-Get a life, if possible.

Its obvious that you are devoid of any common sense or morality, western or thai, so it would be best for you to stay away.

Its people like you that mess it up for other decent guys who want to have a trusting and meaningful relationship with (Thai) women.

If you would have told me this story in person, you would not be able to talk for a few months.

You can't believe how angry you make me...

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I wonder how many of the posters that are being pretty harsh on the OP have secretly been in or come close being in a similar situation when they first arrived in Thailand?

OP, just look objectively at how ridiculous your situation is and try to think of it in the context of Western culture. You have a decent sounding girlfriend, yet you've hooked up with the first go-go girl you met and have been paying her since. Sure enough, the bill for the go-go girl starts going up and up. Remember, at the end of the day this is a working girl we're talking about. She's playing with your mind while you're thinking with your dick. She'll soon find another guy like you, are you even sure she's staying at home while she thinks your in the UK? I doubt it.

Only you know the ins and outs of the situation, but read your post and the many others like it as if you were reading someone else's and you might realise what you've got yourself into.

Good luck.

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enjoy your fun......but be sure never to make the same stupid mistake again..........

Do not ever again ask for advice on a forum where your answers will arrive from those who have never enjoyed a liason with lady from the bar scene, have never been relieved of one baht by a Thai lady!!!Know when you are among arrogant self righteous people........and avoid them like the plague!!!

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enjoy your fun......but be sure never to make the same stupid mistake again..........

Do not ever again ask for advice on a forum where your answers will arrive from those who have never enjoyed a liason with lady from the bar scene, have never been relieved of one baht by a Thai lady!!!Know when you are among arrogant self righteous people........and avoid them like the plague!!!

Agreed…. The best advice will come from those who were clever enough to avoid avoiding being ripped off before…

Some of people I know are so arrogant and so self righteous they have never even been manipulated or scammed by a prostitute – I’d never take their advice.

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enjoy your fun......but be sure never to make the same stupid mistake again..........

Do not ever again ask for advice on a forum where your answers will arrive from those who have never enjoyed a liason with lady from the bar scene, have never been relieved of one baht by a Thai lady!!!Know when you are among arrogant self righteous people........and avoid them like the plague!!!

Agreed…. The best advice will come from those who were clever enough to avoid avoiding being ripped off before…

Some of people I know are so arrogant and so self righteous they have never even been manipulated or scammed by a prostitute – I'd never take their advice.

Me neither....wouldn't ask a chef for advice on how to recondition my car engine .....chances are never having lifted a bonnett he wouldn't know where to start!!!

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enjoy your fun......but be sure never to make the same stupid mistake again..........

Do not ever again ask for advice on a forum where your answers will arrive from those who have never enjoyed a liason with lady from the bar scene, have never been relieved of one baht by a Thai lady!!!Know when you are among arrogant self righteous people........and avoid them like the plague!!!

Agreed…. The best advice will come from those who were clever enough to avoid avoiding being ripped off before…

Some of people I know are so arrogant and so self righteous they have never even been manipulated or scammed by a prostitute – I'd never take their advice.

Me neither....wouldn't ask a chef for advice on how to recondition my car engine .....chances are never having lifted a bonnett he wouldn't know where to start!!!

FWOOSH! Wow, did you see that plane fly overhead?

Yeah, I mean, personally, I'd rather ask the victim of a mugging how to avoid getting mugged, than someone who has successfully avoided being a victim of crime.

These guys, they're so self-righteous! Just because they're smart enough to avoid shacking up with and becoming an ATM for a bargirl whilst cheating on their gf, doesn't mean their advice is worth a dam_n!

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enjoy your fun......but be sure never to make the same stupid mistake again..........

Do not ever again ask for advice on a forum where your answers will arrive from those who have never enjoyed a liason with lady from the bar scene, have never been relieved of one baht by a Thai lady!!!Know when you are among arrogant self righteous people........and avoid them like the plague!!!

Agreed…. The best advice will come from those who were clever enough to avoid avoiding being ripped off before…

Some of people I know are so arrogant and so self righteous they have never even been manipulated or scammed by a prostitute – I'd never take their advice.

Me neither....wouldn't ask a chef for advice on how to recondition my car engine .....chances are never having lifted a bonnett he wouldn't know where to start!!!

FWOOSH! Wow, did you see that plane fly overhead?

Yeah, I mean, personally, I'd rather ask the victim of a mugging how to avoid getting mugged, than someone who has successfully avoided being a victim of crime.

These guys, they're so self-righteous! Just because they're smart enough to avoid shacking up with and becoming an ATM for a bargirl whilst cheating on their gf, doesn't mean their advice is worth a dam_n!

The guy is in the soup.......now he requires advice how to get out of it......so who can fix the car....the chef......or the mechanic who has done it all before??..........as I said........he should just enjoy the learning experience

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I want to be able to help people out, so I'm going to go fall in love with a prostitute, cheat on my girlfriend, pay the prostitute a salary every month, then work out how I can lie to my gf and bang the prostitute for 20k without being discovered. Once I've got the results of that, I'll learn to deal with the hooker's false pregnancy claims and the fact that after my nightly phone call to her she's going out and sleeping with another man for cash. Then I'll figure out the best way to transfer money to pay for the sick buffalo, the sick aunt and the sick father. Finally, I'll learn how to deal with the heartbreak when the real gf dumps me and I subsequently discover my bargirl actually has a man who pays her more money than me and therefore I'm only second or third on her list of ATMs. I'll find ways to cope with the dawning realisation that I'm not actually a king in this land and the growing sense of loneliness and purposelessness I feel about my hollow existence and shallow relationships with women who are only after my money.

Once I have all this information, I'll compile it and come back, as the mechanic and help all the fools who, like me, couldn't listen to seven simple words - "Don't have a relationship with a prostitute."

dam_n those chefs.

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I want to be able to help people out, so I'm going to go fall in love with a prostitute, cheat on my girlfriend, pay the prostitute a salary every month, then work out how I can lie to my gf and bang the prostitute for 20k without being discovered. Once I've got the results of that, I'll learn to deal with the hooker's false pregnancy claims and the fact that after my nightly phone call to her she's going out and sleeping with another man for cash. Then I'll figure out the best way to transfer money to pay for the sick buffalo, the sick aunt and the sick father. Finally, I'll learn how to deal with the heartbreak when the real gf dumps me and I subsequently discover my bargirl actually has a man who pays her more money than me and therefore I'm only second or third on her list of ATMs. I'll find ways to cope with the dawning realisation that I'm not actually a king in this land and the growing sense of loneliness and purposelessness I feel about my hollow existence and shallow relationships with women who are only after my money.

Once I have all this information, I'll compile it and come back, as the mechanic and help all the fools who, like me, couldn't listen to seven simple words - "Don't have a relationship with a prostitute."

dam_n those chefs.

Exactly....why, because this hypothetical situation is already well past the "don't have a relationship with a prostitute" stage....so advice on how I avoided a relationship with a prostitute and was not used as an ATM is a bit tardy.......

How I got out of the situation with all my appendages attached......is possibly more relevant here.......hypothetically speaking of course... :)

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I'm not toptally stupid -- only 99%

ever wondered how he has time to post here while he's dodging between both women. and most women are so stupid as to believe every word he are spouting either...

think it out: what if the go go girl got your other girl's number from your cell while u slept? or while u are with the first girl, the go go girl sends u sms or calls? or a friend of one picks up on the game and tells all ?

a bird in hand is worth two in the bush. the only thing u will have in your hand in the end is 'nong chai' (little brother)....



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Did i see a recent news flash about an angry Thai girlfriend :D

Hide the knives and be careful very careful :D

This is great reminds me of my first year here with my mates and all the juggling, lying and coniving we did around a bunch of girls.... we woz bad....

No worries OP..... ... it will all end well.. :D I still receive emails from ones i haven't seen/contacted in over 6 years !! <deleted>... :D

My advice... go get drunk its Friday ! but don't send any SMS at 3 am...to either girl! deadly... another great tip from ya uncle sanook :D

Well update is I called gogo girl told her we were through and there was no money. I then ignored her constant calls and texts. She emailed me saying she has to pay her friend the money back, and that she's only doind what I asked her too (lear massage). Says she loves me still and wants to know if I can still come to see her. Says she wants to stay with me because doesn't want to start over again. From what she's said before sounds like she usually tries to get hitched to punters.

Still ignoring the calls and tex?ts. In the email she says if I'm playing games with her just to say so as its her life I'm messing with! What have I got o say so she gets the message?

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