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Anyone else have the problem of eating 3-4 times faster than their thai mate? I really do try

to eat as slow as possible but I always finish early and my gf of course eats like a bird and gets a little ruffled if she is left to eat alone..I know it's a stupid problem but my gf like many Thais are very particular about mealtimes and I hate

looking like a pig


It always amazes me how some Thais can take 20 minutes or more to eat a chicken wing (using chopsticks) or 30 minutes to eat a bowl of noodles.

I watched a colleague recently and she took over 30 minutes to eat a bowl of noodles. Most of the time was spent moving the noodles around in the bowl. Sometimes she put the spoon to her mouth and I noticed there was just a little drop of soup on it.

I've always been told to eat slowly but I can't eat THAT slowly.

Here is one I heard, try putting down your fork/spoon/whatever between each bite.


haha thanks but when I do that I get a glare followed by "eem leow laa?" (full already?)


Opposite problem. Most Thais I've found eat faster than I do. No idea how someone weighing 110 pounds can eat so much.


If with someone plenty of conversation assuming there is no significant language barrier. If there is or I am on my own I will always read while I am eating. I am afraid eating too quickly is a bad habit many of us have. :)


My dog had a problem with eating too fast and the vet told me to put a large stone in his food. This was so he would go and woof down his food but chomp on a rock at the same time and shock him a little. Anyway I tried it and he now eats very slowly and takes dainty bites of his food expecting to find a rock.

I don't know if it will work for you but if you try it please do not hold me responsible for your dentil work.

Other than this I would try to take smaller bites or put your cutlery down inbetween mouthfulls. Or you could pig out before you meet for meals meaning that you will be so full that it takes you ages to eat what is in front of you.


perhaps eat stuff that's good for you, but you don't really like..make a list of healthy foods you don't like and eat that stuff when with her..for me it would be turnips, and more turnips..cold mashed potatoes, cabbage laced with soy bean oil, etc.. signed: impractical


Chew slower, maybe once per second. Also, try sitting with your back straight during meals and lean forward as opposed to slouching to take a bite.

Looks better, too


Exact same thing.. I know I am a fast eater, but even being concious of it, and eating slowly, my GF takes FOREVER to eat, coupled with the fact that she can eat for king and country, means shes always halfway through when I am done.

Whenever we go to foodcourts etc I make sure she gets hers first to give her a headstart :) !!


The truth of the matter is , chewing each mouthfull of food at least a dozen times , is benificial to the digestive system , as you masticate , enzymes are mixed with the food to do precisely that , ever wonder why so many people need tums or get hicuups ?

I am never concerned about other eaters , only if they eat like pelicans or splash food all over the place or try to carry on a conversation , those type of gobblers deserve their food served in a trough , on the floor .

Should you be concerned about what your G/F thinks , try matching her spoon for spoon , after a short time you will be amazed how the amount you eat will drop off also .

The truth of the matter is , chewing each mouthfull of food at least a dozen times , is benificial to the digestive system , as you masticate , enzymes are mixed with the food to do precisely that , ever wonder why so many people need tums or get hicuups ?

I am never concerned about other eaters , only if they eat like pelicans or splash food all over the place or try to carry on a conversation , those type of gobblers deserve their food served in a trough , on the floor .

Should you be concerned about what your G/F thinks , try matching her spoon for spoon , after a short time you will be amazed how the amount you eat will drop off also .

interesting.. Thanks


Why is it your problem?

You said she is the slow bird like eater. So if you are eating to what is a normal western standard, not shovelling it in and are in good body shape then why are you converting her issue to you.

Simple question. Do you enjoy your food at the rate you eat or at the bird picking rate?


Eat your meal at the rate that you enjoy. If you are finishing in front of her, and she is giving the "look" then seize the initative and start clearing the table, dishes and food away. Get her used to the idea to get her ass into gear when you eat together.


Tell a story, any story, say, about the time you were 7 and fell off your bicycle and smashed your head open or the time you discovered the beauty of plants or how you like riding trains for fun or how newspaper rustlers infuriate you. Tell the story in great detail with all the passion for pomposity and verbosity of an Italian wine critic.

You'll find you've still got half a plate after 45 mins but your listener might have done one or fallen in love with you. The former, more likely.


I have a friend who was hypnotised and had a post-hypnotic suggestion implanted. it told him to eat slowly.

He became absolutely horrendous to eat with as he would spend 10 mins chewing a single piece of sushi. it actually became problematic over business lunches.

The suggestion began to fade after the a couple of weeks, and he had been told it would take regular sessions to keep it fresh.

I used to work in a theatre that had a hypnotist named (the man they call) Reveen, and he used to test people for their suggestibility, and only about 50% were willing to succumb deeply enough to suggestion to be considered good subjects to be selected as "random" people drawn from the audience.

it is very difficult to make someone do under hypnosis to do something they are truly unwilling to do.

fascinating though.

Tell a story, any story, say, about the time you were 7 and fell off your bicycle and smashed your head open or the time you discovered the beauty of plants or how you like riding trains for fun or how newspaper rustlers infuriate you. Tell the story in great detail with all the passion for pomposity and verbosity of an Italian wine critic.

You'll find you've still got half a plate after 45 mins but your listener might have done one or fallen in love with you. The former, more likely.

either that or she has nodded off and drowned in her noodles.

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