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Passport Get Hold By Embassy

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I think you will find that any matter related to US National Defense or Security is exempted from the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA).. It is unlikely that will receive any explanation as to why your passport was withheld; this may be a one-time occurrence and does not mean that your name has been placed on any airport Watch-List.

The last time I was detained at Washington DC / Dulles, and after the third round of questioning, I asked the TSA officer if they were in fact looking for a specific person. He said 'Yes'. I was flabbergasted with that amount of information revealed and I asked no further.

The Freedom of Information Act

5 U.S.C. § 552, As Amended By

Public Law No. 104-231, 110 Stat. 3048

This section
does not
apply to matters that are--


E) would disclose techniques and procedures for law enforcement investigations or prosecutions, or would disclose guidelines for law enforcement investigations or prosecutions if such disclosure could reasonably be expected to risk circumvention of the law...

Edited by jazzbo
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I wanted to thanks for all the positive input

Got back from Laos with my visa so to that end everything is ok

After looking though at the passport and an orginal copy i can see that they changed my front information page as well as adding pages

They did change through omission my marital status

Also just a point the pages this time were not numbered and are a different quality and design

lastly the pages were sewn in this time rather than glues and stapled as last time.

In any case i attempt to find the exact reason but i am not holding my breath and will very hesitate to use any embassy service in the future

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The US embassy in BKK won't even notarize a document without having signature on file of the person who signed it at the Foreign Ministry at Chaeng Wattana.

2 weeks ago I was told at the embassy that they don't issue any foreign passport certified copy. (my wife is Thai and I needed a certified copy of her passport photo page.)

I went to Foreign Ministry legalization office to certify the passport photo copy. Then back to the US embassy. The US embassy told me that the person who signed the certification must be new and they can not notarize my certified copy until they get a signature of the person signed my documents from the Foreign Ministry. After half day waiting, they could not get a hold of the person and I was told they will call me next week after they get the signature of the person who signed my document.

I have to take another half day off from work to get this done. All this is needed for IRS, so they can issue a tax number 4 wife. Before everything,they made me pay the 30USD notary fee. This checking and bureaucracy is way over the top. They are totally wasting their citizens time. I had my wife original passport but they would not even care to look at it. I have no idea what is that big deal to notarize a certified copy from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The document have all stickers, stamps and signatures.

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My pages were sewn in 2002 so it does not appear new to me but perhaps a return.

But where do you find martial status on a US Passport? There has not been a "spouse" field for over 20 years on my passports.

yeah, I'd like to know as well as nothing appears on my 2003 issued passport...

btw, this year in Jeddah I went for my second addition of extra pages and they said next time I'll haveta apply for a new document...

looks like the old adage regarding death and taxes will haveta be revised to include Homeland Security... :)

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My pages were sewn in 2002 so it does not appear new to me but perhaps a return.

But where do you find martial status on a US Passport? There has not been a "spouse" field for over 20 years on my passports.

yeah, I'd like to know as well as nothing appears on my 2003 issued passport...

btw, this year in Jeddah I went for my second addition of extra pages and they said next time I'll haveta apply for a new document...

looks like the old adage regarding death and taxes will haveta be revised to include Homeland Security... :)

Same checked my passport issued in 1996 and my latests one issued in 2006 and neither of them having anything about martial status

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The extra pages are not sewn into the passport. The extra pages are sewn together, then glued into the passport.

The actual act of putting them in the passport takes about a minute. I recently had that done at one of the ACS Outreaches, and sat and watched them do it.

No marital status on mine either.

"After looking though at the passport and an orginal copy i can see that they changed my front information page as well as adding pages

They did change through omission my marital status"

I don't think there would be any changes made to the photo page of a US passport. If they thought something was wrong and needed changing, I think they'd just have you apply for a new passport.

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