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What Turns You Off?


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Ok, this is NOT a thread for bashing men! Not that you lovely ladies would do that of course :D Im just stating this so the men on the forum dont get a bee in their bonnet thinking we get away with stuff they wouldnt be allowed to etc etc. If anything it should be informative for men, good to get an insight into what makes us cringe, no? :D

For me, i get the "ughh" factor when i see men leave the gents pulling up their flies. Maybe they are just double checking, but the thing that comes into my mind is that they didnt wash their hands. Then i have to push out thoughts of all the men who go to the Loo and never wash their hands afterwards...giving me thoughts of the countless billions of bacteria all around us. :) One thing for sure..im grateful for the "wai" in Thailand.

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:) eek, that isn't a turn off, thats a gross out.

A turn off is a guy with no sense of humor or one who takes himself far too seriously.

A gross out is men with long nostril or ear hair. Trim that stuff down! Anyone with a long hair growing out of a facial mole. Trim it! guys with open shirts and medallions. Dude, its nearly 2010. That stuff went out of style thirty years ago!

Now, women can gross me out too, to be fair. Saw a woman breastfeeding a 4 year old. A four year old! Old hippie women with frizzy hair make me think "deep conditioner is not expensive, use it!"

Haha, just realized, I seem fixated on hair. Yikes. Hate to think what that says, Freud would have a field day I am sure. :D

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lol, men with poorly groomed facial hair with bits of food or worse in it are a turn off, men with sweat stains, not wet patches on shirts as everyone sweats in LOS but like they have sweated so much & worn the same shirt over & over. If the shirt starts to discolour at the armpit, throw it out.

Yes frizzy haired hippy women do make me think that they need to update their image. OK, keep the hippy style if you like it but move with the times will ya :)

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Edit: Poorsucker..this is about men! :D (and that pic is really odd :D )

Anyway..in response to SBK..

Oops..so maybe i should have titled it gross out..but then there would be too many to type! :D

I realise this one is may be tolerated by many, or even found as funny, but for me its a passion killer: Farting in bed. :) At least try to be discreet about it fellas..farting is not something to be proud of! (which i think some men still have a teenage fixation about and find hilarious..thankfully not any that i have shared a bed with!)

Crotch-scratching. Are you a monkey? Do you have bugs? I understand that you may feel itchy from time to time, but clawing at your nether regions makes me wonder (and worry) what the hel_l is going on down there!

Men who love themselves. A man who primps and preens more than the average woman and cant walk past a reflective mirror without stopping to check himself out, is a BIG turn off. These guys look into your eyes just so they can see themselves reflected back in them! Even if he were to look like Johnny Depp, i wouldnt be interested. Anyway, this type of guy loves himself far too much to have any room left to love anyone else.

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Yeah, bodybuilders and guys who obsess so much about their bodies are a turn off. I don't expect perfection, and I don't want a guy that expects perfection either.

Also, that "hawking" up stuff in the back of the throat is a big turn off. I cringe every time I hear it. It's even worse when guys then spit it out in public.

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I dis like men who are Married and are dis honest with there partner I see many people, some who use to be friends , Think that they are still Single and cannot keep it in there pants, This is not a flaming. I watched my mother torn apart for years because of a lier and cheat.

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Thats sad Thongkorn, sorry to read that. :D

Im not a fan of huge bodybuilders bodies either. Or the guys who go in for too much too soon and end up with no neck and bowed legs! I remember the first time i saw lean muscled bodies my jaw dropped. A "normal" sized body but with muscle definition is awesome. It inspired me in fact and at one point i had like a first level lean definition..if you get what i mean..? But that was a overly limited diet (too strict) and a LOT of cardio and weight bearing exercises. I began to worry when my arms were becoming madonna like. :D I do miss that level of fitness and definition though. But..on guys, when they have like muscle on top of muscle but lean bodies..thats pretty awesome in my opinion. I think this is where Asia guys usually excel over Western guys body shapes. It seems easier for them to stay lean but get toned?

"Hawking up" Ughh! yeh! Bf does it in the morning. :) Dont like to see public spitting either. Eww..

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I have to agree with some of the comments here. Men who don't trim their nasal hair?!? You shave your face, why not trim the hair? Guys walking out of the loo doing up their fly, <deleted>, why not just shout 'I don't wash my hands after I pee'?

Guys can be gross but some of the things are so easily avoided. :)

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eek, I've got to an age where quite frankly my dear I dont give a dam_n.

I am what I am and if you don't like it there's a door marked "EXIT".

I do what I can and try and keep the more offensive bits of my carcase under control but I ain't perfect unlike certain feminine specimens who, of course, are perfect in every way.

The problem these days is that everybody expects perfection but only wants to turn in a second division performance. The world would be a whole lot better a place if we stopped looking fo perfection and started accepting each other for what we are...........flawed.

Folks, go look in the mirror and take those shades off.

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Unfortunately, several things seem to happen with men at the same time, even if they keep physically fit. Men grow hair in their nostrils and ears at the same rate they lose it off the top of their head. And, men start losing their sight about the same time. That means the guy can't even SEE the hair in/on his ears.... I know... bin there.

As far as the non washing thing is concerned it's a bit of a fallacy that there are lots of germs around urine. Urine is actually quite sterile. But, the anus is anything but clean. That is where the germs are located. Urine can be used as a disinfectant in some cases. It can combate certain toxic poisons that get in the eyes. The pygmies pee in a victims eyes if they get sprayed by a spitting cobra.

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Ughh...i didnt realise that hoping a guy will be hygienic and for some simple stuff like not farting in bed was asking for perfection.

Personally I thought they were rather natural qualities one like to see in others.

..and I do practice what i preach in that sense. Im sure others would have plenty to say about hairy legged smelly women walking around. Being clean and tidy isnt about perfection..imo.

Add to my list knarly hanging-off yellowed toenails. Im sorry guys if you disagree, but i think that its easy to get stuff like that sorted out by the local pedicurist. Its nasty! Im pretty sure the local massage ladies would welcome them being sorted out too!

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Can we men tell what women do to turn us off?

I thought the rest of the forum constantly slip stuff like that in as is PoorSucker, no? :)

Anyway..maybe the other ladies will say how they feel about that. I think the problem (in all honesty) is if it gets out of hand. Im trying to keep it pretty lighthearted..if its truly offending men of the forum, then apologies and ill request it to be closed.

edit: i didnt mean you had to remove the pic btw. =]

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TBH, it seems that the men who are more than happy to post "lighthearted" comments about women being fat, hairy yadda yadda are not quite so equal in receiving it in kind.

I can close the thread if you'd like

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I always pee on my fingers before shaking hands with anybody, just to prove they are clean and hygienic, although this has got me into problems in public spaces.

Yeah, cos it's so sterile and clean. I pee in my pants rather than washing them, keeps them clean for a week! :)

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Crotch-scratching. Are you a monkey? Do you have bugs? I understand that you may feel itchy from time to time, but clawing at your nether regions makes me wonder (and worry) what the hel_l is going on down there!

it means just checking whether all valuables are still there. doing that men don't have to look into a mirror... as women do an average 829 times a day whilst conducting various, mostly useless, procedures.


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Okay, so in an effort to keep this thread open - how about men who cross their legs and show that 3-4 inches of bare leg between their socks and their trouser bottoms. Get longer socks boys! :D

long socks are for dandies, gigolos and sissies! utterly disgusting are men who use some "girdle" on their calves to hold up the socks. makes me feel vomiting. :)

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I always pee on my fingers before shaking hands with anybody, just to prove they are clean and hygienic, although this has got me into problems in public spaces.

Did I shake hands with Mossy when I met him in Oxford?? I hope not! :)

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Okay, so in an effort to keep this thread open - how about men who cross their legs and show that 3-4 inches of bare leg between their socks and their trouser bottoms. Get longer socks boys! :D

Haha..i dont really mind that one. But, the funny one for me is the guys who sit with their legs REALLY wide open. I know most guys will sit a bit open, thats normal. But the REALLY wide WIDE open gap...that one just makes me go a bit " :D "

Crotch-scratching. Are you a monkey? Do you have bugs? I understand that you may feel itchy from time to time, but clawing at your nether regions makes me wonder (and worry) what the hel_l is going on down there!

it means just checking whether all valuables are still there. doing that men don't have to look into a mirror... as women do an average 829 times a day whilst conducting various, mostly useless, procedures.


Ok yeh.. you got us there Naam. :D

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