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Mama Mia, Mia Noi, How Could I Forget You ?


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I wonder how many men in Thailand have a Mai Noi; it must be at least a million..but how do they maintain a wife AND a Mia Noi?? I mean, isn't 2 company and 3 a crowd?..and how would a guy serve " 2 masters "?..I suppose the richer you are the easier it would be to get away with it, but again, many poor Thais have a Mia Noi as well. I dated a Thai lady once who had been a Mia Noi at age 18 for a 40 year old Thai businessman..but he left her and moved on when she was 30, but he did leave her a house and a son. Although I would not entertain the idea in reality( except in fantasy land :) ) of having one, to this writer it seems like a sure fire recipe for disaster, in most cases, serving " 2 masters". How would you feel if your wife had a little husband?? :D

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I asked my other half about it and she said that if I were to have one, then her house/car/allowance etc. would have to be less than the wife's. I think it is a formalisation of playing around and the wife's acceptance is pragmatic, deciding to accept it if she remains higher than the mia noi, rather than face the divorce option.

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"how would a guy serve 2 masters?"

I would imagine the trick lies in how you frame the relationship; instead of you serving 2 masters, YOU be the master, and they compete to serve YOU. At least, that's my guess. I have no experience with this, except in fantasy. :) For the time being, I think serial monogamy is the way to go.

Of course, Hugh Hefner has found that 3 is the perfect number - not 1, 2, or 4 girls, but 3. He's found this to be the most practical arrangement. And who's gonna argue with him? If anyone's the master, it's gotta be Hugh. He has more experience with this stuff than all of us combined!

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As divorce is less common in Thailand,i can see why the mia noi is often the alternative. The relationship with the first wife is platonic and she doesnt want a divorce, so the husbands alternative is a mia noi.

I think people often have this "harem" type image when the word mia noi comes up..as if the husband is sleeping with both the wife and the mia noi...and that he somehow rules the roost. I think reality is a lot less glamorous and less porno fantasy-like. :)

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I studied at a well known univerity here in Thailand (one of the Top 3) and still remember something that one of my professors said during class...

We were talking about Thai History and politicians, the topic of a particular politician and his "Mia Noi" came up in class discussion.

This processor: Thai woman, doctorate degree, complete with High-so last name and hair-stlye adressed all of the fressman girls in the class...

She said, " Girls, when you get married, it will probably be with a much older wealthy man and he is likely to have a "mia noi" at some point. Don't worry, since he is older than you, he will die sooner than you and when he dies you will be left all of his money."

Everyone laughed and then the class went on... This was only my first semester in Thailand, but this was definitely a "WOW" moment for me at the time.

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No thanks, I dont need yet another person telling me how I should look, act, behave, dress, eat, groom, what to do, what not to do. etc.

Still wondering how I ended up marrying a carbon copy of my mom.

I wonder how they afford it though, I know Thai guys with Mia nois and they make B20k a month. How do you maintain the main mia and the mia noi on 20k a month??....and GFs on the side too.

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No thanks, I dont need yet another person telling me how I should look, act, behave, dress, eat, groom, what to do, what not to do. etc.

Still wondering how I ended up marrying a carbon copy of my mom.

I wonder how they afford it though, I know Thai guys with Mia nois and they make B20k a month. How do you maintain the main mia and the mia noi on 20k a month??....and GFs on the side too.

I think what these men really have is called a gik, i.e. a girlfriend on the side (they may jokingly call her a "mia noi," or call her that in an attempt to raise your opinion of their status). A mia noi is a much more expensive relationship to keep up!

P.S. The "main mia" is known in Thai as the mia luang, or primary wife.

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As divorce is less common in Thailand,i can see why the mia noi is often the alternative. The relationship with the first wife is platonic and she doesnt want a divorce, so the husbands alternative is a mia noi.

I think people often have this "harem" type image when the word mia noi comes up..as if the husband is sleeping with both the wife and the mia noi...and that he somehow rules the roost. I think reality is a lot less glamorous and less porno fantasy-like. :D

I think that's exactly it. To me, having a mia noi sounds like double the agony. :)

Any relationship over two hours and I get a bit claustrophobic.

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No thanks, I dont need yet another person telling me how I should look, act, behave, dress, eat, groom, what to do, what not to do. etc.

Still wondering how I ended up marrying a carbon copy of my mom.

I wonder how they afford it though, I know Thai guys with Mia nois and they make B20k a month. How do you maintain the main mia and the mia noi on 20k a month??....and GFs on the side too.

Good question. The mia noi I know gets 10 to 20,000 per month from her main sponsor. However, she is pretty much a part-timer to him, since he lives in BKK and she is upcountry. She has been at it with him for 7 years, since she was 18. I have known her for 2 years but have not been able to develop anything but a peripheral relationship, since it appears she is quite in love with him. I think many of these Thai men have "freebie" relationships with GF's that a Farang would be expected to pay for.

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If you miss western PC you know where to go, male feminists are the saddest thing to behold, in Thailand men that want to be like women are called Katoeys. Some concepts here are so mush simpler.

Seems in the west to be politically correct you need to be a feminist muslim climate change advocate dreaming of a larger bureaucracy. Please don't drag that that inane dogma here.

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I know a hi-so Gent in BKK; he has 6 Mia Noi's but he can afford them :D

My wife and myself had dinner with him and one of the 6 ladies; lovely lady and not even so young anymore; in her late twenties. She moved from Bangkok To Chiang Mai and had a beautiful new villa built along the river bank :)

What a world :D


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Whenever I see a thread like this I think of the other threads where someone has had his penis hacked off. :)

Going by the detailed threads on finding the cheapest all you can eat buffet or the discussions of how baht buses are very expensive, I think the subject of multiple mistresses is a fantasy for many foreign residents. They have a tough enough time surviving, imagine what would happen if the mia noi asked for 10 baht for a new burlap bag to wear... :D

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It would be interesting to hear from the female members of the board if they allow their Thai husbands to have a mia-noi or gik.

that is where the man who does this sort of thing holds no regard for what his woman or women think, he is doing as he pleases because, he can and because he wants to.

I had a very close friend who owned a very good sales business and he began dating one of his sales girls. Yrs later after his divorce he moved in with the sales girl and thats when he realized that he had been married for 9 yr and and with the sales gilrs for 7 yrs. I guess time flys when your having fun.

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You are a true navel-gazer. :)

if I had bigger balls, and much less empathy, and was not from farang culture..maybe I would, maybe I wouldn't, but as it is, my mia is all I can handle..says my brain,(big and little head, and my navel). One Thai lady did ask me if I wanted her to be a mia noi..but I said it would ruin our platonic relationship/friendship, (and my marriage)

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As divorce is less common in Thailand,i can see why the mia noi is often the alternative. The relationship with the first wife is platonic and she doesnt want a divorce, so the husbands alternative is a mia noi.

I think people often have this "harem" type image when the word mia noi comes up..as if the husband is sleeping with both the wife and the mia noi...and that he somehow rules the roost. I think reality is a lot less glamorous and less porno fantasy-like. :)

good point.. in general I agree..but in the case of some of these stunners in LOS..mai Looo

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