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Believe It Or Not


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Not a Taxi,

but I forgot my small bag in a coffee-shop outside-opposite Bayok sky tower.

Was cash in Baht, Dollar, Euro, a 1 Baht Gold ring and all my papers-Passport, ATM and creditcards, bankbook, driving license, Expensive Mobile ect. in it. Worth, Not far from 100.000.- Baht or more and a lot of troubles to get everything in order.

I realized the missing bag in the Taxi after a 20 min ride and orderd the Taxi to go back.

There the waitress or a guest had already called my friends from my Mobile-who knew that I went back and when I arrived

they waited already on the roadside, to hand the bag over to me.

Everything was inside, they did not want to take any money, but excepted than 500 Baht.

On another occasion, I arrived at Don Muang some years ago with to many bags and cases, so I overlooked that the Taxidriver did not hand me over all bags from the trunk.

100 cigars and an expensive Aftershave from Duty Free went missing and also I complained later, at the Taxi-office at Don Muang, the driver said, he saw nothing, has nothing!

What can you say? The same could happen at the coffe-shop outside Bayok Sky Tower.

I should go there again and hand them over some present.

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Not a Taxi,

but I forgot my small bag in a coffee-shop outside-opposite Bayok sky tower.

Was cash in Baht, Dollar, Euro, a 1 Baht Gold ring and all my papers-Passport, ATM and creditcards, bankbook, driving license, Expensive Mobile ect. in it. Worth, Not far from 100.000.- Baht or more and a lot of troubles to get everything in order.

I realized the missing bag in the Taxi after a 20 min ride and orderd the Taxi to go back.

There the waitress or a guest had already called my friends from my Mobile-who knew that I went back and when I arrived

they waited already on the roadside, to hand the bag over to me.

Everything was inside, they did not want to take any money, but excepted than 500 Baht.

On another occasion, I arrived at Don Muang some years ago with to many bags and cases, so I overlooked that the Taxidriver did not hand me over all bags from the trunk.

100 cigars and an expensive Aftershave from Duty Free went missing and also I complained later, at the Taxi-office at Don Muang, the driver said, he saw nothing, has nothing!

What can you say? The same could happen at the coffe-shop outside Bayok Sky Tower.

I should go there again and hand them over some present.

Agree, reward the good people in our live.

And #$%@ the scum bags.

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not even changed the Sim :):D :D

Nope, the +-300 baht call credit was too tempting! They made 10 calls. 6 of which were to the same number, it didn't take Sherlock Holmes to figure out that that specific number obviously knew the caller. They changed the Sim when the call credit ran out.

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Remember reading a story back home a few years ago of someone finding 3,000 quid outside someone's front gate. Knocked on the door and handed it in... the owner was delighted and gave them a chicken. <deleted>!

You sure owner didn't give him a goose? :)

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I think taxidriver is a profession that is particularly attractive for people with shady morals in Thailand, and most of them tend to go places where they can pick up foreign guests. I have many experiences with taxidrivers trying to "cheat" one way or another when getting on a cab from the airport, along Sukhumvit, and other tourist spots.

I agree. I've been subjected to joy rides (out of the way, roundabout routes). A big favorite in Bangkok is if coming from the Southern bus terminal (even the old one) that they go way south to a bridge crossing and then back up north. This was done to me years ago, and then once when I had returned to Bangkok after being away for a year some guy did this to me and I didn't realize until we we halfway through it, then remembered the scam (another driver told him to do this at the terminal as I was loading my bags, he was a young fellow and I think he was just learning the ropes).

And then there is the dodgy meter. And not using overpasses to cross busy intersections, instead going with the congested traffic.

But overall I'd say 90% of the Bangkok cabbies are ok. I should note here I don't use taxis all that often, and will not even consider the scum who park their cabs and shout out to me that they have a taxi (as if I couldn't see all those others driving by).

I will not take a tuk-tuk in Bangkok. To me, these guys bought the things with the same intention as if buying burglar tools.

The moto-taxis in Bangkok have me confused, as when whenever I ask the price what they tell me is comparable to the price of an air-conditioned taxi, and I wonder if this is special farang pricing. If so, they're shooting themselves in the foot as far as I'm concerned.

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try to answer this honsetly.

If YOU found 200,000 Baht, and knew you could get away with it, would you keep it?

Fortunately decent people still do still exist in this world. sometimes they are not easy to find or spot, they generally shun the spot light, but they are out there.

Honesty is its own reward.

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Yes - the Baht 200k story is a true story. I remember it clearly (and with considerable suprize) - it was around 2002/2003 - and was written up in the Bangkok Post. Said taxi driver was well rewarded by the owner of the cash.

This and similar stories about taxi driver honesty get printed from time to time in one or other of the papers.

MF, Are you suggesting that just because the 'story' was in the paper that it must be a 'true' story?? :D:)

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Yes - the Baht 200k story is a true story. I remember it clearly (and with considerable suprize) - it was around 2002/2003 - and was written up in the Bangkok Post. Said taxi driver was well rewarded by the owner of the cash.

This and similar stories about taxi driver honesty get printed from time to time in one or other of the papers.

MF, Are you suggesting that just because the 'story' was in the paper that it must be a 'true' story?? :D:)

Well - what do you think?? = anycase, how the hel_l am I supposed to know - you thinking it was made up by some hack - a bit of a laugh for print!!

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try to answer this honsetly.

If YOU found 200,000 Baht, and knew you could get away with it, would you keep it?

Fortunately decent people still do still exist in this world. sometimes they are not easy to find or spot, they generally shun the spot light, but they are out there.

Honesty is its own reward.

Any what if------------ like a New Zealand couple who found $10,000,000 NZD from the Westpac Bank incorrectly deposited in their account. They withdrew a part of it and are still in Hong Kong being vigorously chased by the bank and lawyers. What would you have done when a bank made this mistake?

here is a link, but there is plenty on the web about this case:


I for one think the bank should suffer, there profits are beyond acceptable, and business practices equally questionable.

Edited by jayjayjayjay
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Yes - the Baht 200k story is a true story. I remember it clearly (and with considerable suprize) - it was around 2002/2003 - and was written up in the Bangkok Post. Said taxi driver was well rewarded by the owner of the cash.

This and similar stories about taxi driver honesty get printed from time to time in one or other of the papers.

MF, Are you suggesting that just because the 'story' was in the paper that it must be a 'true' story?? :D:D

Well - what do you think?? = anycase, how the hel_l am I supposed to know - you thinking it was made up by some hack - a bit of a laugh for print!!

No, I don't think the 'story' was made up by some hack, however I have been on the 'other' side before and I was often shocked at how completely incorrect the media often is when reporting stories. When your in a seat to know exactly what happened and then you read the media version, its like :):D . Thats all.

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^ Perhaps I should of just said, some reporters operate on the principal of not letting the facts get in the way of a good story. :)

Some tabloids will print a story like a been told in bar (don't ruined a good story by telling the true)

but i don't think this hapening with quality newspapers, they need facts before publishing news.

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