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House Build In Thailand


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you can try to build the house by yourself, but you still need some hands to help you, like mixing cement, carrying materials and many other basic, but hard taks. Depending on the size, it might take you a year of two of your life - so it's better to employ a building company and strictly controll them.

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If you needed surgery, would you do it yourself? When it comes to the trades, I leave it to the people that have the skill. There is enough info on TV about the construction trades. What a smart consumer takes away is that the two priorities are;

1. Set out the specific standard of build including materials to be used. Make sure the worker(s) understand and agree.

2. Supervise. Supervise and Supervise.

If we tell a carpenter we want a fence built to a certain cost specification, in order to meet that cost requirement, the carpenter may be obliged to use cheap untreated pressed wood instead of the appropriate lumber. Make sure costs demanded reflect the actual cost of material needed. Supervise that the agreed to materials and methods are used.

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