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Transgender Group Calls For Changes

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Transgender group calls for changes

By The Nation

Published on December 11, 2009


Transgender group calls for changes

The Network of Transgender Women of Thailand has urged the Education Ministry and universities to cancel regulations forcing transgender persons to wear male uniforms to classrooms, exams and graduation ceremonies.

Network chairperson Yollada Suanyot said yesterday they had received complaints from transgender students, alumni and lecturers about the regulations, which she believes stem from society's misunderstanding of transgender, identified medically as transsexuฌalism.

She claimed people with transgender inclintion needed therapy before undergoing a gender change and to dress and live according to their sexual inclinations.

She said the universities' dress code violated their rights and obstructed the treatment of transsexualism. As a result, she said, many transgender youths did not want to study further.

Yollada said the network had submitted an appeal to Education Minister Jurin Laksanawisit on Wednesday. However, Jurin said he hadn't yet received it and would look into the issue today.

She added that the network had asked the Royal Household Bureau if transgender people could wear female uniforms in a graduation ceremony. They were told the bureau did not limit people's rights and that they should contact the Education Ministry and universities about the matter, she said.

Thammasat University (TU) vice president Parinya Thewanaruemitkul said his institution didn't object to transgender students wearing female uniforms - but those who hadn't undergone a gender change could not stay in girls' dorms or use women's toilets.

Parinya said universities would be willing to comply with a request by the Royal Household Bureau or Education Ministry.


-- The Nation 2009/12/11



Thammasat University (TU) vice president Parinya Thewanaruemitkul said his institution didn't object to transgender students wearing female uniforms - but those who hadn't undergone a gender change could not stay in girls' dorms or use women's toilets.

I thought special toilets for transgender students were installed at the uni's, some time ago ?

Apart from that, did the female students oppose the transgender students, using the ladies' toilets ?

Q since when were those changes installed ?

What a world.



I taught briefly at a business 'college' up north in 2005 - not a uni. At least one of my ladyboys wore the female uniform; s/he was pre-op. Boys used women's toilets. Your mileage will vary very much.

Transgender group calls for changes

The Network of Transgender Women of Thailand has urged the Education Ministry and universities to cancel regulations forcing transgender persons to wear male uniforms to classrooms, exams and graduation ceremonies.

I find the headline and the first line funny! After breast implants, hormone injections and the final sexual reassignment surgery, what other changes do they want? Or is it that they call for a reversal?

Next, "Network of Transgender Women": What does it mean? For me, a transgender woman is a born woman that has been changed into a man (just like a recycled soda can is a soda can that has been transformed into something else). So then, what's the beef with the male clothing (I also didn't know there were sexes assigned to clothes)?

Ah well, just feeling a bit dense today... :)


One of the worst things about Thailand is the peoples love of Transvestites. Why they like them so much I dont know. Our annual Christmas party was hijaked by Ladyboys prancing around on stage, it wrecked a really good night out. Well good luck to the Thais let them dress up as girlies while the other Thais egg them on for me Ill keep my interests on the real girls!.


Time for another round of 'the typicals' to crawl out from under their rocks and vent their dislike for other humans of a specific group...

Oh, and this problem in the OP exists for one reason and one reason alone: Rules on clothing, i.e. forced uniforms. How about giving every human being the freedom to make their own choices in life instead of having the government and others micromanage from big to small on the issues?

Personally I don't care if they want to wear skirts just as long as they are not too short.

You don't like to see panties?


Generally what the transgendered seem to want is legitimacy as their re-assigned gender. Unfortunately, the logical end to this is a complete wiping of the record as far as their having ever been male- if one wants to go to the extremes. Up to that point, I don't see the harm as long as they are willing to live with the other consequences; but it is unfair to potential partners (who may want children, may have perfectly good reasons to want a genuinely female wife, etc.) not to be informed- so up to the point where they are still legally listed as men or former men, I think society can survive any accommodations for them- but not past that point.

Personally I don't care if they want to wear skirts just as long as they are not too short.

You don't like to see panties?

No, I just dont want them competing with the Uni students for my attention. :)

Generally what the transgendered seem to want is legitimacy as their re-assigned gender. Unfortunately, the logical end to this is a complete wiping of the record as far as their having ever been male- if one wants to go to the extremes. Up to that point, I don't see the harm as long as they are willing to live with the other consequences; but it is unfair to potential partners (who may want children, may have perfectly good reasons to want a genuinely female wife, etc.) not to be informed- so up to the point where they are still legally listed as men or former men, I think society can survive any accommodations for them- but not past that point.

I find your point alarmist and ridiculous. Many "real" women are sterile and they know it. It is their responsibility to inform potential partners of their situation. It is not a legitimate matter for any state to get involved in such private matters between consenting adults.

Regarding the desire not to wear male uniforms. I don't see the problem as long as they wear one uniform or the other. Switching day by day would be distracting.

BTW, personally I am not particularly amused by and certainly not attracted to TS people, but human rights are human rights, and everyone deserves the chance to live in dignity and seek their happiness in life.


^Presuming that a post-op transgender woman was not biologically female, there are real consequences medically- though I suppose to have any chance of fooling a husband the 'woman' would have to make up something like sterility pretty early on, so maybe the guys who wanted children would still have a chance to opt out. A potential 'marriage' prospect should have the right to know, assuming the operation was effective enough that he couldn't otherwise tell.

Basically, the state would have to take SOMEONE's side- either the transgendered person's by allowing them to change their official record- in denial of the science- or the potential marriage partner's by keeping the information available in some form. In this case, I vote for the potential marriage partner's rights (and for honesty).

Basically, the state would have to take SOMEONE's side- either the transgendered person's by allowing them to change their official record- in denial of the science- or the potential marriage partner's by keeping the information available in some form. In this case, I vote for the potential marriage partner's rights (and for honesty).

No the State doesn't have to take someones side. That is like stating that the state should be involved in making sure potential partners are duly informed about other things that might or might not alter a persons perception regarding them, including a past history of cancer, drug-usage, number of sex-partners etc. It is not the states position to be a nanny for someone that is getting married.

Time for another round of 'the typicals' to crawl out from under their rocks and vent their dislike for other humans of a specific group...

Exactly what I thought.

Yollada said the network had submitted an appeal to Education Minister Jurin Laksanawisit on Wednesday. However, Jurin said he hadn't yet received it and would look into the issue today.

Yes, obviously some subordinate lost it, I was too busy playing golf/having photo's taken/putting cilantro on my face *

*delete as applicable


I bet half of the "typicals" protesting this wouldn't mind having a spin on the other side of the fence so to speak..or probably have already in a drunken stupor somewhere. :D:)

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