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We've Been Scammed On Koh Samui!


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This 'trick' is 20 years old! Unbelievable that theyr are still people get trapped in it!

...and still going strong, should see the people involved they don't look as if they are scammers...

at least one Farang involved! All others well dressed, well groomed Thai Females, with good manners!

Almost perfect set up, while a lucrative business

Money for nothing and the chicks for free!!

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Somebody who was going to pay 30,000 baht for a weeks accom here can afford to put it down to experience. Nobody made you sign anything. You signed because you thought you were getting something for free. I knoiw a few of the people you are talking about. They drink in a bar I frequent. Smooth taliking salesmen they certainly are but not the scammers you are making them out to be as far as I am aware! As said if you can spend that amount of money on a weeks hotel then its not the end of world. I have a friend who just lost 20,000 baht between the ATM and getting into the bank and he is Scottish as well so think how he feels. :)

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Easily understandable. On holiday. Beautiful people touting a beautiful condo with excellent view. Not unreasonable pricing if all the verbal promises are made good. Extra cash on hand for the holiday. Seems like a good swap of current accommodations with the better ones being offered, so the money would be well spent. Also the assurance of additional holidays. It all plays into the mind of the naive tourist. Classic scam on people most susceptible.

These kind of practices have been stamped out in our home countries, but still exist throughout developing nations. An unwary tourist could easily be deceived and caught up in the moment. Bummer. I have no constructive advice, but do have some sympathy for the hapless victims.

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This has to be a troll. No one is this naive

"No one is this naive"

Are you saying you have never bought anything you didn't want or need from a great salesman in your whole life? Thats their job to convince you to buy something whether you need it or not. To think otherwise is naive. Their first question is not going to be "do you need time share"? If they stopped you in the street and asked everyone would say no! they need to build value into their product in a seminar but they need you sitting front and centre hence the scratchy thing and if your silly enough to fall for that its highly likely you will be a potential buyer. It obviously works, lot of scratchie girls every where.

End of the day, no one can force you to do what you don't want to. OP lost credibilty with me straight away by using the word force, thats just a straight out lie.

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forget the lawyer and his letter,what you think, how many letters they received already??

take 5000 baht, show them the police officer, and ask him to come with you to their office(if there is one at all)

if they refund your money, you pay the policeman.

I second the good advice.

30kbht is not that much of a loss, you live and you learn.

I had the same sort of thing happen to me on a holiday in Florida 20 years ago, wasn't daft enough to sign anything or hand over any money though.

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Some of the best advice was to give the cops a share in whatever they can recover.

Apart from that, you can write off the $1,000 and put it down to a lesson in stupidity.

Do not throw good money after bad by paying them a cent more.

Walk away and lick your wounds.

Tell your friends not to be as stupid as you were.

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I believe them and would do this myself aswell, it is a very good deal:

4,500 pounds, deposit 1,000 and this is not for one but for 3 years.

What them promise them:

* 2 first class tickest to the Maldives.

* 2 persons 5+ star resort for 2 weeks.

* Condominium 240 M2 in Monaco, walking distance for Hotel the Paris.

* 4 boxes of Dom Perignon, 1972

* 1 Ferrari california ocean blue

* Patek Phillippe for him.

* Patek Phillippe for her.

And to welcome them to the club, a party event for you and 20 friend at the Oriental hotel.

And this are opnly the gifts for the first year.

Who wouldn't go for this, i would :)

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I've never experienced one of these "promotions" - thankfully!!! But out of curiousity, what is the format? How do they get people to feel that they are forced to sign? Is there the implication of violence?

Now you understand why they are so good at it - they handpick their unsuspecting clients!

They don't want to be messed around with, they ant to make money and lot's of it!

Anyone on Samui have a good look at the setup at the walk through, opposite th Tropical Murphy's wedged

in between McDonalds and Ilyara, just next to the Forex Counter of Ayuttaya Bank.

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In these cases usualy its best that the less inteligent person who was scammed stops humiliating himself and just accepts that he lost 1000 AUD.

I mean.. You're from the west. You have reports on these things almost daily on the news, you've been giving an education that allows you to put 2 and 2 together..

just leave it be, they bested you. i hardly think you should get a refund, you paid the money willingly when they were pressuring you.. people who are pressured to go from smaller drugs to heroin are also pressured but they don't get refunds.

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When you get your cash back, I know of a very nice chalet in Gstaad with views of the Matterhorn for your ultimate Swiss Ski Experience......

Of course, i will take my 300000 percent commission. But that includes all meals and soft drinks. Ham sandwiches and one fondue per person. And Roman Polanski as a neighbour....

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I got to talk to a cute girl on the beach at Phuket one morning about timeshare and ended up with a free breakfast at a hotel for watching their movie.

Once the sales guy saw me he knew I was only there to kill a couple of hours before the bars opened and never really tried.

My word that was along time ago too.

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Marriot group runs a genuine scheme similar to what many here refer to as a "scam"...you are invited to Marriot Resort Phuket to stay 2 nights free, the only obligation is to sit thru a 90min sales pitch...all made clear upfront. Under no further obligation to buy because they believe the product's merits will speak for itself. Marriot does't get spruikers and catch people on the street, it's be referral and the name of the person who introduced is named, as it should be.

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Bad luck Melisa,

Unfortunatley I am sure that everyone trys to get their money back and they have "not paying it back" down to a fine art.

My advice for what its worth would be to suck it up and learn from it.


Right. Alarm bells should have been loud and clear when a total strangers said they had "won"

I went to ne of these things in Pattaya (I fancied the the guy and he got 1000 baht if I stayed 90 mins) and the pressure to sign is really high. Seeing me in flip flops and shorts ought to have been a guide that I'm not too wealthy but hey ho.

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I am reading this thead again and am sort of surprised by the nastiness. Should've, would've, could've. Three of the easiest words to say. Some of you forget what it's like to be in that type of siuation. Think back to when you purchased a vehicle in your homelands. Remember when the car salesman says, oh, in order to finalize the sale we need to meet with the business manager. It happened to me. I was able to dodge the extended warranties (useless and the commission to the salesman is usually 50%+), the additional "packages" like "rustproofing", "upholstery & carpet" stain proofing etc. etc. After 20 minutes of high pressure, I made the mistahe of paying $300. or something like that for 2 oil changes a year for 3 years. Don't remember the exact price, but after the 1st oil change I said to myself, man I'm a sucker. These sales people are tenacious and the grind you, no matter how tough you are. I had never before experienced it. There I was a veteran of many mosh pits, lots of fancy diplomas and a grown man at 28, but I had never been through it before. My next car purchase, when they tried the boiler room act on me, I said F-off or I walk and you lose the sale. Experience is great, but sometimes you need to have the experience in order to say no. So, folks, please don't be so hard on the OP. Not everyone has experience with these sales people. Remember, if the salesman is good, he or she can make a sale every so often. These salespeople are not as dumb as they act or look.

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