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Bomb Threat @ Hua Lampong Station


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I'm really suprised this isn't in the media at all. Seems like another Thaksin cover-up if you ask me. I work for a certain government's office in Bangkok and around 12 noon on Tuesday I got an email from security officials saying that a bomb threat was called into Hua Lampong train station. Police were on the scene and were checking it out. A little more than an hour later they gave the "all clear" after searching the sight for suspicious items and none were found. Whether this was a real call or not, unfortunately this is probably just the beginning of this kind of activity. Did anyone see this anywhere in the news? I'm really suprised this didn't get any media attention.

Matty StrongView

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...Police were on the scene and were checking it out.  A little more than an hour later they gave the "all clear" after searching the sight for suspicious items and none were found.  Whether this was a real call or not, unfortunately this is probably just the beginning of this kind of activity.  Did anyone see this anywhere in the news?  I'm really suprised this didn't get any media attention.

Matty StrongView

I'm with you on this one.

They ought to at least have printed a story on the same page as the "Some fireworks might be duds" and the "Taxi driver nearly had an accident" stories.

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I'm not sure I agree on this, of course it is a serious issue and at places such as train stations and airports it is vital that security officials (and the general public) are on guard for certain things all of the time and not just at times when a bomb threat is likely.

However there are bomb threats and there are bomb threats and to inform the public about everyone could likely generate unnecessary panic or at worse lead to complacency i.e. oh just another bomb threat mai pen rai BOOM.

I used to work at Heathrow Airport a few years back and I know that the issue of bomb threats was always taken seriously and usually dealt with quickly and effectively however if they printed everyone in the newspaper they would likely need to create a seperate Sunday supplement. After all what would be the benefit of informing the general public a day later that there was a threat, should they stop using public transport out of fear of being killed. The answer is no they should be educated in being alert and on the look out for anything suspicious at all times not just at times when there might be a bomb.

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I see what you're saying, but don't agree. Thailand has much too "mai pen rai" going on, and with the very real threat of bombs going off in Bangkok or other places in Thailand, I think it is important that the public is informed. We've heard account after account of people (incl. gov't officials) saying that it won't happen in Bangkok. Well, honestly...this city has so many opportunities built in to it....that one day militant this, or seperatist that are going to take advantage of it. I agree that informing of every instance of a bomb threat or what-have-you would be unnecessary, however the going feeling is that "it just won't happen here" and to keep the public aware of very real threats would be wise. That way, they start to think "it can happen here" and keep their eyes open a little bit....rather than drinking a Unif tea and yappin' on their phones while walking in zig zag formation in front of me.

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Strongview -

If you want daily accounts of bomb threats, school shootings, bloody murders, then read the US press. I personally tune out that nonsense, because there is nothing that I can do about it. People of all colours, and of all races, perform malevolent actions, and simply worrying about whether it will happen to me (or my loved ones), is not going to change that.

The people in Thailand have more of a chance of being in a car accident or twisting their ankles on the "level" city sidewalks, as they do being in a bombing incident.

I think that the Thai gov't should refrain from spreading fear amongst it constituents. Otherwise, a part of everyone's life is sacrificed in the name of maintaining a "safe" society. I enjoy the fact that Thailand is the "Land of Smiles". If everyone started treating everyone else with suspicion, then what you would have a society that fails itself.

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I agree that informing of every instance of a bomb threat or what-have-you would be unnecessary, however the going feeling is that "it just won't happen here" and to keep the public aware of very real threats would be wise.  That way, they start to think "it can happen here" and keep their eyes open a little bit....rather than drinking a Unif tea and yappin' on their phones while walking in zig zag formation in front of me.

Equally, if you announce bomb threats and then say "false alarm" people are hardly likely to become more vigilant.

Also any loon who wants to make the news will be calling up claiming they've planted a bomb.

If it is a credible threat then it should be publicised with a minimum of information about why it should be taken seriously.

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