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The Glitterman Speaks About Television


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Television is the biggest time waisting device ever invented in the last hundred years, i decided not to have a television seven years ago, and ive done so much more with the time than if i had, it should not be called 'television' it should be called 'trancevision' as people sit like zombies staring at a luminous screen.

The retina is the window to the minds eye, therefore anything viewed emerges as raw experiance to the viewer. after watching you have achieved nothing, turn off the t.v. and do it for real, live those dreams. 'what the mind can concieve, the body will achieve'

During my antique collecting i came across a very old photo album from the late victorian period about a hundred years old. the photos of the people had lively faces with wild lively eyes, there was no t.v. back then. compare that with an album of today and the faces would be dull and the eyes lifeless FROM WATCHING TO MUCH T.V. peolple get used to staring at the t.v. and the habit forms that they stare at everything outside and not expect any interaction with what they are looking at ,just as if they were still watching t. v.

throw the dam_n things out your window thats what i say. [and ill be there to catch them]

i dont want any rude grumpy old men to reply to this ,like they did with my other topic on alcohol ,spelt it right this time, i have not been home for many years so i have forgotten how some words are spelt, so what, im not applying to be cast in the next spielberg film or writting to H.R.H. The Queen of England.

any grumpy old men will be 'hung ,drawn and quartered and their heads stuck on a spike to the entrace of London bridge'

the royal glitterman hath spoken.


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The reason that everyone had 'lively faces with wild lively eyes' 100 years ago is that the proletariat was planning to rise up and overthrow the bourgeoisie (with an option of either putting them against a wall and shooting them or, if they were feeling particularly cruel, making them work.) I sort of suspect that this wouldnt work out too well for you.

Before the invention of the TV this situation was avoided (in most cases) by a couple of World Wars which kept people distracted (mind you I bet those guys jumping out of the trenches and 'walking' towards enemy lines during the Somme had 'wild lively eyes' too.)

Anyways, if you think TV is the 'opiate of the masses' you ought to try an Xbox.

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Isn't this all getting a bit silly now? Alcohol then Television?

Message to Glitterman/Goldman why not contribute to existing topics, such as food and drink in Pattaya etc. etc. it would be interesting to hear your views.



agreed. This forum is a community forum where we discuss things happening in the community (here: Pattaya) and not to be confused with speaker's corner.

For this we have the General Forum where general questions such as do you watch telly or not can be discussed. Not allowed there either is starting controversial topics with the obvious intend stirring up heated discussion, aka trolling.

Hence, this thread is closed.


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