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If You Really Want To Lose Weight


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Then I have a diet I'd like to recommend to you.

I've been following a diet called the Warrior Diet for some time now. It's actually not so much a diet, as a way of life. It's easy and it works. However, it may conflict with what you've been told about eating and dieting.

The Warrior Diet is created by a guy called Ori Hoffmekler based on his studies of eating habits of warriors troughout history. These guys (and girls) had to be in top shape. What he found was that there was a clear structure to their eating habits.

Usual diets say you should eat many small meals and eat a large breakfast, however warriors trough history did the completely opposite. They had only one large meal a day and that's the basic of the diet.

You eat only fruit, nuts and raw vegetables during the day and then overeat at night. This leaves a period of 12-18 hours of what is known as intermittent fasting. This lets the body burn fat during that period while being able to build muscle and regain strenght during the night. The fasting period also works as cleansing period where toxins are cleansed.

The great thing about this diet is that you don't count calories or have to eat specific foods at specific times. You just eat very little during the day and then eat whatever your body craves at night. By eating like this, your body will let you know what to eat and it won't be junk food.

The nightly meal though, should be eaten in order of first eating raw vegetables or salads. Then protein (meat) then a meal with carbs (rice, noodles etc).

I've been following this diet on/off for a few months and it really works very well. You'd think that you would be starving during the day, but that's not the case. After an adjustment period of a week or so, my body simply accepted this way of eating and hunger wasn't an issue. During the day I just eat nuts, fruit and vegetables, very easy to find in Thailand. Then at night I eat whatever I want.

The first month on this diet I lost over 10 lbs and clearly lost fat while retaining muscle. It worked for me and many others.

If you want to lose fat/weight and can't stand complicated diets, then I suggest you give this a try.

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Yep, that's the reaction you get from the 'broscience' people. Why don't you try for yourself and see what happens?

This diet is followed by thousands and it works. Simple as that.

Edited by bonobo
Removed text from a post since deleted for flaming.
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Lets put it this way i eat noddles in day time and have good old chicken dinner at night and the results io now way 115kg so dont try and plug ya shit mate

'Mate', do you see any links? Do you think I am actually Ori Hoffmekler in disguise, racking up 500 post on a Thai forum only so I can drop a plug in a small subforum?

I am recommending this totally from my own positive experience. I have absolutely not affiliation with the author or product. If you google Warrior Diet there are many, many articles and very long threads on forums about this diet. Let people make their own choices here. This is about giving people who have problems with losing weight an easy diet that works.

So, I suggest, you take 'ya shit' out of this thread.

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dont give it large please..there is no way that eatin nuts in the day and havin a msiive meal 4 you sleep gonna lose you weight..tellc us

if ya gonna mention the diet why dont you tell the forum b4 and afters on you r personal experience.ie how much fat you lose??

Edited by 2008bangkok
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dont give it large please..there is no way that eatin nuts in the day and havin a msiive meal 4 you sleep gonna lose you weight..tellc us

if ya gonna mention the diet why dont you tell the forum b4 and afters on you r personal experience.ie how much fat you lose??

I did tell that.

I lost 12 lbs in the first month. Since then the weight loss has been slower as I get closer to my ideal weight.

I have gotten stronger. Can lift about 20 lbs more on deadlift and benchpress.

Ok, If anyone is interested, there are tons of writing on the internet about this diet, go ahead and google it.

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Different diets work for different people and I have read, I think here on TV, that it is a myth that eating at night before going to bed makes you fat.

However you make no mention of any exercise programme. To just eat whatever you want even if it's only once a day with no exercise to burn it off isn't going to lose weight surely?

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Different diets work for different people and I have read, I think here on TV, that it is a myth that eating at night before going to bed makes you fat.

However you make no mention of any exercise programme. To just eat whatever you want even if it's only once a day with no exercise to burn it off isn't going to lose weight surely?

:) I guess you are right .... eating before going to bed make you fat because the body don't burn calories but there are 2 different situation ..... you go alone or with a motivating active partner :D:D

Edited by thaibear1
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I lost 15 kilograms with a change in nutrition and «behaviour» of eatting. I have done it with the help of ParaMediForm method, which regards your personal metabolism. I asked my doctor for some «common rules» which can help everyone:

  • Eat in the morning, but avoid white bread or these «healthy» cereals which often contain a lot of sugar. Better is to make your own Müsli with yoghurt and plain cereals. Good are also eggs, some cheese or meat.
  • For lunch eat a big (leaf) salad and proteins.
  • Don't eat late in the evening (4 hours before go sleeping).
  • Don't eat too much in the evening; avoid carbohydrate (pasta! rice...). Eat a lot of cooked vegetables.
  • Don't eat too much fruits (they contain a lot of sugar).
  • Eat enough proteins like fish, chicken, and tofu. Avoid pork, beef and seafood.

My personal «diet» includes as much as half a kilogram of vegetables in the evening. My daily ration of proteins where about half a kilogram of fish or 200 g of chicken. I only ate some carbohydrate in the morning (e.g. crispbread or a Müsli). Carbohydrate are a good nutrition for your brain an ideal in the morning.

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The problem with all these diets and advice is that they treat each individual the same.

People are different and as such a diet for one person may not work for another.

The best thing that i ever did was see a very good naturopath/iridologist who helped me with a diet that suited me individually and that has stood me in good stead for many years.

Interesting enough the diet that she recommended corresponds very closely with the diet for my blood type which is type A.

I recommend anyone to have a look at the diets via blood type as in my case they are very accurate.

Until you see someone who tailor makes a diet to your indivudual health needs you will not get optimal results and may in fact be doing yourself a disservice.

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Dont talk shit dude..eat nuts n stuff in the day and then over eat at night............... thatd the worst diet advice i have ever heard
Lets put it this way i eat noddles in day time and have good old chicken dinner at night and the results io now way 115kg so dont try and plug ya shit mate
dont give it large please..there is no way that eatin nuts in the day and havin a msiive meal 4 you sleep gonna lose you weight..tellc us

if ya gonna mention the diet why dont you tell the forum b4 and afters on you r personal experience.ie how much fat you lose??

Wow, so much aggression, so rude, so tuff, im impressed :)

I guess its just another example of a little guy feeling big.....what happened to a bit of maners and respect for others, the OP wasnt rude about anything. :D

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Thanks for sharing your diet! All kinds of dweebs on thaivisa that make you wish you hadn't posted however lots of people read the posts and benefit from them. This is an especially tough topic to post on since weight is always a subject people like to ridicule.

Edited by mauiguy90
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Different diets work for different people and I have read, I think here on TV, that it is a myth that eating at night before going to bed makes you fat.

However you make no mention of any exercise programme. To just eat whatever you want even if it's only once a day with no exercise to burn it off isn't going to lose weight surely?

It's not really about eating whatever you want. The book has lots of recommendations of food to eat or food to stay away from. Restricting carbs and particularly processed grains is recommended. That's why you start with eating vegetables to 'fill up' first and not fill up on carbs. I don't follow this too much, but I do substitute sugar with salts such as almonds or cashews, which are also great sources of protein.

But the theory is not so much about what to eat, but when to eat. The author backs it up with science but I don't have it on hand. The idea is that the 16-18 hour fasting period sets on an anabolic state where the body consumes fat. Then during the night the body builds muscle. It's not a calorie decifit diet.

I work out three times a week, lifting only weights for about 1 hour and do no cardio. For the last month my weight has stayed almost constant at around 86.5 kg (started out at 92 kg). But in the same time, I have gained a lot in strenght and muscle. I am stronger than ever before and setting personal records every time I lift. I can really see a difference in less fat and more muscle. Usually muscle building and weight gain go hand in hand but not this time.

That also tells me that if I were to add a few hours of intense cardio a week, then I would probably lose more weight. Even more if I cut out carbs.

I think this diet is good for those who like to eat when they do eat. It's much easier for me to eat less during the day than it is to watch whatever I eat.

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