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Non-immigrant b 120 days?

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On my first trip to Thailand I went to the Thai Embassy where I was living at the time and asked for a 120 day work visa.  He asked what I would be doing as in way of work.  I told him I would be traveling around the country meeting with businessmen to see about export to the US and Europe.  The man said I needed a letter from my boss saying what it was that I would be doing in Thailand.  I told him I was my boss and he allowed me to type up a letter right there.

I paid the equivalent of 850 baht and came back 2 days later and had the visa.  Now does anyone know if this was a one shot, one time, Non B given to me since I was looking into investment in Thailand, or is this something I can get multiple times?  It was valid for 3 months and I needed nothing but the letter.  

I am going to get this sorted out when I hit the states next week its driving me crazy thinking about it.  One minute I feel ok I am covered and the next minute I feel worried that I am not.  At the end of the day, this is what I do here, and the reason I first came and continue to come here.  I am a businessman only wishing to buy from manufacturers, and it is first and foremost my reason for being here.

If in the end I was denied the ability to come here to buy then I would go to India and take my wife with me since we both have multiple entry 5 year visas.  I wish to base my buying operations here now for her.  I admit in the beginning it was because of the comforts here compared to other Asian countries.  I just do not understand the difficulty in doing it here, anywhere else its a 2 day $75-$100 issue, and most countires not even that.

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in the state its quite easy getting a Non B visa, i told them im going to thailand for business, they never ask for anything from me, came back pick up couple of day later,

one time i apply for a triple none tourist visa in the state it was fine too.

If you do any kind of stay in thailand you will have a difficult time doing so, they only want your money but they don't want you.. suck-ass isn't

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I use my mothers address in Georgetown DC doc.  I haven't been living in the US since I was 18, but do file taxes, and have 1 of my bank accounts there.  I was living in Argentina when I got the Non B I had.  Got out my passport to check it out, and noticed 2 things that I forgot to mention before.

It was only a single entry.

And it was only a business visa not work visa, which I take it was an entirely different thing.  

After checking the site and reading many posts I now understand this visa still did not give me the ability to work.  But I am guessing was able to conduct business, and did not have to leave Thailand for 120 days?  Thats all I want anyway, except now that things are set up here I would like to come and go at will.  I see the price has gone up to 2000 baht for single and 5000 for multiple, thats ok too.  Do you think it will be just as easy to get it as a 1 year but multiple entry from the US Embassy in DC, or does the multiple entry part change the situation entirely?

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Ok.  Just so I am sure I understand.  When I arrive in the US tomorrow I should use my company letterhead to write a letter to the consulate in Texas, and apply for the Non B in Texas too.  One question, will they be able to get it back to me by the time I leave for return to Asia?  That will be 12 to 16 days.  Thanks.

Keep it real!

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Houston is fast ... Royal Thai Consulate-General

                        2800 Texas Commerce Tower

                        HOUSTON TX 77002-3094

                        Tel (713) 229 8733

                        Fax (713) 228 1303

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