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Homeless Swedes Face Deportation From Phuket

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Strange story. They're lucky to be from Sweden; If they were Canadians, they would be left to rot by the Canadian embassy, no doubt.

If they are alcoholic they should seek treatment before coming back in the land of sins.


I suggest you learn about your country making an inaccurate statement off in a public forum. Social assistance programs are the responsibility of the provinces. That means medical care and "welfare" payments. Some provinces are more generous than others and that is a reflection of the respective provincial electorate's sentiment. The Canadian federal government does disburse funds in the event people are victimized abroad. These people are not victims, but made the decision to run off to Thailand and live this way.

FYI and for those Canadians in Thailand that are victims of crime

What is the Victims Fund — Emergency Financial Assistance for Canadians Victimized Abroad?

As of April 1, 2007, emergency financial assistance is available to individual Canadians who are victims of specified serious violent crimes in a foreign jurisdiction for emergency situations of undue hardship where no other source of financial assistance is available. (The specified crimes are homicide, sexual assault, and aggravated assault or assault with serious personal violence, including against a child.) This emergency financial assistance is available through the Victims Fund, which is administered by the Department of Justice Policy Centre for Victim Issues (PCVI).

Who may apply for emergency financial assistance?

Any Canadian may apply to the Department of Justice for emergency financial assistance if he or she is:

the victim of a violent crime in a foreign jurisdiction;

a family member of a victim who is dead, ill or incapacitated due to their victimization in a foreign jurisdiction; or

in the case of a child, a parent or the person responsible for the care and support of the child.

Make an effort to learn about your country first. Then consider that many hardworking taxpayers in Canada, Sweden, wherever, do not wish to fund the "rescue" of such people. I sure as heck don't. Dig a little deeper and you'll find that this couple probably alienated their family and had all sorts of help and assistance offered on their spiral into the gutter. Sometimes it's best to let such people hit the bottom so that they seek change and help of their own free will.

You are probably right in what you say, but I can't help thinking, that the right sort of help early enough on, could have prevented this situation. It could even be speculated that family problems was what may have started or caused this tragedy in the first place. Then again. Many people are predisposed to alcoholism and drug addiction. Seems to be part of being human. Even some animals (not just primates either) seem predisposed to drugs and alcohol!

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it is people like that, together will all the illegal workers (pakistani, idian, nigerian scams) that makes it harder for all of us and makes immigration toughen up laws...

Listen mate if you have all your documentation in order for immigration anywhere in the world it doesnt matter who is standing ahead of you or behind you in the queue.


anyone seen the foreign guy (older white guy ) digging through the dumpsters in pattaya in search of recyclables?

or this posted example of an old couple in phuket sleeping sleeping on the sidewalk,

don't these people embarrass you?

don't you think examples like these make it worse for others ?

i think they do.

the guy going after plastic and such in pattaya really bothers me.

the thais going after the same stuff are obviously in need of the money.

this foreign guy is taking money away from the lowest rung people in an underdeveloped country!

it's disgusting!

two old foreign drunks are hitting up thais for drinking money! ? shameful!

i have no solution, but i also have no sympathy should they need to go hungry for a while in a thai jail awaiting deportation.

I always understood if you went to the airport with your overstay and paid on the way out the worse that happens was a 20k baht fine, but if your arrested by the cops and face court over it, I thought it meant more.

Obviously their embassy now organises for them to be sent back home and they will have to repay their country somehow......I don't think they will be back in a hurry.

If immigration arrests you, you normaly will just have to pay the normal overstay fine. But now they can and will hold you in the immigration jail till you have paid the fine and have a ticket out of the country.

Believe the judge can order you to pay a stiffer fine.

Thankyou sir. It would seem that their deportation may be years away then, perhaps they may rot inside the thai immigration cells in the mean time. i wonder as they are a married couple, if they get to rot away together or in seperate areas of the prison?

Doyou really think being held in custody in Thailand would be so comfortable that a man n wife could sleep together?In a cell at a police station you dont get a pillow or blanket

My guess is they didnt have a pillow or blanket on the footpath outside the bank either.

Perfect timing, to come home to Sweden in Early January. Be prepared for a 40 to 50 degree temperature difference

Alcoholics are the same, wherever they come from.

I agree. Alcoholism, like the use of other drugs, is willful self-abuse.

I disagree - alcoholism is a disease.


Some sanity showing up at last. Thank you for a good link, that may help open some narrow minds, to let in a bit of light - if they even bother to click on it that is.....


Alcoholism or alcohol dependence is a diagnosable disease characterized by several factors including a strong craving for alcohol, continued use despite harm or personal injury, the inability to limit drinking, physical illness when drinking stops, and the need to increase the amount drunk in order to feel the effects .

Alcohol abuse is a pattern of drinking that results in harm to one’s health, interpersonal relationships or ability to work. Certain manifestations of alcohol abuse include failure to fulfill responsibilities at work, school or home; drinking in dangerous situations such as while driving; legal problems associated with alcohol use and continued drinking despite problems that are caused or worsened by drinking. Alcohol abuse can lead to alcohol dependence

taken from http://www.cdc.gov/alcohol/faqs.htm#12

The only difference between the two Swedish homeless and many of those proud brave posters is the money. Many of you, rich alcoholic, with your daily 10 or more beers and your fast fingers on the keyboard, and 2 poor guys alcoholic too, but without one (3) baht.

I repeat. I feel ashamed for many of the posters of this thread.



It's a sad world we live in, when so many have to put down these people, without the whole story. Sleep well, if you can, this happens to many rich people, when $ gets involved, and who knows, you may be the next we read about, so if you only feel great about yourself, and have no holiday spirit 4 others, why post???

Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year to ALL!....even the neg :) ative posters.

Alcoholism or alcohol dependence is a diagnosable disease characterized by several factors including a strong craving for alcohol, continued use despite harm or personal injury, the inability to limit drinking, physical illness when drinking stops, and the need to increase the amount drunk in order to feel the effects .

Alcohol abuse is a pattern of drinking that results in harm to one's health, interpersonal relationships or ability to work. Certain manifestations of alcohol abuse include failure to fulfill responsibilities at work, school or home; drinking in dangerous situations such as while driving; legal problems associated with alcohol use and continued drinking despite problems that are caused or worsened by drinking. Alcohol abuse can lead to alcohol dependence

taken from http://www.cdc.gov/alcohol/faqs.htm#12

I understand all that you have posted, the part I dont understand is (as with all drugs) theres that initial stage where one first has their first drink, their first shot etc etc.......thats where it all goes wrong. Its definately a self inflicted injury, its not like sitting in your loungeroom and a plane crashes through the ceiling striking you on the head....is it?


I have a question on a different aspect of this sad saga: Was the hospital within its legal rights to confiscate and retain his passport for non-payment of a hospital bill?

Also, is the hospital (or a hotel or landlord, which is required to register a foreigner with immigrations, including their TM.6 depature card number) under any obligation to notify Immigrations when they become aware of an overstayer?

It just seems that there was an opportunity for the system to catch these two overstayers before it did.

Get rid!!

If there were a couple of South East Asians, drunk, and sleeping rough on my street back in UK, I'd expect them to be chucked back to where they came from.

They should do the same in Europe, all the illegal aliens sending back to their country, no passport , no visa etc...


I feel almost no compassion for these two. They made a conscious (or maybe half conscious drunk) decision to come to Thailand (Phuket of all places) and spend all their savings on booze and guest houses. As their money ran out, they still chose to stick around.

They looked as happy as could be sitting in the back of that paddy wagon. I doubt they'll be smiling when they get the shakes and start detoxing within a day or so.

it is people like that, together will all the illegal workers (pakistani, idian, nigerian scams) that makes it harder for all of us and makes immigration toughen up laws...

No, what it is, is that it is people like "that" that bring out idiotic responses like yours.

Alcoholism or alcohol dependence is a diagnosable disease characterized by several factors including a strong craving for alcohol, continued use despite harm or personal injury, the inability to limit drinking, physical illness when drinking stops, and the need to increase the amount drunk in order to feel the effects .

Alcohol abuse is a pattern of drinking that results in harm to one's health, interpersonal relationships or ability to work. Certain manifestations of alcohol abuse include failure to fulfill responsibilities at work, school or home; drinking in dangerous situations such as while driving; legal problems associated with alcohol use and continued drinking despite problems that are caused or worsened by drinking. Alcohol abuse can lead to alcohol dependence

taken from http://www.cdc.gov/alcohol/faqs.htm#12

I understand all that you have posted, the part I dont understand is (as with all drugs) theres that initial stage where one first has their first drink, their first shot etc etc.......thats where it all goes wrong. Its definately a self inflicted injury, its not like sitting in your loungeroom and a plane crashes through the ceiling striking you on the head....is it?

Quite true, but I drink the odd scotch or beer because I like the taste and usually with good company along with good conversation - I don't get drunk (have been but hated the loss of control and the bloody hangover) and I go minutes without drinking - just kidding, I often don't drink for a week or more. The point being, that having a drink doesn't make me an alcoholic, or lose control over how much I drink. I like it, but don't need it. Just is, that for some reason, many people can not help themselves and are unable to control it. I don't know why they are like that either, but the fact remains that they are. Is like the many social drug users who are not addicts. Case in point. Most people who take prescribed opiates for pain, don't go on to being drug addicts. Read the part about addiction and the medical statistics in the following link, that relates to people who have to take opiates to control pain.


. Part of the population just can't help themselves. Weird but true.

The only difference between the two Swedish homeless and many of those proud brave posters is the money. Many of you, rich alcoholic, with your daily 10 or more beers and your fast fingers on the keyboard, and 2 poor guys alcoholic too, but without one (3) baht.

I repeat. I feel ashamed for many of the posters of this thread.



It's a sad world we live in, when so many have to put down these people, without the whole story. Sleep well, if you can, this happens to many rich people, when $ gets involved, and who knows, you may be the next we read about, so if you only feel great about yourself, and have no holiday spirit 4 others, why post???

Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year to ALL!....even the neg :D ative posters.

I agree with the anti racist TV'rs.

Leave the swedes alone!

Just push them to the edge of the plate along with the other vegetables!

:) Just eat the turkey!


What is it about Swedes? A few years ago came over for a visit and a big swede was living at my girlfriends house with her sister, now this guy had a story about starting a import business but very easy to see thru because he would not have been staying in a shop house on on nut if he had the money for his enterprise.

When the fella left with the sister I got the straight scoop, he and the sister were muching off the girlfriend and when they would come into money they would blow it all on booze. The girlfriend was getting fed up very fast, she has her own family to take care of and nothing extra to waste on a drunk swede and sister.

This fella typical drunk fighting, lost his passport, lost jewelry, and stealing when his family would not send money from home.

The girlfriend finaly locked them both out and would not let them return. Never heard any more about him or what may have become of him. The girlfriend is now taking care of the sister who is extremely ill.

Alkholics will steal from you and take advantage of your good intensions to get that next drink they are no different from other addicts. They have made their choices in life. Compassion yes but please donot sugar coat what there losers do to themselves, their friends, their families, and society as a whole.

...if they really wanted they could work, even on thai wages, in so many hotels and guesthouses in phuket - looks, like they are alkoholics, not able to take care of themselves...

Better don't judge, unless you know all the facts; even if you feel that you are right :)

I like these two better than Mr. Teal who is a lot more rich, but no less un-legal.

Maybe for Xmas our members can help them out

Where can send some money.

They look so sad and they miss alcohol.

We all need to help.

I wonder if they are members of Thai Visa?

Wouldn't surprise me. The photo of that guy is spot on for how I picture most members of this forum.

Not so. I wear long pants.

I wonder if they are members of Thai Visa?

Wouldn't surprise me. The photo of that guy is spot on for how I picture most members of this forum.

I would've thought the Swedes were a notch or two above :)


I wonder if they are members of Thai Visa?

Wouldn't surprise me. The photo of that guy is spot on for how I picture most members of this forum.

Not so. I wear long pants.

And I wear a necktie, most of the time!

it is people like that, together will all the illegal workers (pakistani, idian, nigerian scams) that makes it harder for all of us and makes immigration toughen up laws...

No, what it is, is that it is people like "that" that bring out idiotic responses like yours.

I don't think this is an idiotic response.

There is a difference between being down on your luck and being a loser. And this couple appear to be losers.

Being in their dire situation they had no right to plonk themselves in another country where they are now breaking the law, have no chance of seeking assistance and increasing their problem 100 fold, plus as I said earlier, incidents like this could increase the chances of a tightening up of visa regulations.

I have no sympathy for idiots, but I do hope that when they finally arrive back in Sweden, they can manage to rebuild their lives, no harm comes to them and they learn from this experience.

I also agree with many posters that bad fortune could fall upon any of us. And if that happens, I know that each will be left on their own to deal with it as no ones gives a toss when it comes to crunch time or a friend in need is a friend in deed is to be avoided.

United we stand, divided if we fall.

In a way, this couple are perfectic, but it`s also tragic.

So really all the comments on here is neither right nor wrong.

Yes, it's a sad world


Alcoholism Is self inflicted, not a disease, All they do is self pity, poor me, well i have had a sh.t time but I don't drink, i face my responsibility's and account for my actions .

I do not live in a make do or make believe world,

There is a difference between being down on your luck and being a loser. And this couple appear to be losers.

Being in their dire situation they had no right to plonk themselves in another country where they are now breaking the law, have no chance of seeking assistance and increasing their problem 100 fold, plus as I said earlier, incidents like this could increase the chances of a tightening up of visa regulations.

I have no sympathy for idiots, but I do hope that when they finally arrive back in Sweden, they can manage to rebuild their lives, no harm comes to them and they learn from this experience.

I also agree with many posters that bad fortune could fall upon any of us. And if that happens, I know that each will be left on their own to deal with it as no ones gives a toss when it comes to crunch time or a friend in need is a friend in deed is to be avoided.

United we stand, divided if we fall.

In a way, this couple are perfectic, but it`s also tragic.

So really all the comments on here is neither right nor wrong.

Yes, it's a sad world

As a child, was the nursery rhyme "the wheels on the bus go round and round" sang frequently to you by any chance?

There is a difference between being down on your luck and being a loser. And this couple appear to be losers.

Being in their dire situation they had no right to plonk themselves in another country where they are now breaking the law, have no chance of seeking assistance and increasing their problem 100 fold, plus as I said earlier, incidents like this could increase the chances of a tightening up of visa regulations.

I have no sympathy for idiots, but I do hope that when they finally arrive back in Sweden, they can manage to rebuild their lives, no harm comes to them and they learn from this experience.

I also agree with many posters that bad fortune could fall upon any of us. And if that happens, I know that each will be left on their own to deal with it as no ones gives a toss when it comes to crunch time or a friend in need is a friend in deed is to be avoided.

United we stand, divided if we fall.

In a way, this couple are perfectic, but it`s also tragic.

So really all the comments on here is neither right nor wrong.

Yes, it's a sad world

As a child, was the nursery rhyme "the wheels on the bus go round and round" sang frequently to you by any chance?

Ohh, all right than, these people are scum and I hope they get the death penalty.


Sorry TonyBKK

You are reporting a common Myth,immigrants do not go to the top of the housing list or indeed get preferential treatment,figures I read recently state that asylum seekers are not entitled to even go on the housing list,EEC subjects must have worked in the UK for at least a year before they can apply to be included on the list,which is only a basic starter,housing lists are notorious for the long wait involved.

Further to that only 2% of Public/Association housing is occupied by foriegners and most of them have been in the Uk for a number of years.

My wife as a Thai has been refused our joint application for housing "because she is Thai" (so forget racialism) it doesnt count for much anymore.On the present points system I scored zero and they ignored my daughters inclusion because they ignored the fact that she has a British Birth Certificate and a British Passport,clearly stating that she is British Citizen, this is now in the process of my demanding a correction to the joint application.

Recently this government has brought in new legislation to favour locals and local housing,the criteria is 1.are you local born and bred 2. The Family history of residing in a particular area 3.Is the Applicant employed locally.This generates points which someone who is born and bred in the UK and moved to another part of the UK will be denied.

I dont intend to take up an unlikely offer of Council Housing but there is a point of order here which will get undivided attention for mine and others rights as British Citizens.

I used to think like you Tony until I looked the subject up,so dont take my word for it, its all there on the web.



They should go back to Sweden where they can get paid to be homeless, or get free care in a rehabilitation clinic for their alcoholism. Perhaps if they become too much of a nuisance there they'll actually pay them to come live in Phuket, later on.

I knew this Icelandic guy who had been addicted to drugs and been in prison so much for drugs in his home country that they actually give him a living subsidy to go live in another country, so he chose SE Asia as his money goes further, here. By all accounts he seemed rehabilitated, though, as they would not even offer that until he'd been through extensive rehab.

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