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Homeless Swedes Face Deportation From Phuket

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May I bring to peoples attention that if we should all keep quiet because we do not know all the facts of a particular case, then there wouldn't be a ThaiVisa, would there?

What people post is their opinion. Their opinions are based on their upbringing, education, level of comprehension and intelligence, their information inputs, their life experiences etc etc. ThaiVisa is certainly not a meeting place for the intelligentsia. It would be very crass for anybody to think that their opinions are a true reflection of reality or an answer to any of the world's problems.

Now cut to the chase. Alcoholism does just suddenly happen. These two irresolute, selfish people chose their own life style ignoring what most would accept to be conventional norms. So be it. At any time they must have realised that they were harming themselves and others around them. There are branches of Alcoholic Anonymous in most major cities of the world but they chose not to seek their help and/or support. Their situation is of their own very predictable making. There were several times in my earlier life when I would have loved to go out socialising and having a few drinks with the lads but I didn't because my kids needed new shoes or something else had to be paid for that I considered was of a higher priority than that my own self satisfaction. Presumably they have enjoyed their life of self indulgence and now the time has come for them to pay the piper. My attitude is not one of compassion or pity, rather than indifference. Maybe now they will rescue what is left of their lives but it is pointless to help somebody unless they want to be helped. Since they have no self respect why should I have any respect or regard for them?

I cannot help but notice that the tree hugging do gooders here are full of compassion for these self inflicted derelicts but from their postings they appear to have little regard for fellow TV contributors whose opinions differ from their own.

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I wonder if they are members of Thai Visa?

Wouldn't surprise me. The photo of that guy is spot on for how I picture most members of this forum.

Except he isn't sporting a load of tasteless 10 baht gold jewelery to go with his vest. :)

So what happens to them now, I wonder how long they have to wait to be sent back to their homeland?

Now that they have faced court on this overstay, surely they will be unable to obtain visas to return to Thailand?

I wonder if they are members of Thai Visa? :)

I am so sorry to hear their bad luck and I wonder if we all can do anything for them at this point. Are there any Farang organization in Bangkok to help them out. I know it is a tough call and everyone has no money to make any change. Well I have a high hope for all Farangs in Thailand to help each others. I am not Farang but, I did my deed here for 28 years and I do not get pay for my volunteer jobs ( full time ) as well as donating my husband money to several charities... the money I give coming from our working salary. ( not from our parents will...we never have any. Happy new you 2010 and May all your Christmas dreams come true.

I wonder if they are members of Thai Visa?

Wouldn't surprise me. The photo of that guy is spot on for how I picture most members of this forum.

Yourself included no doubt.

So many proud and mighty!

There but for the grace of God go I.

One poster stated that if it was an Asian couple in the west they would be sent back. I don't know but I would hope we have more compassion and try and help people.

Another Canadian poster trashed his embassy. He has no idea what the Canadian embassy would do for him obviously, ... should be quiet.

EXACTLY !! Excellent post! Thank you

... smug postings abound eh!

I wonder if they are members of Thai Visa?

Wouldn't surprise me. The photo of that guy is spot on for how I picture most members of this forum.

Have you included yourself in "most members".

No. I'm quite a bit younger and can afford better clothes.

I wonder if they are members of Thai Visa?

Wouldn't surprise me. The photo of that guy is spot on for how I picture most members of this forum.

You must have thought you were looking in the mirror. What makes you think most members here

overstay visa's and drink until they are broke?? I think your full of s--t.

Was referring mainly to his age, and generally the way he looks - not his character or what he has done. If I saw that guy walking down the street in Bangkok, looking the way he does in that photo, I wouldn't think 'there is a bum who drank away all his money and is currently overstaying his visa by 11 months' - i'd think, 'there is a guy who probably married a 23 year old bar girl and is here with her from Isaan picking up farming supplies for her 'brother' and father - he'll probably be picking arguments with people on ThaiVisa later tonight - while her and her brother are off visting their grandmother at 11pm'

May I bring to peoples attention that if we should all keep quiet because we do not know all the facts of a particular case, then there wouldn't be a ThaiVisa, would there?

What people post is their opinion. Their opinions are based on their upbringing, education, level of comprehension and intelligence, their information inputs, their life experiences etc etc. ThaiVisa is certainly not a meeting place for the intelligentsia. It would be very crass for anybody to think that their opinions are a true reflection of reality or an answer to any of the world's problems.

Now cut to the chase. Alcoholism does just suddenly happen. These two irresolute, selfish people chose their own life style ignoring what most would accept to be conventional norms. So be it. At any time they must have realised that they were harming themselves and others around them. There are branches of Alcoholic Anonymous in most major cities of the world but they chose not to seek their help and/or support. Their situation is of their own very predictable making. There were several times in my earlier life when I would have loved to go out socialising and having a few drinks with the lads but I didn't because my kids needed new shoes or something else had to be paid for that I considered was of a higher priority than that my own self satisfaction. Presumably they have enjoyed their life of self indulgence and now the time has come for them to pay the piper. My attitude is not one of compassion or pity, rather than indifference. Maybe now they will rescue what is left of their lives but it is pointless to help somebody unless they want to be helped. Since they have no self respect why should I have any respect or regard for them?

I cannot help but notice that the tree hugging do gooders here are full of compassion for these self inflicted derelicts but from their postings they appear to have little regard for fellow TV contributors whose opinions differ from their own.

"Judge not ....." mate ....a few contradictory statements in this post methinks

I wonder if they are members of Thai Visa?

Wouldn't surprise me. The photo of that guy is spot on for how I picture most members of this forum.

Are you sure your not just looking in the mirror? :)

They can't speak English?

perhaps they speak excellent THAI?

After living here for a while, they must know it!


The Swedish Embassy will not help them if they do not have any friends or family that can transfer the ticket money.

So there will be a long st0ry about this

And while Christmas is on our doorstep can we remember the Australian guy who commited suicide last Christmas while being held in Suanplu immigration, after being there for four years waiting the Aussie embassy to issue him with a passport.....lets hope the Swedes move quicker than the very uncaring Aussie Embassy...



If they were chronic alcoholics, where did/do they get the money

to support this habit? I dare not think! Surely not in the skin trade!

They have no accommodation, sleep rough, who would employ them

so they can get the cash to buy food, drink etc. Did they engage in

illegal activities to live-support habit etc.

The article does not give any specifics.



There's goes the image of the bottomless pocket Farang.

As our societies equalize under Global Westernization (globalization) we could see more of this; Americans going to Mexico and Brits to Bangladesh...


I notice something interesting on these threads. Europeans have bottomless sympathy for everyone else except their own kind. I wonder why that is? Or are Europeans just patronizing other races? Whenever a certain visa is not allowed or visa runs are cut down there are hoots and cheers from exiled whitey. Whenever a Farang jumps out of a window it's 'serves him right'. Foreigner arrested for overstay: 'didn't he know that before he arrived?' 'He deserves IDC...' What's wrong, didn't things work out for you in the west you have to bring your cynicism here? Where's your spirit of community? Thai people can meet anywhere around the world and instantly start chatting. White people start fighting over who was there first essentially. I mean who made you people the stewards of the world? I think European folks have ruined their own countries and now with their self-hatred are trying to ruin another countries. I wish you would all go back home and sort out your own messes before creating new ones abroad.


Whatever happened to the concept of personal responsibility?

What happened to the return portion of their flight tickets?

There are far more people deserving of sympathy than these two drunken clowns.

I feel a bit sorry for them, they obviously love the place to have stayed here homeless without seeking help.

I hope they do return one day if that is there wish.

Can you explain why? :D

In their country they at the least, will qualify for social security. Which will be pointless anyway, if they really are so far gone on alcohol.

They 'love it here', because in Sweden it is too cold to sleep in the street, the police is not so nice and the alcohol is more expensive. Oh, yesss, I forgot how much they love Thai culture! :)

Wake up. Don't put the cart before horses,-it doesn't work, no matter how much you hope or feel sorry.


well.. we get to see TV personalities.. up close and personal.. a Christmas 2009 microcosm of " The good , The bad and the Ugly", in Technicolor no less.. they don't lie, there is consistency here..

AGAIN..let those without sin cast the first stone. Signed: yet another but for the grace of God go I

score: 88 to 29 for the "good guys" da da da da daaaa da da daaa

They will not stay in Jail, the embassy will lend them the 20,000 baht overstay charge and fly them home and keep their passports till they repay the goverment which hopefuly means they will never leave sweden again.

OK, then the swedes are much better guys than the germans are, there are a lot of germans waiting in the Immigration jail because they cant pay the overstay

back. When I worked for a newspaper I received a letter once from a group of prisoners. Some of them have to pay just 6000.-Baht but even this is much money if you dont have money and the German Embassy will not pay it for them.

There is a worldwide moving and this time its Europeans in Asia...normally it is opposite, but due to all our beloved governments and regulations NOBODY can live anymore where he wants to live, except in good old Europe, throw your passport away and tell the immi you have lost it and there is no overstay fine.

I feel a little bit sorry for them, just a little bit

MERRY CHRISTMAS to all the GOOD people in TV Forum, you are soooo much better :)

I wonder if they are members of Thai Visa?

Wouldn't surprise me. The photo of that guy is spot on for how I picture most members of this forum.

Not so. I wear long pants.

And I wear a necktie, most of the time!

And, is that a necktie ONLY? :)

this is a breaking news?

In Thailand: Alien + violating any law or regulations = NEWS !

I feel sorry for them and hope they can come back, under better circumstates, too .


I have seen many mostly younger people come to Thailand with a pocket full of money and high hopes. I have cautioned them to be very careful and to have a backup plan to go back to their home countries. Most were convinced that they could easily make enough money to be able to stay. I have been criticized as being a stodgy old man with no spirit of adventure. Being broke in Thailand is certainly no fun and the adventure has turned into a real struggle.

I find it very difficult to have much sympathy for people who have failed to have a get out of Thailand backup plan. You have to be able to take care of yourself because if you can't no one else will. Young people who think they are bulletproof come over here and squander their peak earning years just getting by and saving no money nor building any pension. Without a permanent income and health insurance, I'd advise people to stay home until they have provided those minimums.

I feel a bit sorry for them, they obviously love the place to have stayed here homeless without seeking help.

I hope they do return one day if that is there wish.

Can you explain why? :D

In their country they at the least, will qualify for social security. Which will be pointless anyway, if they really are so far gone on alcohol.

They 'love it here', because in Sweden it is too cold to sleep in the street, the police is not so nice and the alcohol is more expensive. Oh, yesss, I forgot how much they love Thai culture! :) Wake up. Don't put the cart before horses,-it doesn't work, no matter how much you hope or feel sorry.

so what? That disturbs me not a bit. It looks like they do not harm others. So no problema. It's up to them. And that is what most of the locals would think too.

if they really wanted they could work, even on thai wages, in so many hotels and guesthouses in phuket -

This is a ridiculous idea. Who would hire 59 year old washed up farangs at any wage?

if they really wanted they could work, even on thai wages, in so many hotels and guesthouses in phuket -

This is a ridiculous idea. Who would hire 59 year old washed up farangs at any wage?

& tropo knoiws this first hand because he himself is a washed up old farang. :)

Farewell to the Swedes.

No doubt the good ladies of Phuket will be able to find a good root elsewhere.

What are you talking about? :D

You obviously didnt read the content of the thread, there is absolutely no way anyone could come up with a comment like that if they had. :)


Your dead right "listen to you and make it worse" its called a "Jobs comforter" which comes from the biblical figure Job who gave Jesus on the cross a drink of Vinegar,anybody else heard this one?There is plenty of them on this blog.

A hilariously inaccurate reference to the Crucifixion.

See Luke 23, verses 36 - 37 "And the soldiers also mocked him, coming to him and offering him vinegar, And saying, If Thou be King of the Jews, save thyself."

Job was an Old Testament prophet, who was cheering everybody up about a millennium and a half before the birth of Christ, according to my mother's old bible.

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