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Marrying A Thai Girl That Is 19 Yers Old


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- Most Thais (like many western people) are still immature at 19, and far too young for the responsibilities of marriage let alone have the wisdom of how to make a marriage successful.

- As already mentioned several times there is no 94,000Baht fee or any fee because she is 19.

- Beware the negative comments that will flood in on this board about being scammed by her parents are realatives; be aware that in Thailand there is a dowry process (called sin-sod), it's part of Thai culture for centuries and it's not going to change because some westerners don't like it.

- Also be aware that many families see EVERY farang as rich. You can explain forever that your not rich (if that's the case) but you can be guaranteed that they will not believe you. If asked "Why do you believe all westerners are wealthy?", many will eventually say "Because the government of your country is rich and they give a lot of money to everybody".

- Sharing is part of Thai social behavior and more especially if it's an upcountry family. They expect a share of the 'wealth' their daughter will get by marrying you.

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I wonder how they came up with that number 94,000?

Down payment for the new Isuzu?

Figure outstanding at local shark fin establishment?

Final payment on the land?

University entrance fees?

I tried to figure it out 5 people x 19 = 95 nope

1994 her birth nope

Boggles the mind.

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Please be aware that you “only” need her parents’ signature. There’s no fee to pay, 94,000 sounds already pretty much ridiculous to keep your fingers away from that girl. You never mentioned how old you are? Let’s say you’re a little bit older...why don’t you look for another one? I understand: “because she’s so beautiful, right? Never forget, you’ll marry her family too….Good luck, Chuck.


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See the girl off to the most prestigious University possible either here or abroad (Harvard, Cambridge, MIT, caliber). After she finishes her schooling with honors, she will be old enough to marry without parental consent. With this education she may be able to enter the work force receiving good monetary reward. At that time approach her again for marriage and she will have additional info to pass on regarding payments and if they are even required. Good luck

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Can we ask, where did you read it? Who told you about it - or pointed it out?

Scorecard - if you know any Thais that are married, ask them if they paid SinSot - you may be surprised just how currrent and popular a cultural idea this is - other than when a westerned comes into the picture or its a couiple of hi-so families showing off.

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Hey all, the OP is 60 yrs old. Check his profile.

This must be his first trip to LOS and maybe his first (you know what).

We know this will never work...

60 years...marrying (or wants to marry) 19 year old...


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If he was sixty in 2004 then he is 65 now. Maybe he wants to spend his retirement with a 19 year old on his arm Now't wrong with that

Just don't plan for a long retirement. It could be very short indeed if he has Life Insurance.

Slow down and live longer, Or go out all guns blazing Up to You :)

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If he was sixty in 2004 then he is 65 now. Maybe he wants to spend his retirement with a 19 year old on his arm Now't wrong with that

Just don't plan for a long retirement. It could be very short indeed if he has Life Insurance.

Slow down and live longer, Or go out all guns blazing Up to You :D

I think you will find that counter goes up as the years go by. To have a age displayed you need to enter your DOB into the system and then it amends your age as you age. :D

TV has all the technology.

If you take close notice, you will notice certain female administrators of the forum actually get younger each year :)

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