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Prdictions And Premonitions For Thailand 2010


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I will disagree with other posters here at thai visa.

As I said with Kan Win, statements of fact disqualify you from a chance at the Chang.

Predictions and premonitions if you want the beer!

Thats alright, Im a tea totler. If I won the beer I was going to donate it to THAKSIN after wiping my scrotum around the tops of the bottles.

I will disagree with other posters here at thai visa.

No you won't.

:) Yes I will :D


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LOS will become the undisputed hub of scams and henceforce will announce a crackdown on all scams...

crackdowns on corruption,illegal workers,airport shopping scams,customs officer scams,internet and unlawful website scams,begging scams,police bribery scams,prostitution,taxi scammers,thai ladies selling yakult,farangs stealing barmats,farangs scamming back to back visas as well as abusing education visas .....ect ect

scams,scams, and more scams in Land Of Scams

err..any scams i forgot?

Oh...AND a crackdown on pretend english teachers and pretend tourist police :)

Edited by ozzieovaseas
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"Holland" will flood from Global Warming, and most of the displaced people will try to emigrate to The Kingdom of Thailand. Those that are allowed in will live in the low-lying areas. Some experienced Dutch engineers will be allowed to assist with the water exclusion system around Bangkok. (I just scared myself writing this.) :) See the topic "Where is the best place to live in Thailand?", and then look for major land areas over 1000' in elevation on Google earth. I live up in there somewhere. :D

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A general election will be held only for the Dems to be trounced by a Thaksin proxy party. This will happen despite new election laws being introduced which require any member of a party that is not a Democrat being required to hop to their local polling station blindfolded whilst trying to balance a glass of water on their head singing "Chirpy Chirpy Cheep Cheep"

The Thaksin proxy party will then be disbanded for buying votes. Of course the Dems bought votes but it wasn't as widespread as Thaksin's party so that's alright then under Thai law. Oops. Bit of deja vu there. Just hope that if you ever murder somebody that the previous defendant facing the court killed more people than you. Going by the Thai interpretaiton of the law the judge might just let you off.

Another election is now called and seeing as Thaksin is running out of proxies enlists the help of the pop duo Four Mod to be party leaders.

After a Thaksin proxy once again winning the powers that be are getting desperate as to ways they can undermine a democratic election because Thaksin's not their bitch so introduce a new law leading to the disbanding of his proxy party for "Violating election law by wearing blue socks, walking on the cracks in the pavement and eating those really dodgy tasting microwave pizza from 7-11."

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