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Corruption In Thailand On The Rise


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Corruption in Thailand on the rise

Instances of abuse of power, especially in the police ranks, as well as corruption related to environmental damage, bid-fixing and state procurement projects are on the increase and becoming big concerns, graft busters announced at a seminar Wednesday.

National Anti-Corruption Commission member, Vicha Mahakhun, said 2,933 complaints filed with the agency were mostly against police officers accusing them of malfeasance and abuse of power.

More than 2,000 cases filed with the agency were complaints against or related to local administration authorities, 542 related to irregularities and dozens about unusual wealth. There are 132 complaints filed against administrators in Bangkok.


-- The Nation 2009/12/23


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National Anti-Corruption Commission member, Vicha Mahakhun, said 2,933 complaints filed with the agency were mostly against police officers accusing them of malfeasance and abuse of power but he added that he could hardly be expected to prosecute the accused who were only doing the job they'd signed on the dotted line for.


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This is news? Its a way of life. :)

it's not a way of life, like in some other countries, where everybody expects "bakshish".

thailand, after being in the top 5-10 countries with the highest corruption back in the 1980-90, dropped somewhere below, so this trend is something new. I would think is related to the corruption of the government within last years.

still, complain against policemen and public servants can be made

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This is news? Its a way of life. :)

it's not a way of life, like in some other countries, where everybody expects "bakshish".

thailand, after being in the top 5-10 countries with the highest corruption back in the 1980-90, dropped somewhere below, so this trend is something new. I would think is related to the corruption of the government within last years.

still, complain against policemen and public servants can be made

Good luck with those complaints. :D

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...so there's more than one... :)

More than 2,000 cases filed with the agency were complaints against or related to local administration authorities, 542 related to irregularities and dozens about unusual wealth



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Of course the all knowing, all seeing graft busters wouldnt dare hazard a guess as to what percentage the reported cases represent of the true level of acts of corruption.

Multiple Choice Question;

The reported number of cases of corruption represents:

a. Less than 0.01%

b. Between 0.5 and 1%

c. Over 1%

of all the corrupt acts in Thailand?

I go with (a.)

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If someone has wide discretionary powers and a very low salary, you are going to see corruption, whether it be in Thailand, Burkina Faso, Kyrgyzstan or East Timor. It is human nature.

The question should not be: "Why is Thailand corrupt?" but "How did other countries manage to reduce corruption?"

Generally, the answer is development, transparency, respected civil institutions and the other trappings of true democracy.

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It is not human nature at all.

It is part of an engrained system where morals are lacking, laws don't apply, education is not valued, money is god and poverty endemic. Statistically, less than 5% of the populace will own 95+% of the wealth.

Those are the incubatory conditions. Therefore, it is induced not in bred.

Thailand fits the descriptors. End of story.

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I just can't believe how you people can say such nasty things about the wonderful Thai police force. Surely you must know that these people are much less corrupt that their counterparts in Mali.

WARNING : this post has been infected by the rose-tinted-spectacle virus, reading the above can seriously screw up your intellingence.

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I saw one in the Penalty Spot bar in Sukhumvit, ok he wasnt on the take, but he lights up a cigarette has a couple of drags then flicks the ash in the ashtray, then with one tiny speck of ash in there he shouts over the harmless waitress and tells her to clean it whilst he carries on smoking his tab, as if hes some kind of GOD like figure.

Ive never returned as the police are always there apparantly one has a share in it.

How the <deleted> people can say theyre low paid at 8/9k a month is beyond me, as they do absolutely nothing and arent worth the //deleted by admin//

Edited by webfact
resaon: vulgar wording is not tolerated
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Statistically, less than 5% of the populace will own 95+% of the wealth.

Thailand fits the descriptors. End of story.

but that's a description on every single country in the world.

as to corruption - it takes two (payer and receiver), you don't have to pay if you don't have money or don't want to pay. Just things will be more difficult for you.

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I don't know any Farangs that object to handing over 100 or 200 Baht to a traffic cop when they are caught speeding instead of going to the police station and paying the full ammount.

Every fawker here will pay some tea money in one way or another to make their lives easier, or is it another case of, ThaiVisa members don't ever pay tea money to make their lives easier, they take the harder route ?

Absolute tripe................

Corruption is a terrible thing when you don't gain out of it, but when you do gain, it's acceptable.

Edited by Maigo6
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I don't know any Farangs that object to handing over 100 or 200 Baht to a traffic cop when they are caught speeding instead of going to the police station and paying the full ammount.

Every fawker here will pay some tea money in one way or another to make their lives easier, or is it another case of, ThaiVisa members don't ever pay tea money to make their lives easier, they take the harder route ?

Absolute tripe................

Corruption is a terrible thing when you don't gain out of it, but when you do gain, it's acceptable.

It does pose an interesting dilemma. Things just are not so clear cut as you suggest IMO.

Of the four times I have been fined by police, only one of them was justifiable. So, should I go to the station only to be charged more for an extortion/shakedown? Is it corruption to pay 200 or 500 bt to drive off immediately when the police officer is lying, but you have no proof? I think either way you are a victim and not participating in corruption.

Furthermore, I would pay the police to sort a problem their job description states they should sort, but that they won't without a cash donation. Is this corruption? Should I take the law into my own hands? Should I do nothing? If the police are corrupt then it taints every aspect of life, forcing otherwise honest people into impossible situations.

Edited by way2muchcoffee
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still, complain against policemen and public servants can be made

once upon a time.........I asked an Immigration officer at an Airport just for her name (she gave me a false info and was unfriendly) She started YELLING at me

imidiatly and I was surrunded by 10 other immigration officers promptly. Cost me my flight and I was lucky that my connection flight to the US was a day after.

I had to sign a paper that all was my fault, the immigration missus is not to blame at all, and I have no further demands......and sure it was all written in Thai

so much about corruption and the ways to handle a complain. :)

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I don't know any Farangs that object to handing over 100 or 200 Baht to a traffic cop when they are caught speeding instead of going to the police station and paying the full ammount.

Every fawker here will pay some tea money in one way or another to make their lives easier, or is it another case of, ThaiVisa members don't ever pay tea money to make their lives easier, they take the harder route ?

Absolute tripe................

Corruption is a terrible thing when you don't gain out of it, but when you do gain, it's acceptable.

Those would be the same ones who've never paid for sex.... :)

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I don't know any Farangs that object to handing over 100 or 200 Baht to a traffic cop when they are caught speeding instead of going to the police station and paying the full ammount.

Every fawker here will pay some tea money in one way or another to make their lives easier, or is it another case of, ThaiVisa members don't ever pay tea money to make their lives easier, they take the harder route ?

Absolute tripe................

Corruption is a terrible thing when you don't gain out of it, but when you do gain, it's acceptable.

Those would be the same ones who've never paid for sex.... :D

Yeah, the very same ones........ :D:)

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I don't know any Farangs that object to handing over 100 or 200 Baht to a traffic cop when they are caught speeding instead of going to the police station and paying the full ammount.

Every fawker here will pay some tea money in one way or another to make their lives easier, or is it another case of, ThaiVisa members don't ever pay tea money to make their lives easier, they take the harder route ?

Absolute tripe................

Corruption is a terrible thing when you don't gain out of it, but when you do gain, it's acceptable.

Those would be the same ones who've never paid for sex.... :D

Yeah, the very same ones........ :D:)

Obviously you haven't been stopped at a toll gate recently. You're right though, I never complained about 100 or 200 baht when I was speeding. At Lad Krabang toll gate it cost me 2,000 baht and I was innocent. If anything I was going too slow because I had a visiting friend from the US who was VERY nervous in the traffic, so I was taking it slow to try to calm him down. The cop was a hardened professional thief.

AND, since you mentioned it, I have NEVER paid 2,000 baht for sex. :D

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Better yet, have a national search for just one honest person who rose up through the ranks without their hands, their family's hands, or someone elses hands in the big cookie jar of corruption.

I have given up worrying about corruption over here. If Thai people don’t care about it why should I. I am just watching my pocket very well and hope the best for the Thai people

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