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I have been visiting Chiang Rai for the past 17 years and have not come across a McDonald's.

The last time I was there was in 2006.

Has one opened up in the city recently?

Is there a McDonald's anywhere in the Chiang Rai Province?

It would be nice to be able to go for a Maccas Run the next time I'm there which will be in January 2010.

Thanks in advance.

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I am sorry to say, a true bon vivant such as yourself, may have to make do with KFC or perhaps a pizza. The fine dinning of McD has yet to find its way to the Rai. You may be forced to eat Thai and wouldn't that be a shame. :)


Don't worry, all the McDonalds' bashers are busy eating greasy English sausages and mash with fried fish and chips, puffing a fag and congratulating themselves on their gourmet taste. :)


No, no Maccas yet.

I must admit I'd have to go and have look just to see the noveau riche Thais eating a Big Mac with a knife and fork.

The sceadugengan, coming from generations of genteel poverty like to sneer at that sort of thing. :)


Such a backward people these folks in Chiang Rai are... No MacDonalds... tsk tsk...

But do not despair. You can get a BigMac but it is 3 hours away.


Fear not Gavdog08, There are numerous places in Chiang Rai where higher quality hamburgers can be found. My personal fav. is the Chat house guest house. But we also have Rico's, Barrys 9 hole golf course among others.

Just ask for directions when you arrive. Any local expat should be able to point you in the right direction.

P.S. French fries available on request.

Chang35baht :)


Between MacDonalds and Don's Food, I guess that is a no brainer... Just visited Don's food and carted away a few goodies for the holiday season. Too bad there was not more items to choose from.. but it was still worth the short drive there.

McDonald's seems to be like Kriptonite for stupid people pretending to be clever. :)

Did you come across as being a prat in your other 15.2 452 posts

I don't like McD either but many people,

<deleted> has it got to do with you

Merry Christmas to you and everyone


Reason for edit......gave you an extra 100 posts..sorry

That would have made you a bigger prat

but only a little bit

McDonald's seems to be like Kriptonite for stupid people pretending to be clever. :D

Did you come across as being a prat in your other 15.2 452 posts

I don't like McD either but many people,

<deleted> has it got to do with you

Merry Christmas to you and everyone


Reason for edit......gave you an extra 100 posts..sorry

That would have made you a bigger prat

but only a little bit

Dear Mr. Slaps,

Please befriend yourself with your hangover (at the moment not manifesting itself, but gaining power)

because, as things look like now, it will accompany you during the first part of Christmas day 2009.

It's like a tango! It will be you and 'it'. Dance it!

Limbo :)

Reason for editing:

I forgot to wish Slap and everybody who read this a happy, merry and fine Christmas!

I don't expect that many among you wouldn't deserve it 555!


Also as a "true Bon Vivant". I used to like the Odd Big mac or two. :) Not Thai McDonalds though . Sweet Bread - Yuk !

I'm sure I spotted a 'Drive Thru' in Wiang Chai last week on the Industrial Estate next to Halfords , between PC World & Toys'r'us :D

You didn't really expect a 'yes' or 'no' here did you :D

I'm sure I spotted a 'Drive Thru' in Wiang Chai last week on the Industrial Estate next to Halfords , between PC World & Toys'r'us :D

It's the place to go, as simple as that!

I vist it regularly, because in my function as chairman, secretary, treasurer and only member of the OFBC (Only Foreigners Bicycle Club)

I need spare parts once in a while and Halfords really is it! And a Mac fits into the picture!

I honestly must admit: Sometimes I don't need spare-parts and then I feel like the OP. It's life I tell myself.

Limbo :)

Don't worry, all the McDonalds' bashers are busy eating greasy English sausages and mash with fried fish and chips, puffing a fag and congratulating themselves on their gourmet taste. :)

Did you forget drinking a glass of warm urine?

McDonald's seems to be like Kriptonite for stupid people pretending to be clever. :)


Why is MacDonald's such a hot button issue. I really don't give two nuggets about what anyone else eats. If they were asking for a Dairy Queen would you feel a lot better (not exactly heath food there). Macdonald's suits me fine on occasion. Perhaps I am not alone in this, based on the fairly successful franchise.

Is it so bizarre that people occasionally get tired of Thai food.

McDonald's seems to be like Kriptonite for stupid people pretending to be clever. :D

Did you come across as being a prat in your other 15.2 452 posts

I don't like McD either but many people,

<deleted> has it got to do with you

I'm not the one who is too brain-dead to simply ignore a restaurant that I don't like. That is what it has to do with me. :)

No wonder we call it the silly season.

Peace on earth, goodwill to all men, guys.

You left out the girls scea. How about a a little goodwill for the girls? Where would we be without them?


I used "men" in the Old English (man, mann "human being, person," ) sense VF.

As politically incorrect as ever.

My good will to the girls is not only manifested at Christmas but available in profusion all year round.

References obtainable in large numbers to any doubters.

And dogs, goodwill to all dogs as well.


One is not disputing the popularity of McD. That is indeed part of the problem. As fast-food proliferates, the pandemic of obesity spreads.

The creative aspect of food preparation is lost. The sense of community that develops by lingering over a home cooked meal is lost. Gaining easy access to excessive calories, is on the whole a loss, in my point of view.

That said Khun Det is a lovely man and I wish him continued success with his franchise, that has grown from one outlet at Amarin Plaza to what it is today. I don't choose to eat there, however.


Wow, VF . The proliferation of fast food ! Like Thailand doesn't have such a thing. :) I could eat myself silly here 24x7.

take Mr Average Somchai from my village for example. Feed him up on Mcd Breakfast, Lots of McD Laxative, sorry Coffee. and Burgers instead of his usual sticky rice and pond weed and I suspect he'd look and feel a lot healthier. As long as he does his usual 10 hours manual labour that is :D

I suspect the problem of Obesity is more to do with inactivity than food for most of us.

One is not disputing the popularity of McD. That is indeed part of the problem. As fast-food proliferates, the pandemic of obesity spreads.

There is fast food all over the world including Thailand. Pad Thai, Kow Pad, Kow Ka Mu all kinds of fried snacks and so on. Blaming obesity on McDonalds is silly.

Wow, VF . The proliferation of fast food ! Like Thailand doesn't have such a thing. :) I could eat myself silly here 24x7.

take Mr Average Somchai from my village for example. Feed him up on Mcd Breakfast, Lots of McD Laxative, sorry Coffee. and Burgers instead of his usual sticky rice and pond weed and I suspect he'd look and feel a lot healthier. As long as he does his usual 10 hours manual labour that is :D

I suspect the problem of Obesity is more to do with inactivity than food for most of us.

My guess is that pond weed has more nutrients and fewer calories but could be helped with some protein.

We are not really talking about the poorest village laborers anyway, as they couldn't possibly afford the price of a meal at McD. A thoughtfully prepared meal of more natural ingredients is usually going to be better for you than a big mac, fries and a coke.

Also much of Thai fast-food is actually prepared from scratch, and except for various flavor enhancers and animal fats, will be better for you than western fast-food, but is still fast-food.

One is not disputing the popularity of McD. That is indeed part of the problem. As fast-food proliferates, the pandemic of obesity spreads.

There is fast food all over the world including Thailand. Pad Thai, Kow Pad, Kow Ka Mu all kinds of fried snacks and so on. Blaming obesity on McDonalds is silly.

It is not McD but rather the culture that it represents. Mindlessly stuffing high-calorie, low nutrient foods on the run, as opposed to mindfully consuming healthy food and enjoying the dining experience at a leisurely pace.


It seems to me that the culture of food changes depending on one's circumstances. Sometimes one is in a hurry and sometimes one has time to relax, sometimes one wants healthy food, sometimes one wants tasty junk. It is up to you to balance where and how you eat.

It seems to me that the culture of food changes depending on one's circumstances. Sometimes one is in a hurry and sometimes one has time to relax, sometimes one wants healthy food, sometimes one wants tasty junk. It is up to you to balance where and how you eat.

Finally, a measured, unemotional response.


I have nothing against the way that you feel. If someone does not like a place or feels like it is not healthy for them, that is their business. What I object to are people who want to take away the choice for the rest of us.

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