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Shkumvit Area Scammers


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For the "old hands" here this will be old news but for some newcomers it may be helpful. This is by no means a complete list and feel free to amend/add to any of my points.

1. Filipino guys: I at least suspect they a from the PI. You will be walking down the street or waiting for a bus and a guy will approach you saying something like, "I really like your shoes, where did you get them?" He could care less about your shoes, this is just a come on to get the conversation going. No mater where you say you're from he will have a sister/cousin either already there or going to that area shortly. His scam is to get you to accompany him and get you into a card game with his friends where your odds of winning will be pretty slim.

2. African guys: These guys are really thick in the lower Sukhumvit area and are overly polite. I've talked to a number of them and the only thing they seem to want to know is where I live and my phone number so I'm not sure exactly what they are after although I imagine it wont be to your benifit.

3. Indian (Sikh) fortune teller: This guy is usually along lower Sukhumvit or prowling around McDonalds. I've been approached in both locations. One come on is he will look at you and say "you have a very lucky face". In McD if you are sitting alone he will invite himself to sit with you . His scam is to get you to have him tell you your future so actually he is not trying to rip you off as you will get your future told.

4. Broke/recently robbed expat: This guy/gal will approach you with the story that he/she was recently robbed and needs money. They will not accept any advice, only cash. After talking to them for a few min. their stories usually fall apart.

5. Guy collecting for Thai Boy Scouts: I haven't seen this Thai fellow for quite some time but he used to operate around Sukhumvit Soi 9. As you walked by he would stick a small stick pin on your shirt then produce a book showing that he was collecting donations for the Thai boy scouts and if you made a donation you could sign his book. He was quite pleasant until you told him no then he would quickly grab back the pin.

6. Budhist Nuns: I usually see these gals near the corner of Soi 5. My wife assures me that a real nun wouldn't be standing on the corner solicting donations so you would probably be better off giving your change to the fake, but needy, beggar a little farther down.

7. Tuk Tuk drivers that will take you anywhere in Bangkok for 20 bhat per hour: These guys are in front of Robinsons at Sukhumvit Soi 19. Before you ever get in a tuktuk at that price you better have a real good agreement with the driver.

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Not along Sukhumvit, but the 'blind' singers being led by their partner.

Saw one get to the end of Soi Rang Nam. Walk down past the gas station unaided, then get into a tuk tuk, do a U-turn and drive away, with his partner in the back.

Amazing driving skills for a blind man.

Since then I've always looked hard at their eyes and well, a good 50% appear to simply have them shut, and when the partner sees me looking hard, they usually avoid my table.

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Not along Sukhumvit, but the 'blind' singers being led by their partner.

Saw one get to the end of Soi Rang Nam. Walk down past the gas station unaided, then get into a tuk tuk, do a U-turn and drive away, with his partner in the back.

Amazing driving skills for a blind man.

Since then I've always looked hard at their eyes and well, a good 50% appear to simply have them shut, and when the partner sees me looking hard, they usually avoid my table.

Are you serious? that's original.

Some other not so obvious scams are bars that raise their 'fines' in the spirit of taking during special holidays. And locals that expect you to buy them a drink or 12 because it's Christmas, then roll out the same line at Songkran, Loy Kratong and so on.

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4. Broke/recently robbed expat: This guy/gal will approach you with the story that he/she was recently robbed and needs money. They will not accept any advice, only cash. After talking to them for a few min. their stories usually fall apart.

theres an english guy down soi 3/4/5 who uses this one..

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Rule #1.

Never give money to anyone who asks for it on the streets.

Rule #2.

Never give money to anyone asking for it on the streets.

Rule #3.

See Rule #1 and Rule #2.

Rule #4.

See Rule #3.

Easy no?

My rule is easier.

Never give money to anyone :)

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"7. Tuk Tuk drivers that will take you anywhere in Bangkok for 20 bhat per hour: These guys are in front of Robinsons at Sukhumvit Soi 19. Before you ever get in a tuktuk at that price you better have a real good agreement with the driver. "

Some tourists appreciate that. They now what will happen, enter the gems shop and leave it and get for that a free tuk tuk ride.

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There is a scam running in some of the bars near Sukumvit - the girls approach you and talk with you after a few drinks you take them back to your room for sex and in the morning they want money - I think they are prostitutes and that's illegal in Thailand so do not pay just run away.

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There is a scam running in some of the bars near Sukumvit - the girls approach you and talk with you after a few drinks you take them back to your room for sex and in the morning they want money - I think they are prostitutes and that's illegal in Thailand so do not pay just run away.

Good point. It's been quite a while since I have been to any bars in Nana Plaza or Soi Cowboy and I didn't realize this scam was still going on. If you dont object I'll make it number 8 on my list.

8. Bar girls/go-go dancers: They operate in all the bars in the aforementioned areas. Some are very attractive and all will tell you how handsome you are. If you decide to take one of these girls back to your room for sex you can be assured that they will then demand money. As "kenallday" mentioned prostitution is illegal in Thailand so under no circumstances should you give them money. I recommend that you immediately call the police and let them sort it out.

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The broke farang who's possessions were stolen is pretty common. There was one guy living in a guest house in Banglamphu (I walked by and saw him with his girlfriend relaxing in there) who worked the river walkway for a while. He had his passport and wallet stolen, went to the police, who only gave him twenty (fifty?) baht, and he had to get to Narathiwat or somewhere similar.

I suggested he use that money to get to his embassy. Whoops, it would take tooooo long!

I suggested he use that money to phone a friend in his home city to send him bus fare. Whoops, don't have any friends there.

Think he was German, and moved on somewhere else, so watch for him.

The tuk tuk drivers who take you anywhere for 20 baht isn't really a scam, as long as you know what is going on. I've negotiated a temple tour for friends using a tuk tuk, and we knew we were stopping at a tailor shop, and a gem shop. No problem - go in, look around and pretend to be a customer, then out. Everyone's happy, including the tuk tuk driver who gets petrol coupons. One friend actually bought a couple of ties - reasonable price - at the tailor shop!

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7. Tuk Tuk drivers that will take you anywhere in Bangkok for 20 bhat per hour: These guys are in front of Robinsons at Sukhumvit Soi 19. Before you ever get in a tuktuk at that price you better have a real good agreement with the driver.

No matter what price you agreed upon before getting on the tuk tuk, the price will change once you reached the destination. best to avoid tuk tuk at all times and take the meter taxi instead.


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There is a scam running in some of the bars near Sukumvit - the girls approach you and talk with you after a few drinks you take them back to your room for sex and in the morning they want money - I think they are prostitutes and that's illegal in Thailand so do not pay just run away.

Good point. It's been quite a while since I have been to any bars in Nana Plaza or Soi Cowboy and I didn't realize this scam was still going on. If you dont object I'll make it number 8 on my list.

8. Bar girls/go-go dancers: They operate in all the bars in the aforementioned areas. Some are very attractive and all will tell you how handsome you are. If you decide to take one of these girls back to your room for sex you can be assured that they will then demand money. As "kenallday" mentioned prostitution is illegal in Thailand so under no circumstances should you give them money. I recommend that you immediately call the police and let them sort it out.

Surely these are honest people plying an illegal trade........the ones that drug you and take the money without asking are the scammers!!!

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No matter what price you agreed upon before getting on the tuk tuk, the price will change once you reached the destination. best to avoid tuk tuk at all times and take the meter taxi instead.


I don't take tuk tuk's much, maybe 100 times over 8 years, once a month. I have never had this happen to me. Not once. Yes, they overcharge. Yes they drive dangerously. Yes they can be aggressive. Yes, yes, yes. But I've never had the price changed on me.

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There is a scam running in some of the bars near Sukumvit - the girls approach you and talk with you after a few drinks you take them back to your room for sex and in the morning they want money - I think they are prostitutes and that's illegal in Thailand so do not pay just run away.

Get out of here....I thought they were all good church girls!

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OP said: "Filipino guys: I at least suspect they a from the PI. You will be walking down the street or waiting for a bus and a guy will approach you saying something like, "I really like your shoes, where did you get them?" He could care less about your shoes, this is just a come on to get the conversation going. No mater where you say you're from he will have a sister/cousin either already there or going to that area shortly. His scam is to get you to accompany him and get you into a card game with his friends where your odds of winning will be pretty slim."

This scam was tried on me not long ago, except it was two African men. "Wow, I really like your glasses!" My reply: "Really? They're just the kind of glasses old men like me wear. Really out of style. Now -- goodbye."

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Did you forget the time share freaks? They used to hang out in front of the Thermae.

They'll look like students asking you to take a survey. Blow them off with a backhanded wave. Did you forget the beggars on the pedestrian bridges. Some of them are gross. ditto their ragbag kids.

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8. Bar girls/go-go dancers: They operate in all the bars in the aforementioned areas. Some are very attractive and all will tell you how handsome you are. If you decide to take one of these girls back to your room for sex you can be assured that they will then demand money. As "kenallday" mentioned prostitution is illegal in Thailand so under no circumstances should you give them money. I recommend that you immediately call the police and let them sort it out.

Or alternatively I recommend you marry them, move to a village about 100 kilometres from the nearest western style toilet, convince yourself that when you stroll round the village the locals are laughing at you because you're a "quirky farang" rather than the fact that your wife is being knocked off by her "brother" every afternoon at 4pm and losing 10k baht a day playing hi-lo with her mates behind the temple, revel in the fact that the person who you intend to spend the rest of your life with comes out with in depth opinions such as "You bad maak maak" and " You no love me no more", once again bail out her pissed up cousin from the local nick who borrowed (without permission natch) the Isuzu pick up you bought and stacked it into a parked car, endure 3 days of "the little woman" not talking to you due to being a basket case, open a hair salon for her which lasts all of 3 months because it's less about cutting hair and more a place for her and her mates to sit and natter all day and then drink yourself to death on the cheapest beer and spirits you can find trying to tell yourself this is all a terrible nightmare and you'll wake up soon.

Merry Christmas Everybody!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

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There is a scam running in some of the bars near Sukumvit - the girls approach you and talk with you after a few drinks you take them back to your room for sex and in the morning they want money - I think they are prostitutes and that's illegal in Thailand so do not pay just run away.

Good point. It's been quite a while since I have been to any bars in Nana Plaza or Soi Cowboy and I didn't realize this scam was still going on. If you dont object I'll make it number 8 on my list.

8. Bar girls/go-go dancers: They operate in all the bars in the aforementioned areas. Some are very attractive and all will tell you how handsome you are. If you decide to take one of these girls back to your room for sex you can be assured that they will then demand money. As "kenallday" mentioned prostitution is illegal in Thailand so under no circumstances should you give them money. I recommend that you immediately call the police and let them sort it out.

Surely these are honest people plying an illegal trade........the ones that drug you and take the money without asking are the scammers!!!

Can see that your Christmas lights aren't quite switched on, if you think that Spaniel was being serious.

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There is a scam running in some of the bars near Sukumvit - the girls approach you and talk with you after a few drinks you take them back to your room for sex and in the morning they want money - I think they are prostitutes and that's illegal in Thailand so do not pay just run away.

Good point. It's been quite a while since I have been to any bars in Nana Plaza or Soi Cowboy and I didn't realize this scam was still going on. If you dont object I'll make it number 8 on my list.

8. Bar girls/go-go dancers: They operate in all the bars in the aforementioned areas. Some are very attractive and all will tell you how handsome you are. If you decide to take one of these girls back to your room for sex you can be assured that they will then demand money. As "kenallday" mentioned prostitution is illegal in Thailand so under no circumstances should you give them money. I recommend that you immediately call the police and let them sort it out.

Surely these are honest people plying an illegal trade........the ones that drug you and take the money without asking are the scammers!!!

Can see that your Christmas lights aren't quite switched on, if you think that Spaniel was being serious.

Don't require lights to improve my aura thank you..........what makes you assume I ever take anything seriously.....???? :D

Back in your hole toady..... :).......Merry Christmas.... :D

Edited by 473geo
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There is a scam running in some of the bars near Sukumvit - the girls approach you and talk with you after a few drinks you take them back to your room for sex and in the morning they want money - I think they are prostitutes and that's illegal in Thailand so do not pay just run away.

Is that really a scam or is is just a case of some farangs being so naive that when the bar girls yell to them "hello, sexy man" they take it as evidence of their ability to sweep women off their feet?

Edited by OriginalPoster
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There is a scam running in some of the bars near Sukumvit - the girls approach you and talk with you after a few drinks you take them back to your room for sex and in the morning they want money - I think they are prostitutes and that's illegal in Thailand so do not pay just run away.

Is that really a scam or is is just a case of some farangs being so naive that when the bar girls yell to them "hello, sexy man" they take it as evidence of their ability to sweep women off their feet?

I did not realise I was so attractive till I moved to LOS, I now realise however that I am very Hansum, Super Intelligent and a fabulous lover.

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8. Bar girls/go-go dancers: They operate in all the bars in the aforementioned areas. Some are very attractive and all will tell you how handsome you are. If you decide to take one of these girls back to your room for sex you can be assured that they will then demand money. As "kenallday" mentioned prostitution is illegal in Thailand so under no circumstances should you give them money. I recommend that you immediately call the police and let them sort it out.

Or alternatively I recommend you marry them, move to a village about 100 kilometres from the nearest western style toilet, convince yourself that when you stroll round the village the locals are laughing at you because you're a "quirky farang" rather than the fact that your wife is being knocked off by her "brother" every afternoon at 4pm and losing 10k baht a day playing hi-lo with her mates behind the temple, revel in the fact that the person who you intend to spend the rest of your life with comes out with in depth opinions such as "You bad maak maak" and " You no love me no more", once again bail out her pissed up cousin from the local nick who borrowed (without permission natch) the Isuzu pick up you bought and stacked it into a parked car, endure 3 days of "the little woman" not talking to you due to being a basket case, open a hair salon for her which lasts all of 3 months because it's less about cutting hair and more a place for her and her mates to sit and natter all day and then drink yourself to death on the cheapest beer and spirits you can find trying to tell yourself this is all a terrible nightmare and you'll wake up soon.

Merry Christmas Everybody!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D


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Don't require lights to improve my aura thank you..........what makes you assume I ever take anything seriously.....???? :D

Back in your hole toady..... :).......Merry Christmas.... :D

:D I'm back in hole. :D Merry Christmas :D

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8. Bar girls/go-go dancers: They operate in all the bars in the aforementioned areas. Some are very attractive and all will tell you how handsome you are. If you decide to take one of these girls back to your room for sex you can be assured that they will then demand money. As "kenallday" mentioned prostitution is illegal in Thailand so under no circumstances should you give them money. I recommend that you immediately call the police and let them sort it out.

Or alternatively I recommend you marry them, move to a village about 100 kilometres from the nearest western style toilet, convince yourself that when you stroll round the village the locals are laughing at you because you're a "quirky farang" rather than the fact that your wife is being knocked off by her "brother" every afternoon at 4pm and losing 10k baht a day playing hi-lo with her mates behind the temple, revel in the fact that the person who you intend to spend the rest of your life with comes out with in depth opinions such as "You bad maak maak" and " You no love me no more", once again bail out her pissed up cousin from the local nick who borrowed (without permission natch) the Isuzu pick up you bought and stacked it into a parked car, endure 3 days of "the little woman" not talking to you due to being a basket case, open a hair salon for her which lasts all of 3 months because it's less about cutting hair and more a place for her and her mates to sit and natter all day and then drink yourself to death on the cheapest beer and spirits you can find trying to tell yourself this is all a terrible nightmare and you'll wake up soon.

Merry Christmas Everybody!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D

very funny :) but sadly more the norm than the exception

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