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Senseless Thai Myths


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They are common throughout the world I guess. A guy I used to work with once told me he never plugged in his new car in winter time (block heater, keeps the motor oil from thickening) because it would get used to it and he'd have to keep doing this afterwards. :o

A while ago, I was looking at some pictures I took at the beach and upon seeing a bald farang on a picture, a Thai teacher said " He eats too much cheese! I asked, "How do you know?" She replied, " That's why he's bald". :D

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They are common throughout the world I guess. A guy I used to work with once told me he never plugged in his new car in winter time (block heater, keeps the motor oil from thickening) because it would get used to it and he'd have to keep doing this afterwards. :o

A while ago, I was looking at some pictures I took at the beach and upon seeing a bald farang on a picture, a Thai teacher said " He eats too much cheese! I asked, "How do you know?" She replied, " That's why he's bald".  :D

I love cheese and am as bald as a coot.

Don't mock the Thai teacher. His explanation is as good as any I have heard.

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I love cheese and am as bald as a coot.

Don't mock the Thai teacher. His explanation is as good as any I have heard.

I like cheese, when I can get it. Maybe that explains why I'm only half-bald ?

Ask the Thai teacher what to eat to regain the hair !

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I love cheese and am as bald as a coot.

Don't mock the Thai teacher. His explanation is as good as any I have heard.

I like cheese, when I can get it. Maybe that explains why I'm only half-bald ?

Ask the Thai teacher what to eat to regain the hair !

Another case of 'you are what you eat?' Then again, my feathers are moulting as well :o Cheese! (er, Cheers!)

Anyways, a friend was placing his laundry in a bag recently and also threw in some clothes hangers for the 'ironing' garmets. His GF bolted across the room and pulled the hangers out - insisting if he placed the hangers in the same bag as his laundry, apparently they will 'come inside his body'... (???)

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So far, penzman's second example sounds purely sensible.

My ex told me that I had grey hairs because I ate cheese
I love cheese, too. I'm nearly bald, and what's left is 100% gray. :o:D
Pregnant Laos ladies aren't meant to eat honey or the baby will just slip out when walking along.

I love that one, too..........Oops!! :D

Edited by Ajarn
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The most commone myth i hear is the one where a Thai person will say "meet you at 6"

(substitute any time for 6). Citties may be different but not met anyone who can live up to that myth here. :o


That's because they are thinking in THAI TIME versus FARANG TIME.

However, I must honestly say that is one thing my Thai GF is good about. If she says 7:00 P.M. that's when she shows. Even phones if she is going to be late. It comes from growing up with a Farang family. (Her mother was a live-in maid for an Aussie/Indian mix family, she grew up with the family children.)

But I admit that is a rarity in Thailand. (Just part of the culture you have to get used to.)


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I love cheese and am as bald as a coot.

Don't mock the Thai teacher. His explanation is as good as any I have heard.

It is a proven scientific fact that cheese does in fact make you bald.

A piece of cheese before bedtime is guaranteed to cause sleep depravation and whilst internened in this process a sufferer will lie in bed scratching their head causing hairs to fall out.

My second observation is is that a cat will lick your head if its bald, they dont do it if one has hair.

Its because your head tastes of cheese-CATS LIKE CHEESE I rest my case :D

Now you KNOW for sure

BALD TP- I like cats :o

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Suffer every now and again from gout.

The missus says its because I eat too much chicken,esp her chicken wings....something to do with eating joints of the bird or something.

Anyway now chicken is off menu for me.

###### I lover her spicy chicken wings.

I suppose I could own up and tell her its the Alcohol....but hey I suppose I can sacrifice chicken.


(here's an english one)

Eating lots of MARMITE will put hairs on your chest.

Have you told RDN or is it to late? :D

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the haircut on wednesday comes from some thai man a couple hundred jyears ago who wrote a long lenghty piece about proper behavior for thai men and thai women, just saw it somewhere actually its antique will look for it: what colour to wear each day; to bathe each day (that why thais shower so much), which direction to face when sleeping, etc ; also for how women should treat a man etc etc... it was on a different forum that i just happend upon... will now attempt to find it

for all the bald men: in israel we say that a cow licks you on the head it helps regrow the hair;; had lots of men coming to the dairy to get slobbered on: random chance this your chance to make $$$: rent a tongue!

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the haircut on wednesday comes from some thai man a couple hundred jyears ago who wrote a long lenghty piece about proper behavior for thai men and thai women, just saw it somewhere actually its antique will look for it: what colour to wear each day; to bathe each day (that why thais shower so much), which direction to face when sleeping, etc ; also for how women should treat a man etc etc... it was on a different forum that i just happend upon... will now attempt to find it

What I've heard from Barbers over the years is that it has to do with some 'wan phra' kinda thing, but most barbers ignore that now. It wasn't that way when I first moved here. Then, you'd have a very tough time finding a place open on wed....

The sleeping direction has to do with Buddhism, it seems, from what I've been told. Facing the west (tawan tok) signifies death and is considered by some to be bad luck. I've always thought death was bad luck, too, so I make sure I'm facing the other way.... I think north is ideal, but I can't remember the reasoning why...

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The British army breaking step when marching over bridges is another one. It is unfounded and stems from one march over the river irwell in manchester which collapsed. Everafter the troops would break step on Bridges.

Another Thai one I have heard is that only monks can become enlightened, as you have to be following 227 rules before you can attain nibbana. If they had read some of those rules they would know how laughable that is.

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Shave the baby's head (at a couple of months old) or it will be stubborn (explains a lot I think).  :o

Well this doesn't work. My son's head was shaved and he is still the most stubborn child I have ever met!

I refused to let them cut his eyelashes - apparently it makes them thicker..

Oh and I also refused to boil up the bit of umbilical cord that comes off the belly button and give him the resulting water to drink to cure a stomach ache :D

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well, i'm still obsessing about where i saw that ancient writing containing many of the basis for thai behavior (and superstition etc) today and ran across this which doesnt explain much but added some things to the list: i thought it was cute only realized on second reading that she had 'stolen' it form the b. post.... and it still doesnt answer my question with the wednesday thing....

Voice from a Thai girl

Superstition in Thailand


Full List of Diary

previous day's entry Date: 10 June 2002 

My mood today

Sawasdee Kha,

I have found this interesting article in Bangkok Post. Let me share with you.


Thais have some superstitious beliefs that foreigners may find interesting.

Not all Thais are superstitious. Those who are tend to be selective when it comes to believing in supernatural things while those who aren't still hold on to certain beliefs. The purpose of this article is not to convince readers into believing them but hopefully, it can be used as a topic in conversations with your Thai friends.

Thais associate numbers with various activities. As a rule, people believe that 9 represents progress. The reason is that the Thai pronunciation of the number rhymes with the Thai word that means ``step''. It implies the idea of Kow nah or progress. For example, after a hotel renovates one of its wings, the management may plan a reopening ceremony for the wing. A ribbon-cutting ceremony might be scheduled at the auspicious time of 09.09 am by poo yai (senior executives or respected guests such as Bangkok's governor).

On the other hand, 6 is not a lucky number since the Thai pronunciation of the number is a homonym to ``fall''. Therefore, some people tend to avoid holding an important ceremony at a time associated with 6.

If you have a chance to visit a Thai house, you might see a tiny replica of a house in the garden. The sarn pra poom or spirit house is not built for birds as some foreigners assume. It is based on the belief that land and property have a guardian spirit (jao tee). When a person moves into a new house, he is supposed to pay respect and also take good care of the guardian spirit by buying him a sarn pra poom. Whenever he makes merit (tam boon) in the house, a small set of food is offered to the spirit as well.

While the food prepared for the spirit is the same food the house owner or his guests eat, it will not be eaten later by the people. The whole idea is that as long as you take good care and pay respect to the spirit, he will take good care of the property and people living in it.

For a house with a garden, the owner might plant some trees with names associated with luck. For example, the owner might plant ma yom (a small fruit with a very sour taste), as it is believed to bring the owner admiration in the workplace. The reason is that ni yom means admiration and yom can be the abbreviation of the word. In the backyard, the owner might grow jackfruit, pronounced ka noon. ``Noon'' can be viewed as an abbreviation of sa nab sa noon (support). Hence, the owner of the house will get support in the office.

Every house has a number of Jing jok or lizards although we do not raise them. They live on small bugs around the house.

An old belief is that when one is about to step out from the house and a lizard falls from the ceiling in front of him, something unlucky or unpleasant might happen that day. As well, if your eyelid twitches, it is considered an bad omen. Something undesirable might happen.

Many people believe that Wednesday is not a good day to have a haircut though there is no clear explanation to it apart from that people traditionally associate some events with certain days. They believe that a haircut on Wednesday will make you look ugly. That explains why some barbershops and hair salons close on this particular day.

People with strong beliefs in superstition will tell those without mai chua ya lop loo (If you don't believe, don't disrespect). It is like a warning that if you don't believe in or laugh at it, you might experience negative consequences. Hence, many Thais who do not believe certain superstitious beliefs will just keep silent and avoid making outright statements to the person who follows superstitious practices.


See you tomorrow.

Take care,



Contact me :[email protected]


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I'm sure you've all heard of this one,

It's unlucky to get your haircut on a Wednesday  :D

And the fingernails... but this day keeps changing, I can never keep up... :D

My wife will not wash her hair during her period, she say's it will make it stop for a few days... also no drinking chilled water during her period, this will also stop her period and give her a migrane.. :o

totster :D

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three hours of obsessive net tracking.....and

i found the reference believe it or jnot from a thai blog maybe it is someone from thai visa?... its from a reference to a poet named:sunthorn pu who wrote a thingy called 'how to be a thai gentleman'... at least according to the poster- one richard, a teacher in samut prakan so if he is here somewhere he can elaborate.... dont know how i got there but i did so:

lists the colours thing

the days thing

the shower/bathing thing

spitting at animals etc

which direction to face etc....

jai yen yen

the page is protected so couldnt quote it here... but would like now to know where the (antique) poet (1700's)got this all from (as 'richard' said that the poet was using ethics that were written in an even older book.) and i am obsessive about weird things like this/

this is for thai ancient history people to answer; maybe the answer to the talc on the face (nuther thread in budhism)can be found here also (the man must bathe and then sprinkle scented water on himself while saying something good and he will have a good day"....

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