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Anyone Got An Opinion On Irvine Wesh Novels?

Ikky Plush

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What about Irvine Welsh novels?  Any opinions?

Choose us. Choose life. Choose mortgage payments; choose washing machines; choose cars; choose sitting oan a couch watching mind-numbing and spirit-crushing game shows, stuffing fukcin junk food intae yir mooth. Choose rotting away, pishing and shiteing yersel in a home, a total fukcin embarrassment tae the selfish, fukced-up brats ye've produced. Choose life.

Essential reading.

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Trainspotting was an awesome book, acid house had some ok stories in it, but the others I read of his hardly memorable at all. Trainspotting definately his masterpiece.

Quite agree - Essential reading.

Edited by bkkmadness
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Trainspotting was a classic.

Porno was one of the funniest books I have ever read.

Means more to me as I used to live in Leith and was exactly like a couple of the characters.

Choose Life. Choose a job. Choose a career. Choose a family. Choose a ######ing big television, choose washing machines, cars, compact disc players and electrical tin openers. Choose good health, low cholesterol, and dental insurance. Choose fixed interest mortage repayments. Choose a starter home. Choose your friends. Choose leisurewear and matching luggage. Choose a three-piece suite on hire purchase in a range of ######ing fabrics. Choose DIY and wondering who the ###### you are on a Sunday morning. Choose sitting on that couch watching mind-numbing, spirit-crushing game shows, stuffing ######ing junk food into your mouth. Choose rotting away at the end of it all, pishing your last in a miserable home, nothing more than an embarrassment to the selfish, ######ed up brats you spawned to replace yourself.

Choose your future.

Choose life.

But why would I want do that when I have heroin?????????

Edited by Neeranam
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I have read all his books. Trainspotting was a great one. The Acid House as bkk said. Some good stories. the Marabro(sp) Stork was a strange book. I really like Filth it was a bit different. Porno also a great book. I have enjoyed reading them all. If you havent read them already. I would suggest that you do.

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Yes, Trainspotting is a great book :D I read it right after it was published and in fact imported a copy by mail from UK as it hadn't been released in the US.

Being American, when I tell a Brit I've read the book they inevidably ask, "Did you understand it?". And the answer is "yes" because my long time best friend is from Edinburgh :D We shared flats in Saudi in the early eighties and see each other every few years. I learned a lot about life in Edinburgh from him and picked up on some of slang and also the language as he has a fairly broad accent - which he's learned to modify through the years :o So I identify a lot with some of the characters and social issues in the book. I just read Porno last year and it wasn't as good - difficult to live up to Trainspotting - but still enjoyed it.


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I have read most of his work and Glue is his masterpiece for me...with Trainspotting coming as second...

On the other hand...Porno is just redundant and topical


I forgot about Glue. Great book also. It seems so long since i read most of them. They are my parents loft in Scotland. Only got Porno here with me. Might have to have a look out for the others again. Anyone know wher to buy in Bangkok. I've seen Porno for sale at Villa but i have already got that one.

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Trainspotting is a great book. For me the film was a disappointment as it turned an anti hero into a hero In the book Rentboy was an evil bastard. It also has humour running all the way through it, a lot of it based on the use of Edinburgh dialect.

Filth, I found very disturbing. Glue, I couldn't finish, but thats me.

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I have read most of his work and Glue is his masterpiece for me...with Trainspotting coming as second...

On the other hand...Porno is just redundant and topical


I forgot about Glue. Great book also. It seems so long since i read most of them. They are my parents loft in Scotland. Only got Porno here with me. Might have to have a look out for the others again. Anyone know wher to buy in Bangkok. I've seen Porno for sale at Villa but i have already got that one.

I've only seen 'Porno' for sale in Thailand. Bought mine from the 'Asia Books' section of bookshop in Udon near Charoensi complex.

Reading 'Filth' now. Got to have balls to write a book like this. Love it or hate it it's different.

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True enough, I thought Filth was absolutely horrible. I could see it was an interestingly written book but found the whole thing, well, filthy. Certainly not my cup of tea.

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