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Calling All Internet Geeks In Chiang Mai!

Drew Aitch

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This is a request to call all internet geeks out there in Chiang Mai. We all know by now who the 'bad' guys are when it comes to crap internet speed and reliability, but I was just wondering whether there was a way to get a great connection wherever you happened to be living in the city.

I was speaking to a fella a short while ago, and he said that he'd moved to the outskirts of Chiang Mai and was having a lot of connectivity issues with his new ISP. He then went on to say that he stuck an external antenna on the outside of his home to boost the signal, and hey presto! He's a happy camper once again.

I can't remember his ISP, but if this is a doable option, then surely it would be mean that anyone living in the greater CM area could sign up to say the popular AIS 3G USB Modem. Having access to this high-speed wireless set up would mean folks are not limited to the services provided by the condominium block or apartment building. More often than not, many of these are overpriced and substandard, especially the wireless packages that dominate some buildings.

Any tips on this or other ways to avoid the poor services much appreciated. I'd really like to move in the New Year, but worry about losing my High Speed Internet which has been with me and stable for the past 3 years. Looking at new pads only in those areas which are covered by TRUE really limits choices for new accommodation.

Thanks in advance


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It WOULD be nice to know, Aitch. As it stands now the internet at my hotel on Sri Ping Mueng road is totally frustrating. The so called "high speed ADSL" is minutely faster than dial up back home, but it goes off and on all the time. It's totally unreliable. Monday mornings are hopeless. I'm restricted to off hours if I want any reliable service. I thought it was all Thailand where it was poor, and I just didn't expect anything much different. It totally amazes me that Thailand hasn't joined the modern world for this service that now runs most industrial worlds. I don't like to complain about anything I have no power over, but this is ridiculous.

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I changed to Maxnet Premium about 6 months ago and Im very pleased with it. Before I struggled with slow connection with Indy package for couple years now at least its consistent. Uploading is still slow.

My test results sec ago (same as it seems to be all the time). http://speedtest.net/

2.59 Mb/s 0.43 Mb/s Ping 25 ms

I leave on Suthep road near CMU btw. (which is great as I can also get WE TV cable :)

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I changed to Maxnet Premium about 6 months ago and Im very pleased with it. Before I struggled with slow connection with Indy package for couple years now at least its consistent. Uploading is still slow.

This is my main concern. Upload is more important than download for me which is why i need a good connection. Just about everywhere you go will give you a cheeky thumbs up when you as about internet, but this might be more to do with telling folks what they want to hear rather than what is actually the case.

Of course, one persons perception can be quite different to another depending on how they use the internet and with what frequency.



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I changed to Maxnet Premium about 6 months ago and Im very pleased with it. Before I struggled with slow connection with Indy package for couple years now at least its consistent. Uploading is still slow.

My test results sec ago (same as it seems to be all the time). http://speedtest.net/

2.59 Mb/s 0.43 Mb/s Ping 25 ms

I leave on Suthep road near CMU btw. (which is great as I can also get WE TV cable :)

Just as a comparison I get same upload but faster download on Maxnet Indy (is it still called that??)

in central CM

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external antenna's can help both for local WIFI(802.11x) and CDMA/3G signals.

if your just talking Wifi connections then easy to buy a USB or externally powered 802.11x antenna booster.

If your talking 3G then its possible to connect your receiver to a satelite dish etc as a way to boost your signal strength from a 3G source antenna. You would not be able for example to use your existing UBC dish and still keep your TV programming. Could only use a dish for one thing at a time because of dish orientation and as far as I know the receivers can't be multitasked.

You would first want to determine the existing signal strength at your proposed remote location. The closest source 3G provider antenna. Compare the difference between the maximum possible provided signal and remote location signal. From that you could determine if an antenna would help you at a given location.

Not sure if its legal to do in Thailand but it's definitely been done around the world and easy to search for DIY tutorials with google.

it would not be a plug and play non techie solution. Does anyone know if the existing 3G receiver boxes have a consumer accessible external antenna port? If not then some solder connections might be required.

It's an interesting question that fortunately I don't have to consider since my TOT DSL is screaming faster than I can find content to download.

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There is only one Provider antenna for 3G so far and thats in Muang mai

And the frequency the Thai are using is 950 MHz so a dish is not usable here Normal 3G is 2200 MHz and has a range about 6Km but the Thai version is 950 MHZ and covers about 25 KM from the station. But a Yagi looks like a very small Tv antenna and can be bought at HAM SHOP 1 Behind wat pra sing.

cost 1500 Bath.

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I changed to Maxnet Premium about 6 months ago and Im very pleased with it. Before I struggled with slow connection with Indy package for couple years now at least its consistent. Uploading is still slow.

My test results sec ago (same as it seems to be all the time). http://speedtest.net/

2.59 Mb/s 0.43 Mb/s Ping 25 ms

I leave on Suthep road near CMU btw. (which is great as I can also get WE TV cable :)

Agree with this, I did the same thing. Upgraded to 3B (TT&T), whatever their name is now, and it has made a huge difference. I can Skype to the USA anytime of the day with great results and can download a movie (750MB) during the middle of the day in about 1 hour 20 minutes. For 1,100 baht, I'm very satisfied. And hardly ever an outage. I'm very satisfied, but of course your millage might (will) vary.

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I changed to Maxnet Premium about 6 months ago and Im very pleased with it. Before I struggled with slow connection with Indy package for couple years now at least its consistent. Uploading is still slow.

This is my main concern. Upload is more important than download for me which is why i need a good connection. Just about everywhere you go will give you a cheeky thumbs up when you as about internet, but this might be more to do with telling folks what they want to hear rather than what is actually the case.

Of course, one persons perception can be quite different to another depending on how they use the internet and with what frequency.



yes i got pretty much same thing... i need more uploading... with ftp its slow, but i found dropbox www.dropbox.com very helpful when im sharing files with my clients, friends or just sending around Im using dropbox and then just link from there.

I do have the 3G usb modem as well but I havent used it for 6 months now as I do need to work on multiple computers etc...

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I changed to Maxnet Premium about 6 months ago and Im very pleased with it. Before I struggled with slow connection with Indy package for couple years now at least its consistent. Uploading is still slow.

My test results sec ago (same as it seems to be all the time). http://speedtest.net/

2.59 Mb/s 0.43 Mb/s Ping 25 ms

I leave on Suthep road near CMU btw. (which is great as I can also get WE TV cable :)

Just as a comparison I get same upload but faster download on Maxnet Indy (is it still called that??)

in central CM

yes i did get that speed with indy occasionally. the problem with indy was that it was not consistent. 6-9pm it got very slow. now with premium i cant see any difference what time of the day it is. its not fast but its consistent.

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  • 1 month later...

Hello Aitch,

Ive been on ToT for 3 years. 3 gig,

600ish thb a month.

Downloading at 280kbps as i type. movies in 40 mins. nice. Upload.. dunno.

Might be good bandwidth out here in the moobaan belt because the neighbours dont know how to torrent yet!


I havent carried a mobile phone in 6 years, or enabled my wireless on the router... having 3G beamed out at you is not something i would consider safe...

Edited by whiterussian
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