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Thaksin Poised To Become Adviser For Sri Lanka


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There are only one kind of strict human rights in the PRC. Absolutely prohibited.

The poster relates that the PRChinese businessmen considered the PAD "no better than the BNP in england [sic]" which is pretty clear since the poster relates the PRChinese businessmen's view of the BNP as "racist working class <deleted> and the PAD middle class racist <deleted>." Racist BNP working class "<deleted>" would not have human rights as their strong suit either. (No doubt the poster added some of his own choice words to the statements by the PRChinese businessmen.)

Either way, I don't think there's any doubt as to the meaning here.

Not really. What political party in Thailand is advocating human rights? (And when I say this I mean a party that will come good on their promises) If any political party were to do this then the rich and powerful would begin to lose theirs.

I don’t know any government in the history of the world that’s just given out human rights; people have had to fight and even spill blood to get them. I know it’s an extremely draconian way to get things done, but I’m afraid in Thailand it’s the only way things will ever change.

Sad but true.

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Love him or hate him you have to admire this guy, he is larger than life.

And the biggest thorn in the side of the current government by far. :D

A fossilized brontosuarus turd is larger than life too,

can't say i want it visiting me either.

He is motivated by 'appearances of being of great importance',

and is willing to spend foolishly to gain that appearance.

I was speaking to some very well educated chinese businessman in kuala lumpur and they said their network of friends followed the thaksin/PAD saga and that they actually backed thaksin more than this government as thaksin was more open and did alot more for the country and the poor and realised that problems were thai not blame on others like farang. Also they stated that PAD seemed to want thailand to be same as china with very strict human rights etc.. etc.. They actully felt the pad was no better than the BNP in england the only difference being BNP are racist working class <deleted> and PAD are middle class racist <deleted>. Would like to hear view of other nations in asia and not the usual farangs on here!

Ok this was just one group of businessman from china but maybe these feeling are more widespread???

".........to be the same as China with very strict human rights.........." :)

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Love him or hate him you have to admire this guy, he is larger than life.

And the biggest thorn in the side of the current government by far. :)

A fossilized brontosuarus turd is larger than life too,

can't say i want it visiting me either.

He is motivated by 'appearances of being of great importance',

and is willing to spend foolishly to gain that appearance.

I was speaking to some very well educated chinese businessman in kuala lumpur and they said their network of friends followed the thaksin/PAD saga and that they actually backed thaksin more than this government as thaksin was more open and did alot more for the country and the poor and realised that problems were thai not blame on others like farang. Also they stated that PAD seemed to want thailand to be same as china with very strict human rights etc.. etc.. They actully felt the pad was no better than the BNP in england the only difference being BNP are racist working class <deleted> and PAD are middle class racist <deleted>. Would like to hear view of other nations in asia and not the usual farangs on here!

Ok this was just one group of businessman from china but maybe these feeling are more widespread???

I was in KL recently and there certainly is an undercurrent of feeling that Thailand should grow up and deal with its problems rather than blame the farang or Thaksin as automatic responses. A feeling also that the Thai will never take resonsibilty for his action. I am not saying that there is no corruption in Malaysia but it is Thailand's biggest problem and the cause of its many other ills. And what is being done ?

Alot of malaysians think thailand is a very racist country!!!! how true!!!

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No appointment of Thaksin as adviser : Sri Lanka

By The Nation

Sri Lanka's Foreign Ministry denied a report that former Thailand Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra has been appointed its economic advisor.

"The government would like to categorically deny the information that Thaksin Shinawatra will be appointed as an economic advisor", a Colombo foreign ministry statement said.

Sri Lankan Foreign Minister Rohitha Bogollagama had telephoned his Thai counterpart Kasit Piromya on Wednesday regarding the matter, the statement added.

Thaksin's brother-in-law Somchai Wongsawat claimed on Wednesday that Colombo will name Thaksin as an adviser to the government.

Earlier Colombo-based Daily Mirror online quoted Sri Lanka's Deputy Finance Minister Sarath Amunugama as saying that he is not aware of any such move.

"I don't know about such a move. Such a move would be unlikely taking into consideration his background," he said.

Somchai, also a prime minister, called on the government not to be overly concerned about the move, alluding to the retaliatory measures when Thaksin became the adviser to Cambodia last month.

He said Thaksin working for Cambodian and Sri Lanka should not be seen as harmful to the security of Thailand.

In the past couple of months, Thaksin revealed he made two trips to Sri Lanka.

Cambodia's appointment of Thaksin as an economic adviser in November has sunk the bilateral ties with Thailand recalling its ambassador and first secretary and suspending many financial assistance projects.


-- The Nation 2009/12/31


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It now appears the news that T was being appointed (financial) adviser to SL gov't was false. Good on Sri Lanka. It not only squashed the rumor, it did so with aplomb...

Earlier Colombo-based Daily Mirror online quoted Sri Lanka's Deputy Finance Minister Sarath Amunugama as saying that he is not aware of any such move.

"I don't know about such a move. Such a move would be unlikely taking into consideration his background," he said.

Sri Lankan leaders, as many of us ThaiVisaites, can see Thaksin for what he is: a pompous megalomaniac with a penchant for lying and not paying taxes - not the sort of character you'd want advising you on financial matters. Sri Lanka saves face, T loses yet more. What will be T's first publicity ploy for 2010? There are still a few places which have not been reported as having a request by the Shinawatras for asylum and respect in exchange for big money: Bhutan, North Korea, Easter Island, and Iceland come to mind.

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It now appears the news that T was being appointed (financial) adviser to SL gov't was false. Good on Sri Lanka. It not only squashed the rumor, it did so with aplomb...
Earlier Colombo-based Daily Mirror online quoted Sri Lanka's Deputy Finance Minister Sarath Amunugama as saying that he is not aware of any such move.

"I don't know about such a move. Such a move would be unlikely taking into consideration his background," he said.

Sri Lankan leaders, as many of us ThaiVisaites, can see Thaksin for what he is: a pompous megalomaniac with a penchant for lying and not paying taxes - not the sort of character you'd want advising you on financial matters. Sri Lanka saves face, T loses yet more. What will be T's first publicity ploy for 2010? There are still a few places which have not been reported as having a request by the Shinawatras for asylum and respect in exchange for big money: Bhutan, North Korea, Easter Island, and Iceland come to mind.

The Sri lankan leaders have already said there is no truth in the report published in Bangkok Post. So their comment on how they see Thaksin is a non-starter. Just you speculating.

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Their comment:

....Sri Lanka's Deputy Finance Minister Sarath Amunugama....

"I don't know about such a move.

Such a move would be unlikely taking into consideration his background," he said.

In diplomatic speak, that Thaksin would understand clearly,

is a well rounded slap across his thick face, in no uncertain terms

and most worthy of commentary by any of us in TVF.

Edited by animatic
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Wonder what he's advising on? IF insurgency, he failed miserably in Thailand's case and in fact did everything he could to destablise the situation in the south, after it had gradually been calmed by strategies put in place by Gen Prem and maintained by every PM until Thaksin.

Unfortunately the facts and history are quite different from your claim. Your position assumes that the governments all had control over the military and that the military followed orders. I believe that with the exception of the recent military junta that ran Thailand, the military has followed its own strategy in the south. It doesn't matter if it was Thaksin or Abhisit, the army decides. I don't think you have much to go on if you are going to argue that the army listens to the civilian government as the army says it answers to a higher power. I suggest you read up on that.

You obviously haven't followed the history of the disquiet in the south in much detail. Prem established the army security command in the south while he was prime minister. Successive administrations maintained the same command structure, but always had the option to change it around. When Pol Lt Col Thaksin bought himself into office, he did just that, replacing the successful army command with a national police command made up of his former cronies. That's when the peace came apart. I suggest you read up on that.

Edited by SpoliaOpima
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The Sri Lankan government could save a lot of money by simply reading two chapters in Chang Noi's collection of columns, "How to Buy a Country" and "How to Sell a Country."

The author offers 10 points of advice on how to buy a country, based on Thaksin Shinawatra's tactics, such as obtain a monopoly, wait for an economic crisis, acquire a savvy marketing team, plaster posters of yourself all over the country. Most important: "Buy every politician not nailed down. This is where point 2 (waiting for a crisis) really starts to pay off. Many will be hard-up or deeply in debt. Many will be rightly worried about their own personal safety if they fail to keep up the usual payments to their armies of hangers-on."

As for selling the country, Thaksin again exercises 10 options. "Have a core business in which the profit level is ultimately determined by government rules rather than market competition … Sabotage the regulatory environment. Delay calls for market liberalisation. Even improve your own concession terms if you're feeling ambitious." And, of course, stomp any possible sources of criticism: TV channels, newspapers, radio stations. "Harass NGOs. Ridicule intellectuals. Intimidate everybody with a lethal anti-drug campaign. Strew the country with defamation suits. Pour scorn on democracy, rights, and the rule of law."

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Or maybe Sri Lanka bailed on Mr. Thaksin? The Sri Lankan government isn't known for its, umm how can one politely put it, integrity? Maybe Sri Lanka used Mr. Thaksin, or maybe just maybe, there will be dealings and it will be hush hush, wink wink.

My personal advice to Mr. Thaksin would be to be quiet and stay low for a few months, and let people calm down. However, I am not one of his buddies, so, I'll just hush. :)

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The Sri Lankan government could save a lot of money by simply reading two chapters in Chang Noi's collection of columns, "How to Buy a Country" and "How to Sell a Country."

The author offers 10 points of advice on how to buy a country, based on Thaksin Shinawatra's tactics, such as obtain a monopoly, wait for an economic crisis, acquire a savvy marketing team, plaster posters of yourself all over the country. Most important: "Buy every politician not nailed down. This is where point 2 (waiting for a crisis) really starts to pay off. Many will be hard-up or deeply in debt. Many will be rightly worried about their own personal safety if they fail to keep up the usual payments to their armies of hangers-on."

As for selling the country, Thaksin again exercises 10 options. "Have a core business in which the profit level is ultimately determined by government rules rather than market competition … Sabotage the regulatory environment. Delay calls for market liberalisation. Even improve your own concession terms if you're feeling ambitious." And, of course, stomp any possible sources of criticism: TV channels, newspapers, radio stations. "Harass NGOs. Ridicule intellectuals. Intimidate everybody with a lethal anti-drug campaign. Strew the country with defamation suits. Pour scorn on democracy, rights, and the rule of law."

It's a lifestyle choice! Not.

Spot on comments S.O.

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Or maybe Sri Lanka bailed on Mr. Thaksin? The Sri Lankan government isn't known for its, umm how can one politely put it, integrity? Maybe Sri Lanka used Mr. Thaksin, or maybe just maybe, there will be dealings and it will be hush hush, wink wink.

My personal advice to Mr. Thaksin would be to be quiet and stay low for a few months, and let people calm down. However, I am not one of his buddies, so, I'll just hush. :)

I'd think this possibility, that the SR government bailed on Thaksin is more likely the case. As has been pointed out, the SR government-military-business elites could have got some gain from having Thaksin around. Thaksin could have been a go-between for SR, India and the PRC in business and politics. He would have further fattened the bank accounts of the fellow tyrant president who is up for (a guaranteed) election and could have shown the guy some schemes to further use government office to increase profits/loot of his enterprises. 

A backing off by Colombo probably would indicate SR decided against walking into a Thai-Cambodian style diplomatic imbroglio which, if the case, would reflect well on Abhisit's decision to break relations with Cambodia and cancel certain agreements. And while Thaksin doing business with India per se is one thing, Thaksin doing business in SR on India's front doorstep might well be something else.

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There are only one kind of strict human rights in the PRC. Absolutely prohibited.

The poster relates that the PRChinese businessmen considered the PAD "no better than the BNP in england [sic]" which is pretty clear since the poster relates the PRChinese businessmen's view of the BNP as "racist working class <deleted> and the PAD middle class racist <deleted>." Racist BNP working class "<deleted>" would not have human rights as their strong suit either. (No doubt the poster added some of his own choice words to the statements by the PRChinese businessmen.)

Either way, I don't think there's any doubt as to the meaning here.

Not really. What political party in Thailand is advocating human rights? (And when I say this I mean a party that will come good on their promises) If any political party were to do this then the rich and powerful would begin to lose theirs.

I don't know any government in the history of the world that's just given out human rights; people have had to fight and even spill blood to get them. I know it's an extremely draconian way to get things done, but I'm afraid in Thailand it's the only way things will ever change.

Sad but true.

It's commonly recognized that the term human rights refers to much more than a political party delivering on its promises, both qualitatively and quantitatively. You misapply the term and quite so.

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There are only one kind of strict human rights in the PRC. Absolutely prohibited.

The poster relates that the PRChinese businessmen considered the PAD "no better than the BNP in england [sic]" which is pretty clear since the poster relates the PRChinese businessmen's view of the BNP as "racist working class <deleted> and the PAD middle class racist <deleted>." Racist BNP working class "<deleted>" would not have human rights as their strong suit either. (No doubt the poster added some of his own choice words to the statements by the PRChinese businessmen.)

Either way, I don't think there's any doubt as to the meaning here.

Not really. What political party in Thailand is advocating human rights? (And when I say this I mean a party that will come good on their promises) If any political party were to do this then the rich and powerful would begin to lose theirs.

have had to fight and even spill blood to get them. I know it's an extremely draconian way to get things done, but I'm afraid in Thailand it's the only way things will ever change.

Sad but true.

It's commonly recognized that the term human rights refers to much more than a political party delivering on its promises, both qualitatively and quantitatively. You misapply the term and quite so.

What??? PAD do nothing for human rights and niether would any other party here do so. That's my point.

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I couldn't help but notice that Thaksin, has in fact, not become an adviser for Sri Lanka...

You get these canards turning up here fairly regularly. The previous one was that he had changed his name. Seems to be just an opportunity to encourage some posters to vent their feelings.

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I couldn't help but notice that Thaksin, has in fact, not become an adviser for Sri Lanka...

You get these canards turning up here fairly regularly. The previous one was that he had changed his name. Seems to be just an opportunity to encourage some posters to vent their feelings.

Blame his brother-in-law for announcing it.

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Love him or hate him you have to admire this guy, he is larger than life.

And the biggest thorn in the side of the current government by far. :D

A fossilized brontosuarus turd is larger than life too,

can't say i want it visiting me either.

He is motivated by 'appearances of being of great importance',

and is willing to spend foolishly to gain that appearance.

I was speaking to some very well educated chinese businessman in kuala lumpur and they said their network of friends followed the thaksin/PAD saga and that they actually backed thaksin more than this government as thaksin was more open and did alot more for the country and the poor and realised that problems were thai not blame on others like farang. Also they stated that PAD seemed to want thailand to be same as china with very strict human rights etc.. etc.. They actully felt the pad was no better than the BNP in england the only difference being BNP are racist working class <deleted> and PAD are middle class racist <deleted>. Would like to hear view of other nations in asia and not the usual farangs on here!

Ok this was just one group of businessman from china but maybe these feeling are more widespread???

".........to be the same as China with very strict human rights.........." :)

QUOTE FROM ABOVE: "I was speaking to some very well educated chinese businessman in kuala lumpur and they said their network of friends followed the thaksin/PAD saga and that they actually backed thaksin more than this government as thaksin was more open and did alot more for the country and the poor and realised that problems were thai not blame on others like farang. Also they stated that PAD seemed to want thailand to be same as china with very strict human rights etc.. etc.. They actully felt the pad was no better than the BNP in england the only difference being BNP are racist working class <deleted> and PAD are middle class racist <deleted>. Would like to hear view of other nations in asia and not the usual farangs on here!

Ok this was just one group of businessman from china but maybe these feeling are more widespread???"

This is total crap. Sounds to me like a totally invented 'comment'.

Do you really think Chinese businessmen en masse are really interested in Thailands politics, do you really think Chinese businessmen are deeply knowledgeable about the PAD beliefs, etc ., etc. This is total rubbish.

As for Taxsin being a go-between between China and India, forget it. Taxsin is nothing more than just tolerated in China (You might like to remember that 18 months ago he was regularly in China and HK and making numerous political comments. Do you see the same thing today? NO! Why? Because he was told very clearly that he was banned from using mainland China or HK as a base for his political activities.)

China does it's own bidding. Chinese business negotiators, deal makers, government liaison people, etc., are all mainland Chinese, and they are highly capable people, they don't need or want non mainland Chinese in this picture.

And exactly the same comment in regard to India. You can make all sorts of observations about India but the reality is that it has some of the most clever business people in the world, do you really think they need someone like taxsin with all his baggage to 'help' them?

In fact it brings another question - is taxsin really seen as a world class clean businessman? I doubt it. Does he get invited to speak at any international highly credible economic, or other, events? NO.

Unless of course you count a three hour presentation to the economic beaurocrats in Cambodia, and the feedback was that he said nothing they didn't already know and practice.

Further, would you like to share some examples of how the PAD wanted Thailand to have very strict human rights like China.

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I couldn't help but notice that Thaksin, has in fact, not become an adviser for Sri Lanka...

You get these canards turning up here fairly regularly. The previous one was that he had changed his name. Seems to be just an opportunity to encourage some posters to vent their feelings.

Blame his brother-in-law for announcing it.

Thaksin's team make regualr announcements just to keep him in the media limelight. It deosnt matter whether they ar etrue or not they just get him PR and this is a PR war. It is all a game for the elite power groups to control the business of Thailand and keep their and their family coffers filled while tossing as little as possible to the people and anyone who thinks the Thaksin side isnt an elite power gropup well.....

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I couldn't help but notice that Thaksin, has in fact, not become an adviser for Sri Lanka...

You get these canards turning up here fairly regularly. The previous one was that he had changed his name. Seems to be just an opportunity to encourage some posters to vent their feelings.

Blame his brother-in-law for announcing it.

Reglar canards?

Well if it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck, but it comes from PTP,

it's likely a rat in feathers with a canned sound track.

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I couldn't help but notice that Thaksin, has in fact, not become an adviser for Sri Lanka...

You get these canards turning up here fairly regularly. The previous one was that he had changed his name. Seems to be just an opportunity to encourage some posters to vent their feelings.

Blame his brother-in-law for announcing it.

Reglar canards?

Well if it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck, but it comes from PTP,

it's likely a rat in feathers with a canned sound track.

:D Looks like it'll be an amusing New Year, for TVF-members, same same as before. :)

But how was former-PM Somchai misled into making such a statement, so quickly shown to be wrong, could there be a new epidemic of foot-in-mouth disease underway in Thailand ? :D

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I couldn't help but notice that Thaksin, has in fact, not become an adviser for Sri Lanka...

You get these canards turning up here fairly regularly. The previous one was that he had changed his name. Seems to be just an opportunity to encourage some posters to vent their feelings.

Blame his brother-in-law for announcing it.

Thaksin's team make regualr announcements just to keep him in the media limelight. It deosnt matter whether they ar etrue or not they just get him PR and this is a PR war. It is all a game for the elite power groups to control the business of Thailand and keep their and their family coffers filled while tossing as little as possible to the people and anyone who thinks the Thaksin side isnt an elite power gropup well.....

And the news media is stupid enough to fall for the trap everytime and rush it into headlines - and who really wants to hear about Thaksin everytime he f_arts or similar news flash.

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............Thaksin revealed he made two trips to Sri Lanka.

this means absolutey nothing. The rulers of Lanka are well educated and for sure they dont need a Thai to tell them how things work out.

It may be they need his money but for sure not his advise :)

For the sake of the most beautiful island on earth (and myself) I hope he will not move further south as Colombo :D

Why he not just retire on one of these artificia islands in Dubai and give us a rest

Edited by moskito
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I couldn't help but notice that Thaksin, has in fact, not become an adviser for Sri Lanka...

You get these canards turning up here fairly regularly. The previous one was that he had changed his name. Seems to be just an opportunity to encourage some posters to vent their feelings.

Blame his brother-in-law for announcing it.

Thaksin's team make regualr announcements just to keep him in the media limelight. It deosnt matter whether they ar etrue or not they just get him PR and this is a PR war. It is all a game for the elite power groups to control the business of Thailand and keep their and their family coffers filled while tossing as little as possible to the people and anyone who thinks the Thaksin side isnt an elite power gropup well.....

This would imply the Thaksin group controls the media and is able to publish there.


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I couldn't help but notice that Thaksin, has in fact, not become an adviser for Sri Lanka...

You get these canards turning up here fairly regularly. The previous one was that he had changed his name. Seems to be just an opportunity to encourage some posters to vent their feelings.

Blame his brother-in-law for announcing it.

Reglar canards?

Well if it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck, but it comes from PTP,

it's likely a rat in feathers with a canned sound track.

I think thats your problem. If it looks like a duck you immediately think it is.

Clever play on words, Animatic. But the reality is these "news" items are canards. First his name, and now advisor to Sri Lanka. Give us a break . we aren't all gullible folk on TV

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